Posts Tagged ‘the cub


The Cub Speaks!

The CubI can’t say I’ve been having many great days this month (as you might have noticed by the lack of posts), but I had a great moment yesterday, one that has made everything else worth it.

I’ve been trying to get The Cub to say a particular word. I’ve been pretty tenacious about it – making sure I repeat it and point to what it describes at least 5 times a day.

I think about two weeks ago she figured out exactly what the word meant and why I want her to say it because every time I said it to her, she got this naughty little grin and immediately clammed up.

Then yesterday, during a break I was taking from work (yes, I was working on a Sunday) I was doing something in the bedroom, the late-afternoon light streaming into the flat and turning everything golden, when J-Rab walked in holding The Cub and told her to say the word.

I turned around expectantly like I always do, hoping that this would be the time, and in her tiny baby voice my little girl grinned and said:




Ain’t that wonder.




The Cub Is 6 Months Old Today

2014-02-06 11.07.18So I want all of you guys, all of you crazy beautiful people who read this site to join me in wishing my little girl a happy half-year birthday! Can you believe how quickly it’s going by?! Yeah, me neither…

People ask me all the time how The Cub is, how J-Rab is and how we’re all doing as a family and I find myself at a complete loss for words. Mostly I just smile from ear to ear and tell them it’s been amazing in every way.

J-Rab and I still have moments where we stare in total wonder at this tiny human and can’t believe we actually made her.

Someone told me once that having children is the last true miracle there is.

I can’t put into words what it feels like to share the moments I do with my little girl. She has become so inexplicably intertwined in me that her joys have become my joys, as have her sorrows and I know it will be this way for the rest of my life.



So, to celebrate this little milestone, I thought I’d share some insights I’ve gained from the past six months of fatherhood (in no particular order).


1. People who don’t have babies live in mild terror that yours is going to shit while they’re holding it

I’ve lost count of the number of times friends of ours have been holding The Cub and she’s made a funny face that they immediately interpret as her pooping.

“Um, I think she’s making a poo…” they’ll say, trying to sound nonchalant when actually they’re deeply uncomfortable at the thought of holding your baby while it shits.

I know this because I used to be one of these people. I just smile and reassure them that if she was shitting, they’d know all about it because it would be pouring out of her nappy into their laps.

This is a lie, but man it gets an awesome reaction.



2. Other parents can be fucking weird

We don’t hang out with a lot of other parents because we’re almost the first in our circle of close friends to have a kid and though we’ve met other new parents in the interim, we see them very seldom.

Also, other parents can be fucking weird. This bizarre competitive streak comes out in them that blindsides you every time.

If your baby is sleeping through the night at 3 months, they’ll tell you theirs was at 1. If your baby started rolling over at 5 months, theirs started doing it at 3.

Conversely, if your baby cried solidly for the first 10 weeks, theirs cried solidly for the first 20.

You can’t win because they think their little bundle of joy is the centre of the entire goddamn universe, which is clearly a load of bullshit because ours is!



3. The internet is not your friend

I can’t stress this enough – DO NOT GOOGLE WEIRD THINGS THAT YOUR BABY IS DOING! Call the midwife instead and if that doesn’t alleviate your fears, have your baby checked by a legitimate doctor who will probably tell you that everything is (hopefully) fine.

For example, the Cub has a slight white discolouration in her right eye that we noticed a few weeks back. The Google prognosis? Cancer. The eye would have to be removed immediately.

J-Rab and I freaked the fuck out. Luckily we called the midwife who calmed us down and gave us the number of an ophthalmologist to call so we could have her eye properly examined.

Turns out it’s nothing to worry about at all. The pigment in babies’ eyes changes so drastically when they are small, sometimes a discolouration will occur because obviously your baby is magical and will most likely grow up with superpowers and become the most incredible human to ever exist.




4. Kiss afternoon naps goodbye

Yeah. This was a tough one for J-Rab and me, not because we are lazy bums who’d rather lie comatose from 2pm until it’s dark than do anything productive, but because from time to time, a cheeky little 2 hour afternoon nap on a lazy Sunday is just what the doctor ordered.

If you’re planning on having kids one day, please, PLEASE have lots of afternoon naps while you still can because holy shit, when you have a baby, they are just plain and simply NOT POSSIBLE.

When you’re trying to nap, baby is wide awake and chatting away. When the baby decides to go down, you hastily try to force a nap and just as you’re going down, the baby wakes up and is like “HEY-O! Play time bitches!”

We have had exactly 1 decent afternoon nap since becoming parents. That’s 1 nap in 6 months.

The horror… the horror…



5. The day your baby first smiles, you know. You just know.

That you’ll never be the same again. That the life you knew before you became a parent is over and that despite the fact that this little angel is now controlling every aspect of your new life, it’s fine.

It’s better than fine. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.

I don’t pretend to know what life is about and I’m often overwhelmed by bigger-picture conversations and have spent more hours than I think I could ever count trying to make sense of why we’re all here.

I always thought that my purpose was to create something incredible – to write something and get it published, whether it be a novel or a screenplay or a graphic novel or a TV show. To make something that would last forever.

I always thought this was my higher calling and valued it above even having a child because really, what was so special about having a kid? Anyone can do that, what’s the big deal?

It’s almost tragic how misguided I was. What’s the big deal?



You have a shitty day at work. Despite your best efforts, everything goes wrong. You get an earful from your boss, from your clients, you wonder what you’re doing here, what the point of it all is.

Your friends bail out on the plans you were trying to make on the weekend. You drive to the lunch place around the corner for a fat baguette sammie to sink your teeth into and find they’re all out. Your car’s clutch starts slipping on the way back and the service centre tells you you’re in for at least R3k to fix it.

You drive back home feeling despondent, defeated, like what’s the fucking point? Like nothing, nothing, is going your way.

And then you walk in through the front door and you see her and she breaks out in this huge, bashful gummy grin from ear to ear and everything in your life, every single goddamn thing is suddenly better.



It’s the last true miracle there is. Swear to God.

It’s the best thing we ever did Winking smile



The Tiger Family Photoshoot

6660267355_c1f8412e1e_oIf you have a baby, the golden rule is the minute that little bundle of poop joy can smile, you HAVE TO take him / her to a professional photographer and shell out a small fortune to have family pics taken.

If you don’t do this, print the pics out on canvas and block-mount them in the most visible place in your house, you are a total failure as a parent.

People will judge you, especially other parents who are pissed that they went ahead and dropped a couple of thou on their family photoshoot and you have the audacity not to follow suit.

When you’re a teenager you have to deal with peer pressure, which is bad enough, but once you’ve bred you graduate to “parent pressure”, which is about 1000 times worse.

J-Rab is smart as hell though and came up with a brilliant plan to get some amazing family photies without having to hire a professional photographer – hell, without even having to leave our flippin HOUSE YO!

We just set up her camera in our spare room, balanced it on some books, set the self-timer and fired away.

It worked well because we were totally relaxed and could take as many pics as we wanted. If you’re a new parent and have a half-decent camera, I would highly recommend going this route rather than hiring a pro.

Check it:








There were others I also loved but I’ll save them for Facebook. In fact, many would argue that this entire post should have been saved for Facebook but those people are jerks.

I’m proud of our little family. J-Rab and I have come a very long way to get to this point, we’ve braved some rough seas and have come out the other side stronger for it.

And I’m especially proud of my little girl. She’s changed so much in the 4 short months since she was born as the pic below, taken when she was a few weeks old, perfectly illustrates:



How I got so lucky I’ll never know. What I do know though is that I will fight tooth and nail for my girls to provide for them, care for them and keep them safe.

That’s all that really matters. Everything else takes a backseat once you bring a new life into this world.

The game has changed. I have changed and I swear to God, life couldn’t be better Winking smile



Pressure, fahk!

IMG_6488resizedHi boys and girls, how the hell are ya’ll doing? Hell’s teeth it’s been a long-ass time since I last posted and over the course of my self-imposed hiatus, my life has changed in every conceivable way.

As you all probably know from the last post, I am a dad. My Cub was born happy and healthy, is feeding well, sleeping well and doing everything a newborn should and I can’t tell you how great that feels.

HOWEVER, I now feel this added pressure to post something life-changingly epic on the site, a post that wrenches the heartstrings and leaves you with this “Phwoar! Holy shit, life is AWESOME!” kinda feeling.

So before expectations get completely out of control, lemme just say that this isn’t that post. This is just a post to say “Hiya! Wattup bitches!” and to tell you that things in Tigerland have never been better.



That other post where I try to communicate what the last week has been like and how incredible it feels to stare into your daughter’s fathomless blue eyes for the first time is on it’s way, don’t you worry.

But part of the reason I haven’t posted is because I wanted the very next thing I write to be that post and that’s just not gonna happen. That one’s going to need some time which I don’t have at the moment so in the meantime, here are a few things I’ve learned over the past week:



Other people’s babies are boring as hell, but your own is the most fascinating thing you’ve ever seen

This is the craziest thing. Until a week ago I thought that babies were pretty damn boring until they get to about 2 years old and start having rad nonsense conversations with you.

Then you have your own and spend hours at a time just watching her sleep. No shit. She’s hardly doing anything besides breathing and making the occasional funny sound / face in her sleep and I’m fucking riveted!


Babies are best burped in 4/4 time

True story. It also helps to make the first pat slightly harder than the other three so that you loosen the wind with three pats and then let ‘er rip with the last one.

I’ve also experimented with different beats from popular songs and found the beat from Blur’s “Song 2” to be pretty effective as well. Just stay away from any Slipknot, it won’t end well…



Baby shit doesn’t gross you out. In fact, in the beginning, it makes you happy

I never thought anyone’s shit would ever make me happy. There is nothing happy about shit – it smells awful and should be neatly and discreetly disposed of, never to be seen again.

BUT, when your baby shits you are genuinely happy because it means that everything is happening as it should. Sure, it smells a little rank and I’m pretty sure given time it will stop making me happy, but for the time being, the fact that my Cub’s digestive system is doing everything it should is a great sense of relief.




Holy mother of God, The Boobs. I’m a sceptical mofo – I hardly ever take anything people say at face value because what I quickly learned in life is that people LOVE exaggerating.

So whenever someone tells me how fucking insane something was, I dial it down a couple of notches mentally to get a closer approximation of what it was actually like.

So when people said, “J-Rab’s boobs are going to get MASSIVE when her milk comes in” I thought sure, they’ll probably get 5% bigger, max.

My God was I wrong. 5%? Try 35%! They looked and felt like flippin spanspek! I couldn’t decide if I was turned on or mortally terrified.

It calms down again after a day or two but when the milk first comes in, stand the hell back.



I’ll post more observations as they come to me, but in the meantime, I think it’s high time we returned to my usual posts of biting sarcasm, general internet weirdness and good times.

The deep stuff is coming though, give it a week tops Winking smile



I Have A Daughter And She Is A Badass

I will write more soon, I promise. For the time being, I’m just treading water, trying to figure it all out and trying to get my head around the fact that as of 1.17pm on Monday, I became a father.

I will say two things though. Firstly, J-Rab is a champion. She is the strongest woman I’ve ever known and has sailed through everything just like I knew she would. Because of her I will never look at women the same way again. They are miraculous beings, anyone who thinks differently is not a person you should waste your time with.

Secondly, my daughter is a badass. World, meet The Cub, and yes, she could very well be flipping you the bird – she’s trying to sleep here ok? The paparazzi can take a hike.



More to follow. Thank you all for the good vibes, congratulations and well-wishes, you guys are incredible, I’d hug every last one of you if I could but that hug would be so gigantic I’d need a football field to get it right.

Later Party People Winking smile