Posts Tagged ‘my modern met


Escape Monday: Best Examples Of The ‘You Had ONE Job’ Meme

youhadonejob10So in case you guys haven’t seen any of these yet allow me to explain. There’s a website called that’s dedicated to people who fluff the simplest tasks with hilarious results.

I figured this would make for a great post as part of the “Escape Monday” series seeing as we’re all guilty of committing fails in the workplace at one time or another, a lot of which probably happen on Mondays.

So kick back with your morning coffee and scroll down to see some great examples that prove the time-honoured statement “nobody’s perfect”. Props to My Modern Met for compiling this best-of list.





















So there you have it folks, irrefutable proof that people are goddamn retarded.

The stair rail was my favourite. That and Batman.

Tune in later today for another Escape Monday post, plannin’ on churning another one out at lunchtime.

See ya’ll then Winking smile



Brilliant Illustrations By Ben Chen

636x460design_01Before we jump into this, let it be known that I am stealing this shamelessly from My Modern Met, so big up to them for being so cool about it.

I’m gonna let these illustrations speak for themselves because they are too awesome for words. So yeah, all I’m doing at the moment is rambling for 100 words so that I can nail the intro paragraph.

How many dead babies can you fit in a barrel? 57. How do you get a fat chick in bed? Piece of cake. Why do they call it a “pap smear”? Because if they called it a “cunt scrape” no one would go. Aaand we’re good.













What’s even better is you can buy some of these as T-shirts from Threadless so I wouldn’t even fuck around if I were you.

I go out and buy them this very second before your Tiger pal buys up ALL the stock.

How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?

Depends if the lightbulb WANTS to change.

[SFX: Crickets]