Posts Tagged ‘walking dead lol


An Honest Trailer To Celebrate The New Season Of Walking Dead

THE-WALKING-DEAD-SEASON-4-POSTER-the-walking-dead-34243068-1048-736As much as I love The Walking Dead, there are also moments when I’m watching the show and wondering why the hell I’m still watching the show. When it’s good it’s awesome but when it’s bad… yirre…

That’s why once in awhile it’s important to put things into perspective with another awesome “Honest Trailer”. If you guys haven’t seen what they put together for Walking Dead, you are seriously missing out.

If you really, really love the show probably don’t watch this because it will definitely change your opinion of the entire series by highlighting everything about it that is kak.

Dig it:



Will that stop me from watching season 4? Highly unlikely. But it has made me miss Dale a LOT Winking smile