Posts Tagged ‘tiger bites


Tiger Bites: Vol.2 (Bosco Delrey, Screaming Females, Liz Green)

BoscoMemphisI know what you guys want because it’s Friday and I want it too – something, anything to kill some time and bring the weekend on a little faster.

Good new is I got just the thing for ya. This week is 70’s psychedelic stoner rock legends Bosco Delrey, weirdo grungey basement dwellers Screaming Females and old school acoustic blues siren Liz Green.

And then, right at the end of it all, I’m going to throw in something mellow to ease you into the weekend gently and who knows? Maybe give you something to smile about.

Let’s kick it off with ol’ Bosco Delrey first with their video for “Baby’s Got A Blue Flame” because it’s my favourite of the three and has a blonde bass guitarist that is going to completely fuck your shit up.



Next up it’s five foot hellraiser Marissa Paternoster belting out “It All Means Nothing” off the Screaming Females upcoming album Ugly.

If you don’t know this band I can almost guarantee you that when you hear … sing you will be overcome with a strong desire to punch her in the throat, but give this track a little time and play it again in a day or so and you just might have one of those, “Huh… it’s actually pretty cool” moments.

The video is pretty rough though. Maybe go back to whatever it was you were doing and just let the song play in the background.

Don’t say I didn’t warn ya. It’s like she read my “Stray Cat Recipes” post and took that shit to heart…



We’re going to tone things right down with this sombre little piece from Liz Green. The video was painstakingly made entirely from paper and filmed with stop animation.

I think it’s on a whole other level. Definitely show this to your friends.

They will think you are very cool.



Lastly, here’s the surprise I promised. Are ya ready kids?

I tracked down the new Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros single for you, it’s called “Man On Fire”.

Admittedly it’s no “Home” but I still really like this song and am stoked they’re back with album number two cause number one was a real game-changer for me.



Have a killer weekend party people and look after your bad selves Winking smile



New Music From Your Tiger Pal

1c467365-e8cf-4619-a8ec-71720523351eI used to write this weekly feature on called “Tiger Bites” that got some decent traffic.

It was a weekly round-up of everything going on in the music world. I used to bust my balls to find to best content from the music sites I trawl and then mix it all into one post. It melted faces.

So here’s something in a similar vein. This week it’s new tracks from the Blood Red Shoes, Temper Trap, Garbage (yes they’re dropping a new album and yes, the single is SICK) and The Shoes with their video for “Time To Dance” featuring Jake Gyllenhaal.

Dig it.





Fair warning before you play this next one. It’s fucking badass, got my hands on it courtesy of my man Nick Bouwer. Check his site out for more good shit.



Have a killer weekend party people! See y’all on the other side Winking smile