Posts Tagged ‘the kinks


Friday Playlist: Bong Rippin’ Badassery

org_bongIt’s Friday bitches and if you’re down here in Cape Town with your Tiger pal it’s a goddamn beautiful day, ain’t no doubt about it.

The first golden rays of summer are finally shining through the shitty winter we’ve been having which is cause enough to celebrate by loading a massive bong when you get home and ripping that mofo for everything it’s worth.

“But wait!” I hear you say, “I need some killer music if I’m going down that road man!” Well, what the fuck dude? Didn’t you read the title of this blog post? I got you covered broheme. Just hit up the 8Tracks playlist I put together below and let the good times roll!


Bong Rippin’ Badassery from SlickTiger on 8tracks Radio.


Have a killer weekend Party People, see ya’ll next week Winking smile



So, Howdya Like The New Digs?

Check it out guys! Fucking, FINALLY!

I’m pretty excited about this even though all my content imported like total shit (all YouTube windows have reverted to non-clickable links, I’ve lost over 50 posts and all the songs I embedded to stream are gone daddy gone) because it’s the first step in finally giving this site a much needed make-over.

It might still look like the rusted old junkheap of a spaceship it always used to be, but you just wait.

Given time (and people willing to work for meatballs) we’ll clean up this new ship and get her up to warp speed before you can say “the Klingons are attacking Uranus!”



Thanks for making the long trek over here though, if you have any suggestions how I can p1mp this puppy out to the max now that I’m hosting it myself, lemme know.

In the meantime, let’s try embed a song and see if we can get it to stream off the site.

I’m always blathering on about it but I realised the other day that I’ve never shared my favourite Kinks song with you guys.

This little number’s called “Wonderboy” and I find it strangely fitting to ring in a new chapter of the epic tale that is The Ballad Of SlickTiger.

Enjoy Winking smile





Wonderboy Life’s Just Begun…

You gotta love The Kinks, because they’re fucking cool. If you don’t know who they are, please stop reading this blog immediately and go out and buy at least 5 of their albums. In this instance I don’t even mind if you buy the ‘Best Of’ collections, that’s ok, in this instance, because I just want you to get into them and that’s probably the best way.



They’re like The Beatles, only they never got as huge, which is really sad. Their music is way better than The Beatles in my over-inflated opinion, with the exception of The Beatles White Album – THAT fucking album is amazing. ‘Rocky Racoon’ all the way, that’s my favourite Beatles’ song of all time.

Anyway, once you’ve bought the compulsory 5 The Kinks albums I mentioned earlier, find the track ‘Wonderboy’ and play that fucker on repeat until you hear it in your dreams.

I heard it the first time back in varsity and it’s been there ever since, playing somewhere in the background of my life.

I appreciate irony, in fact, I thrive on it because it’s one of the most powerful forces that governs our world, and the song ‘Wonderboy’ is loaded to the gills with irony.

The lyrics are hilarious because Ray Davies (singer and frontman) sings them in this sing-song way that sounds a bit like a nursery rhyme, with this limp and lifeless vocal tone that sounds a lot like he’s just fucking given up with life and the combination of these two things, for me, makes me piss myself laughing.

Wonderboy life’s just begun / Turn that sorrow into wonder / Dream alone, don’t sigh, don’t groan / Life is only what you wonder

I arrived at work this morning and started playing random songs and “Wonderboy” came on and I couldn’t help but smile because over the course of the last day, my life really has turned to wonder.

As you may already know, I’m moving to Cape Town at the end of Feb because J-Rab was offered a killer job at Cheetah Outreach in Stellenbosch which came with free accommodation on Eikendal Wine Estate, very fucking cool.



The only snag of course was that I didn’t have anything lined up in Cape Town, which I think was contributing to the impending sense of doom that was creeping up on me a few weeks back.

Well, I’m fucking relieved to say I was offered a job yesterday at an awesome PR agency in Cape Town, which is going to be a great step forward in terms of my career and which means I got nothing to worry about except packing my life up and hitting the open road.

Sometimes in life you just gotta let go. Sometimes you’ve got to put a little trust in whatever Gods may be and have the courage to accept that things have this funny way of working out for the best if you just let them.

Cause really, in the end of the day everybody’s looking for the sun and yes, people strain their eyes to see, but I see you and you see me.

And ain’t that wonder? 😉