Posts Tagged ‘storm cloud photography


Escape Monday: Intense Storm-Chaser Pics

Sun shines under long-lived supercell moving across northeast Nebraska May 28, 2004, almost following highway 12 from Niobrara down to Sioux City perfectly.It has been a long-ass time since I last helped you guys Escape Monday and I can only apologise for that. In the last Escape Monday post I wrote, I mentioned that I was going to try something a little different.

See, up until now every time Escape Monday rolled around, I would just trawl the interwebs for cool images and post them on the site, crediting the photographer / artist who created them.

Then I got an email from one of the artists whose work I used saying, “The hell gives you the right to just post my work on your site without having the decency to ask me first if it’s ok?”

The man had a point. So going forward, all the Escape Monday posts you see on the site will only be of work that the artist him / herself has approved for me to post, starting with these images taken by storm chaser Mike Hollingshead.

This guy is certifiably insane. Just the images of the storms he chases are enough to make you shit, but actually being there to get these pics must take gigantic balls.

Check it:















Powerful stuff. I had no idea the sky could even do that. Makes the paffy little drizzly storms we have in Cape Town look, well, paffy and little.

For more of his work, check out his site here

As you were soldier!