Posts Tagged ‘sleep now in the fire


The Tiger Life – Episode 4

Just when you think shit can’t possibly get any better right here on Them’s Fightin’ Words, the Tiger whips out yet another FLIPPIN’ INTENSE episode of The Tiger Life!

This one breaks all previous records for “number of ridiculously famous people interviewed” and has vox pops from the likes of Khaya Ntini (SUCH a legend), Sias from 5FM, Davie Jacobs and Roxy Louw.

Yep, comin’ up in the world, can’t trust NOBODY, gotta look over my shoulder CONSTANTLY.

Enjoy this week’s episode, I hope it blows your mind and don’t worry about the lack of content the site has been experiencing over the past week, more good shit’s in the pipeline! (Wow. Worst. Sentence. Ever.)