Posts Tagged ‘sing-song contest of america


Bad Lip Reading Of American Idol Is Too Awesome

IdolsBad Lip Reading just gets better and better. It’s definitely one of those internet memes I wish I’d posted sooner because as a blogger, you want to be known as THE guy who posts certain videos.

If I’d become THE guy who posts Bad Lip Reading videos, imagine how insanely popular this site would be, shoo-wee! Traffic would come pouring in like mana from heaven.

It’s all good though. At the end of the day, all that matters are the LOLZ and this video will give you lots of them. It’s the Bad Lip Reading of American Idol, and holy sheeit if the actual show was like this, I would watch EVERY EPISODE.



I’m crying. The people that do these videos are evil geniuses.

More please.