Posts Tagged ‘schloomf


Friday LOLZ – Bad Posting Week Addition

tumblr_mlkk0xTI7r1r3k73wo1_500It’s been a bad week for posting here on TFW, no two ways about it. What few posts there have been were all posted late and content has been a little on the thin side.

I blame Workers Day. When that basterd rolled around, I downed tools and kicked firmly into neutral so I could schloomf through the week towards the weekend and them schloomf some more.

So to wrap things up, here is some random interwebs hilarity I’ve found on my travels, carefully stolen from someone who stole it from someone who stole it from someone. Kick back, make some coffee and have a chuckle as we edge ever closer to the weekend, fuck yeah.














As you were soldier.

As you were.