Posts Tagged ‘savage lucy


“Get Out Of The Garage” Shortlists Top 10 Unsigned SA Bands

GOTGtop10KAPOW! From three posts in two weeks to two posts in ONE DAY shit is off the chizain at SlickTiger Industries today.

So as you may have guessed from the title of this post, the final 10 bands have been selected for the Converse “Get Out Of The Garage” competition.

You can vote for the bands at the Converse FB page here: where you can hear their tracks, check out their videos and read their bios.

It’s a great selection of bands, the judges Zulu Boy, Jon Savage and Garick Williams selected them from 138 entries and I think they  nailed it when it comes to selecting bands that are representative of what SA has to offer.



There are some pretty suhweet bands that made it through, now you get to vote for the band you want to win the grand prize (a chance to perform at the legendary 100 Club, the longest running popular music venue in the world).

The final 10 are:

  • Goodnight Wembley (CT, Rock)
  • iScream and the Chocolate Stix (CT, Rock)
  • Matthew Mole (CT, Folk & Electric)
  • Nakhane Toure (JHB, Folk & Rock)
  • North of Winter (PTA, Rock)
  • Savage Lucy (JHB, Metal, Rock & Blues)
  • Shotgun Tori (JHB, Indie & Folk)
  • Skin2Soul (JHB, Afro, Kwaito & Regaae)
  • Swart (JHB, Afrikaans Rock) and
  • The Kiffness (CT, Electronic).

So yeah, which band am I going to vote for?

It’s a tough question. As a music freak, I’m always looking for bands that don’t tow the line and just copy/paste what international bands are doing.

Which only really leaves two bands in the top 10 that cut the mustard.



These guys have a pretty badass video, but the track that’s streaming on the FB page is better.

They’re edgy. I like edgy. Edgy doesn’t sit in a corner and sulk until it gets noticed. It fucking runs up to you and kicks you in the balls, much like this video.



Moving on, my second choice would be these crazy cats:



If you know who Mike Scott is, you’ll know he is a mother-flippin LEGEND!

Remember Goldfish’s rad animated videos from a few years back? Yeah, Mike did those. He also did the infamous SA cartoon Bru & Boegie and a whole bunch of other rad projects.

Everything Mike touches turns to gold and when he teams up with his brother like he does in The Kiffnes, well, shit gets real.

Just watch this video. It’s actually so beyond awesome it’s hard to watch it without your eyeballs exploding out of your skull.



Good luck getting that little ditty out your head Winking smile

Have a killer weekend Party People.

See ya Monday for more radassery.