Posts Tagged ‘saturday post


The Saturday Post: 16th Jan

I tell ya, this rain is starting to get pretty fucking ridiculous if you ask me. Somebody remind me where we live again? Cause it feels like a rainforest, no shit.

So far today’s been pretty chilled, we straightened the flat out, had lunch with the folks, did some grocery shopping and later are going to eat sushi and then watch Where The Wild Things Are, which I’m really, really excited to see.

So much so that I’ve spent the last two hours in Hyde Park shops, with my head in this poster:



Good times I tell ya! Good times 🙂



The Saturday Post (Brought to you by SlickTiger)

Thunder is grumbling as I write this and a steady fall of lazy summer rain is drenching the world outside. But here inside there is only quiet and calm as I lie like a big lazy lizard on my girlfriend and she dozes peaceful and warm underneath me.



Today was a frenzy of Christmas shopping and I’m really happy we got a lot of it out the way. My family is small up here in Joeys so I really just have to worry about presents for the folks and something radass for J-Rab.

I already have it all planned out – what I’m gonna give her, how it’s all gonna pan out and I think it’s going to be the best Christmas ever 🙂



But I gotta run, Graumpot and M-Class just arrived and they’ll think I’m rude if I just lie here, blogging naked.

Later party people 🙂