Posts Tagged ‘poseidon undersea resort


Send The Tiger To Poseidon!

I think I may just have discovered paradise guys and I have photo evidence to prove it!



This is not a photoshopped image, or some kind of computer graphixed hoax. This is a real and legitimate luxury resort under the fucking sea man!

Here’s more…



It’s called the Poseidon Undersea Resort and it’s the world’s first “sea-floor resort” where you can chill out to the max 40 feet underwater in glass cabins surrounded by your fishy friends!

It’s situated in a 5 000 acre Fijian lagoon and for the paltry sum of $30 000 USD per couple per week you can experience everything this resort has to offer.

How amazing would it be if you got to send your favourite blogger SlickyT to go experience this flippin amazing resort! Think about it, I’d come back with amazing VIDEO CONTENT, life-like PICTURES and loads of amazing stories about the badass time I would have had!

All you have to do to make this once-in-a-lifetime dream come true (for me) is write a short comment below about how badly you want to send me here and I’m sure Poseidon’s marketing department will JUMP at the opportunity of sending me there!

Let’s do this guys. For you, for me, for everyone!

But mainly for me… Winking smile