Posts Tagged ‘pixies


A weekend Playlist To Melt Faces

Face-meltThe weekend is just around the corner yo, so I thought I’d throw together a playlist of some of my favourite tracks to get your blood boiling.

It’s a crazy mix of a lot of stuff from the naughties that you might not have heard before. Nine Black Alps anyone? Scars On Broadway? Ida Maria?

If you haven’t heard any of those bands you need to hear this playlist. Of course I threw in a couple of greats like the Pixies and the Pumpkins in there for good measure too 😉

Gonna try make this a more regular thing, it’s like SlickTiger Radio, just put your headphones on and get ready to mop your face up off the floor.


Weekend Face-Melters from SlickTiger on 8tracks.


Have a killer weekend Party People Winking smile



Album Review: Wavves – King Of The Beach

Picture a random house party when everyone’s sitting around at 3 in the morning and the guy who’s spent the last hour drinking tequila straight out of the bottle picks up a guitar and starts trying to jam.

Now put that guy on stage in front of hundreds of ticked off fans and you’ve got a situation much like the one that happened last year when Wavves played their most notorious gig to date,  the Barcelona Primavera Sound Festival.



Nathan Williams (frontman, singer and guitarist for the low-fi stoner rock band Wavves) ingested a cocktail of Ecstasy, Valium and Xanax before taking to the stage at Primavera last year and behaved like a giant asshole kid which, at the tender age of 23, is exactly what he was.

Well, good news is Williams is 24 now and has put such childish things as his highly publicised and cringe-worthy meltdown behind him to surge forward with Wavves third album, King Of The Beach.

Read the whole enchilada here…