Posts Tagged ‘nine inch nails


A Playlist To Sink Your Weekend Teeth Into

Tiger eating meatThere is fucking amazing music being created at the moment, anyone who tells you otherwise has no idea what the hell they’re talking about and you probably shouldn’t hang out with them anymore.

“But where do I find all this cool music Papa Slick?” I hear you ask in desperation. Well, I have my methods but they involve a shit-ton of sifting through music sites and listening to rubbish before I strike gold.

Good news is when that happens, I put all my best finds together into badass playlists like the one that follows below and all you have to do is kick back, click “play” and let the good times roll muthufukkah!

You will find some old favourites with new shit in this list like my buddies The Hives, QOTSA, Nine Inch Nails, Vampire Weekend and Franz Ferdinand but then I’ve thrown some nice fresh stuff in here you’ve never heard before – killer tracks from CHVRCHES, Daughn Gibson, Lord Huron, Howler and a bit of local flavour with PHFAT.

Dig it:


Dark and Light from SlickTiger on 8tracks Radio.


Have a radass weekend boys and girls! See ya’ll on the other side.



Escape Monday: Backstage Riders From Famous Bands In Pics

Photo © Tim Gander. All rights reserved. TEL: 07703 124412.You guys ever heard the famous story of Van Halen and the clause in his concert contract that said if the band found a single brown M&M in the bowl backstage they could cancel an appearance on the spot?

It’s gone down in rock legend as one of the most self-indulgent, childish clauses in a backstage rider contract ever. What a bunch of egotistical douchebags right?

Wrong. As it turns out, that clause was specifically written into their contract amidst literally hundreds of other highly technical clauses as a way of seeing whether or not the technical specifications of the contract had been thoroughly read and complied with.

I mean we’re talking about a band that toured with nine 18-wheeler trucks full of gear. In one famous incident at a university in Pueblo, Colorado, Van Halen found brown M&Ms backstage and hey presto, halfway through the gig the staging sunk through the brand new flooring in the arena where they were playing.

Ever since I heard this story, I’ve wondered what other artists request in their backstage riders and now, thanks to Henry Hargreaves who is a seriously awesome photographer who comes up with some sick ideas for photography projects, I know the answer to that.

So here, in no particular order, are the foods huge bands and famous performers request in their backstage riders.

Dig it:














Crazy hey? Frank Sinatra was the real winner here if you ask me. Fuck was he planning to do with all that booze? Drink himself into cough drop-flavoured coma?

Good times I tell ya.

Good times Winking smile



Linkin Park Limps Toward SA

LinkinParkPA190911Twitter was abuzz yesterday when news broke about Nu Metal band Linkin Park touring SA later this year, much to the delight of basically no one.

“As a band, we’ve reached a point in our career where we have all come to the realisation that our creative energy is nowhere near where it used to be,” said Linkin Park frontman, Screamy-Guy. 

“Add the fact that our fan base is waning steadily, and that leaves us with only one option left really – go on tour to South Africa.”

Linkin Park exploded onto the Nu Metal scene with Hybrid Theory back when bands like Limp Bizkit and Crazy Town were popular which aptly sums up their musical prowess.

Since their debut back in 2001, the band has released a staggering four albums all of which, with the possible exception of the Hybrid Theory carbon-copy Meteora, have been lauded by fans and critics alike as being “kind of okay”.



“I dug that one song they did, I think it was a couple of years ago, you know the one where he’s singing about torture and pain and suffering and bleeding and shit,” said avid 5FM listener and musical ignoramus Gerrit du Toit, “ja… that on was flippin kief…”

The band will be in SA under the guise of promoting their new album Living Things which is currently enjoying a Metacritic rating of 58/100.

“Living Things is definitely our most experimental record to date,” said Screamy-Guy, “in that it signals a marked departure from the band trying to copy Nine Inch Nails to trying to copy Skrillex, who we’ve heard is way cool.



“After the response the album got after it launched, we consulted our good friends Collective Soul, Evanescence and Staind all of whom said it was definitely time to head to South Africa because yeah… South Africa is so starved for bands, it’s probably the only place in the world that we can still sell out a stadium.”

Linkin Park are set to wow people in their early thirties (who are still stuck in 2001 and get excited when “Mr Jones” plays at the pub) with concerts in both Johannesburg and Cape Town in early November.