Posts Tagged ‘mortal kombat


Wreck-It Ralph Breathes New Life Into 3D Animated Movies

wreck-it-ralph-logoI’ve seen some buzz starting recently on the interwebs about the new Disney movie, Wreck-It Ralph, but didn’t pay much attention to it because lately 3D animated movies haven’t really blown my hair back.

But having just watched the trailer, I got a feeling Wreck-It Ralph is going to breathe some much-needed life back into the genre.

The premise is that Ralph, who’s a character in an 8-bit arcade game called Wreck-It Ralph, gets sick and tired of being the bad guy and starts “game-jumping” into other titles.

It’s a great premise, but what sealed the deal for me was the fact that actual video game characters (like Bowser from Super Mario, Zangief from Street Fighter II and even Kano from Mortal Kombat) feature in this movie.

Here’s the trailer:



Dunno about you, but they had me at the Talking Heads track.

Winner winner chicken dinner.