Posts Tagged ‘mnusic


New Desmond And The Tutus Single

Desmond_the_Tutus_2A few weeks back, I posted the whack infomercial for the new Desmond And The Tutus album, Mnusic which is going to be landing shortly.

It got some mixed reactions – personally I thought it was pretty damn awesome but one or two of my readers felt that they’d taken the whole thing a little far.

Any way you slice it, it got people talking which is the important thing. Fast forward to this morning and I get an email from ol’ Dezzy himself (aka Shane) saying the first single from Mnusic has landed, as has the video,  which is shot in the same, spoofy low-budget vein that the infomercial was.

Check it:



Not too sure I’m sold on the video (bit of a dramatic ending) but that’s a killer song if I ever heard one!

Will hopefully be getting my hands on the new album to review it soon.

Stay tuned folks.



Desmond And THe Tutus Infomercial – Too Far?

728-400-1Some people who have seen Desmond And The Tutus’ infomercial promoting their new album Mnusic think it’s shot in bad taste and is a poor attempt at marketing this band. But I’m not one of them.

The infomercial features a bullshit cure-all doctor who could have literally stepped off one of those dodgey pamphlets they hand out at traffic lights and is packed to the max with awesome.

People who want to be mermaids, failed attempts at slicing tomatoes, fucking rats that eat your feet and a narrative that makes absolutely no sense at all are just some of the things that make this video amazing.

For the rest, you’re gonna have to hit the play button below. Eeeaaasssyyyyy does it…



It’s like everything that’s painfully shit about infomercials rolled into 3 minutes and 50 seconds of a waking nightmare I once had after 5 tabs of acid.

That last shot in particular is definitely a winner.

I’ll try get my filthy mitts on that album to review it for you guys. In the meantime, follow Desmond And The Tutus on Twitter (@desmondandtutus) and share that video with everyone you know.

Easy peasy.