Posts Tagged ‘lizzy caplan


Masters Of Sex – Three Reasons Why You Have TO Watch This Show

MV5BMjMxNzE1NzY2NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTk5ODMxMDE@._V1_SY317_CR4,0,214,317_I don’t think a lot of people know about a little show I like to call Masters Of Sex because the handful of people I’ve told about it all return my enthusiasm with blank stares.

So far they’ve only shot one season but are in the process of shooting season two which will probably air later this year. From what I can tell season one was pretty well received which is weird because no one’s seen it.

My advice is get your filthy mitts on it as soon as humanly possible, wait for a rainy weekend and smash the whole season in two days. Here’s why…

Reason 1 to watch Masters Of Sex

It’s called MASTERS OF SEX, so yeah. There is a lot of sex in it.

It’s based on the true story of the first doctor to conduct sex studies back in the 50s when people knew very little about sex, especially when it came to what women experience during sex and why they experience it.

Expect lots of masturbation and sex with people wearing all kinds of wires and weird contraptions. And Lizzy Caplan naked. A lot.

Fun times!



Reason 2 to watch Masters Of Sex

Interestingly, though sex if the focal point of the series, it never descends into the pure smut of a show like Californication which, after season 3, just became a ridiculous parody of what started out as a good series.

On the contrary, Masters Of Sex perfectly balances the naughty bits with some meaty intellectual fare and compelling drama so you don’t feel like a weird pervy weirdo watching people wired up to machines having sex.



Reason 3 to watch Masters Of Sex

The series starts well, has a few moments in the early episodes that keep you coming back for more, but if I could give one piece of advice it would be don’t ditch the series until you’ve watched up until episode 6.

After that episode, the show takes an insane turn and hooks you right to the end. Damnit people! Just watch the damn show so we can talk about it ok?

That’s all I can really say about Reason 3 without giving too much away.



Watch it, come back to this post and leave your thoughts in the comments section.

Or don’t. I’m just interested to see if anyone else finds this show as hectic as I did.