Posts Tagged ‘kudzu vines


Escape Monday: After The Apocalypse

6b08cfd4c3e8c68a81de33732e058d1b-565x405I’ve decided to start a new project on the site, I’m calling it Escape Monday. The idea is to post stuff every Monday to distract you, even if it’s just for a minute, from the fact that tragically, the weekend has ended.

The images below struck a chord with me because I daydream about stuff like this all the time.

This is the world Tyler Durden imagined in Fight Club. A post-apocalyptic garden of Eden where the few people who have survived have returned to their hunter / gatherer roots among the crumbling cityscapes.

To quote Mr Durden himself:

In the world I see – you’re stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You’ll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You’ll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you’ll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway.











I stole these images from Beautiful Decay – the artist’s name is Nick Pederson and if you feel like escaping Monday for another few minutes, I’d highly recommend checking his site out.

Watch this space party people, more Escape Monday stuff coming up at lunchtime Winking smile