Posts Tagged ‘kittehs


SlickTiger’s Kitteh Pals Nearly 3 Weeks Old

Cyootface1I feel no shame about the post I’m about to write because as much as I might come across as an insensitive Neanderthal, I’m actually a big softie at heart.

All this post contains are pictures of very cute kittens that, come next week Monday, will be exactly 3 weeks old.

The backstory here is J-Rab works at a vet where they brought in a very pregnant and strikingly beautiful stray cat that couldn’t have been more than 8 months old. J-Rab decided we’d give the cat a home to have it’s kittens and now we have 6 little furballs that are literally getting cuter by the day.

Fair warning to any broody girls out there: these pics are on a whole other level of cuteness.
















In case you were wondering, yes we have found homes for all the kittens. We’re doing the responsible thing and making everyone pay R450 for a kitten.

This covers their shots and the cost of getting them spayed when they’re old enough.

And no. I am not breeding these kittens for the sole purpose of fattening them up to eat them, although when they were younger, the thought of a kitteh-kebab was tempting…



SlickTiger Becomes A Dad!

dad cigarGreat news party people, as of Monday your Tiger pal became a dad! That’s right, “Smelly Cat” from a few posts back gave birth to 6 little furballs on Monday morning.

I got to watch the first two being born and I can tell you straight up, it was the craziest experience.

It’s the circle of life, just like in that movie with that lion who was king and then got killed in front of his kid lion who then grew up to be a man lion and eventually became king himself. I think it was called “Lion Story”.

Anyway, Smelly Cat is no longer called Smelly Cat. We named her Juno because when we took her in, she was a pregnant teen.

As for the six kittehs she had, we won’t have names for them until they’re a little bigger. Except for the ugly one, he’s Gollum.

Here are a few pics. Brace yourselves for cute overload:







I’ll post more pics and maybe even a video or two over the next few weeks if you promise to forward this post to EVERY GIRL YOU KNOW.

Share the love people Winking smile