Posts Tagged ‘jolly cool


Pool-Hand Luke

376216_4929118339343_2124206427_nI did a launch in Joburg about two weeks ago, can’t mention the client but to give you an idea, it was for a skincare product that is primarily used by black women.

The beauty tips and secrets I have learned working on this account could fill the beauty pages of every women’s magazine in the country for six months. Never has my skin looked so radiant or felt so gloopy.

Naturally, once the launch was over my inner-savage was gnawing at the bars of his cage for whisky, pool and drug-fuelled rock music to balance out champagne, classy R&B and abundance of pink I’d been exposed to throughout the day.

We went to Jolly Cool, ordered pizzas, smashed a tequila or three and got down to the dirty business of trying to hustle some tables. I randomly challenged these two guys to a game and got my ass handed to me. Twice!

The one guy’s name was Luke. He had a cool story that involved fighting and girls so we got on like a house on fire.

Yesterday he sent me a link to some music he wrote, check it out:



Pretty fucking sick.

The kid has skillz, I’ll give him that Winking smile

Find out more about this pool-playing, charna-dribbing, chick-pulling boych here:

Good times.