Posts Tagged ‘heaven on earth


Escape Monday: Austria’s Stunning Mountainside Thermal Retreat

aquadomeresortaustria4The longer I look at the pictures you’re about to see of Austria’s Aqua Dome spa and retreat, the more I start believing that robbing the bank down the street might actually be a pretty good idea…

This place looks like some futuristic version of heaven built at the foothills of mountains so scenic, I swear if you look closely you can see Gandalf and his merry band of Hobbits marching through them.

I don’t think it’s humanly possible to go to this place and not leave feeling totally relaxed in every way. This massive retreat has 200 rooms as well as elevated bowl-shaped pools that feature underwater music and lights.

How flippin legit is that?!? Now if only some filthy-rich reader of this site would sponsor me, J-Rab and The Cub to go check it out, I could give you guys a first-hand account of how incredible it is… [insert winky face].












If that doesn’t inspire to get off your ass and start making some serious money in 2014, I don’t think anything will.

So yeah. Back to work ya lazy bum!