Posts Tagged ‘fucked up


Industrialstrengthshit – Another Killer Playlist From Your Tiger Pal

mutagen2It’s been a long-ass time since I last put together an 8Tracks playlist for you crazy kids to listen to and I think it’s high time I did something about that.

Problem is, my last mix (Bong Rippin’ Badassery) was so popular it was certified Gold by the 8Tracks community and has had over 3 500 plays to date, no lies.

It’s great that people liked it so much, but it’s made compiling a follow-up playlist a daunting task. Is Industrialstrengthshit, going to kick as much ass as Bong Rippin’? God only knows. But with bands like Taxi Violence, Fucked Up and Cloud Nothings in there, you’ll at least have something rad to kill the next hour with.


Industrialstrengthshit from SlickTiger on 8tracks Radio.


Have a killer weekend boys and girls.

And never forget, music will save us Winking smile