Posts Tagged ‘fuck this fucking shit


I Don’t Fucking Feel Like This Right Now

fuck itIt’s not often that I pull the “I don’t fucking feel like this right now” card, but I think after posting nearly every week day, sometimes more than once, whilst holding down a full-time day job, I’m entitled to just say “Fuck It” once in awhile.

I’ve gone through so many different phases during the three years I’ve been doing this it’s fucking insane.

I’ve been constantly testing the waters, feeling this shit out, experimenting with different kinds of content, “do they like it? Is it relevant? Does this make me sound like an assehole?” that sometimes I clean forget the original reason I started this site: To have fun.

And mostly it is fun. I mean christ, I love the shit out of this site. It’s the one only creative project that I’ve ever managed to stick with and see through the good times and the bad because I can do this without relying on anyone but myself.

It’s taught me more than I could ever put into words but even so, sometimes I just don’t fucking feel like it.

So to my regular readers, please forgive me for being a lazy jerk. As I write this, it’s nearly 11pm on Thursday night, I’m tired, half-drunk on whisky and want nothing more right now than to take my woman in my arms, breathe her delicious warm, sleepy scent in and go the fuck to sleep.

But you bet your ass I’ll be back next week, doing what Tigers do best because I love this site, I love my readers, and as long as there is breath in me I’ll continue to bang this shit out because even if it makes one person smile, I’ll rest happy knowing I’ve made this world a better place.

Your Tiger pal,