Posts Tagged ‘doha


Tiger Bites: vol.3 (Alabama Shakes)

Infinity-Blade-AToday’s Tiger Bites is going to be super short, sweet and to the point because I’m actually writing this in the past (it’s Wednesday) while I’m still at my sister’s place in Holland and I got gaming to do.

My youngest nephew and I have become hopelessly obsessed with Infinity Blade and have decided we won’t sleep safe until we have the BEST OF EVERYTHING IN THE GAME.

We need to get about 3.5 million gold pieces to do this, we have 2.2 currently and considering you get about 5 thousand every time you kill someone, we got a LOONNGG way to go.

So here’s a band that will become cool in about 3 months once the radio stations get a hold of them. They call themselves the Alabama Shakes and their first album just dropped the other day.

Song’s called “Hold On”, which is appropriate because it’ll be the future when you guys read this, Friday to be exact, so the weekend will be just around the corner.




Have killer weekend party people, I’m back in SA on Monday, I’ll probably be completely poked from the 24 hour trip back (via Doha, where we sit from 12 till 6am, BLEAUGH!) so my next post will probably be Tuesday.

Until then Knipogende emoticon