Posts Tagged ‘dead weather


Angels From Hell – Another Badass 8 Tracks Mix From Your Tiger Pal

8D92F4FFFThat’s right boys and girls, your Tiger pal’s been busy putting together another suh-lick 8Tracks mix to blow your fragile little minds clear into the weekend, ffffffffffuck yeah!

This time around I thought I’d focus on the fairer sex because in my humble opinion there is a fuckload of very cool, fresh and genuinely incredible rock music being made by girls at the moment.

So here are 18 tracks from a whole buncha bands you may never have heard of (Anna Calvi? Cults? Marissa Nadler? Savages? The Kills? Hello? Is this thing on?) because I’m rad like that and I think you guys will really like this stuff.

So put your headphones on, throw some whisky from that hipflask I know you keep under your desk into your morning coffee and let’s get this muthufukkin party started.


Hell’s Angels from SlickTiger on 8tracks Radio.


Have a killer weekend Party People.

See ya’ll next week as we edge ever closer to payday.

Hallefuckinlujah Winking smile