Posts Tagged ‘buzzfeed


Never Blog Hungry

enhanced-buzz-1934-1364782281-0A long time ago I learned the Golden Rule “Never Blog Drunk”. You can see the hilarious (?) results of that here. Well, there’s another Golden Rule we can add to that and yep, you guessed it, it’s “Never Blog Hungry”.

I was trawlin’ the ol’ interwebs for some cool content to share with you crazy mofos last night while J-Rab was fryin’ up some delicious smoked pork chops in the kitchen and one thing lead to another.

Thing is though, what you’re about to see could very well be some of the raddest food art ever produced. Undeniable proof that the old saying “Don’t play with your food” is dead and gone.

Arty noms below:










Um, ok that one was a little siff.

Moving on…




And now for the face-meltingly rad ones:









Yeah, and people wander why I think ET is a twisted little freak.





And my personal favourite:






Thanks to Buzzfeed where I stole these images shamelessly, you can click this link to get more food art amazingness.

Have a great Wednesday Party People – already hump day, hells yeah!



25 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Breaking Bad

breaking-bad-20080118045840840As you guys might have noticed, I’m a bit of a Breaking Bad freak and have been posting about the premier of the final season (July 15, bitches!).

If you’re also a die-hard BB fan, you’ll love this list of 25 things you probably didn’t know about the show that was posted yesterday on Buzzfeed.

Among my favourites are the fact that Jesse was supposed to die at the end of season one but got saved by the writer’s strike, all the blue meth in the show is rock candy and an actual DEA agent taught the cast and crew how to make crystal meth.



And that’s all we have time for today folks! But tune in tomorrow for free porn!*



*Of the Lego variety