Posts Tagged ‘100 club


Invent A Band Name, Win a Radass Pair Of Converse HighTops

converse-logoIt’s Friday thank Jeebers and to celebrate that fact and spread the word about the Converse Get Out Of The Garage campaign, I’m giving away a sick pair of hightops that I think you guys will dig.

Well, provided you are a man that has size 10 feet and lives in Cape Town. If you are a man who has size 10 feet and lives in Cape Town, give yourself a pat on the back and read on!

If you aren’t, you are still more than welcome to enter the competition, but just know that we’re playing for a brand new pair of Converse size 10 hightops for men okay? Okay. Let’s get started.

First off, here’s a pic of the grand prize:



Secondly, this giveaway is part of the Converse Get Out Of The Garage competition which launched recently for the second year running.

The competition is strictly for unsigned SA bands. If you are one, all you have to do to enter is upload your best track to Soundcloud, post it on Converse’s Facebook page before the 15th of August and cross your fingers and toes.

If your track gets chosen by judges Catherine Grenfell, Jon Savage and Reason for the final ten, your band will get a profile page with your band’s info and a “Vote” button on Converse’s FB page.

The band with the most votes from members of the public wins the grand prize (a slot at this year’s Rocking The Daisies music festival, a trip to perform at the iconic 100 Club in London and a chance to record at the Rubber Tracks studio in Brooklyn, New York).



So if you’re in an unsigned band, hit the Converse FB page and try your luck, what have you got to lose?

HOWEVER, if you’re just here for the free shoes, then here’s how to get them.

Write your ultimate band name in the comments section below and the one that either makes me chuckle or is undeniably cool / badass wins, easy as that.

I’ll announce the big winner on Monday, so you’ve got all weekend to enter. I’ll accept up to 3 different entries per person but no more so go and down an espresso or two, get the creative juices flowing and may the best make-believe band win!

Have a killer weekend Party People, see ya’ll same time same place next week Winking smile



Good News For Unsigned SA Bands – “Get Out The Garage” Is Back!

GOTGIf you guys cast your minds far, far, far, far, far back you’ll remember a campaign that ran last year called the Converse “Get Out The Garage” competition which Matthew Mole ended up winning.

The lucky guy got to not only play at the iconic 100 Club in London, but he also got to record at the Rubber Tracks studio in Brooklyn, New York. It was a huge springboard for the guy and he made the very best of it.

The good news is that the competition is back and Converse is once again on the hunt for unsigned local talent to get out the garage and show the world that SA has some flippin SICK talent.

Before we get to the nuts and bolts of how to enter, check out what Matthew got up to last year after winning the Get Out The Garage competition:



Some pretty epic sheeit going down in that vid. That could be you. All you gots to do is get your shit together, upload your best track to Soundcloud, post it on the Converse Facebook page before the 8th of August and hope for the best.

On the 15th August, judges Catherine Grenfell, Jon Savage and Reason will have narrowed the entries down to a final 10, who will then be showcased on the Converse Facebook page for the public to vote on.

The artist / band with the most votes wins the grand prize which will be announced on the 16th of September.



The big winner will also have the opportunity to play at this year’s Rocking The Daisies which, judging from the line-up that’s been announced so far, is an honour in itself.

But that’s not all! Call now and you’ll get this free instructional DVD! Joking. Simply by voting for your favourite artist / band from the final 10, you’ll automatically be entered into a competition to join your favourite band VIP style when they travel to London for the 100 Club gig.

Spread the word people and watch this space for competition updates.



Matthew Mole WIns The Get Out Of The Garage Competition

matthew-mole-photo-get-out-of-the-garageLadies and Gentlemen, the Converse “Get Out Of The Garage Competition” has officially come to an end and the winner, as you may have guessed from the title of this post, is Matthew Mole!

Matthew will play at London’s 100 Club on Oxford Street, which has seen some EPIC acts take to the stage in the 70 years it’s been open.

I have to be completely frank at this point and say that though there’s no denying Matthew has a lot of talent and heart and is a great song-writer, he wasn’t my first choice to win it.

Still though, congrats to the guy. He blew everyone out of the water with his track “You And Your Crown” which goes a little something.

Like this:



I think it’s a pretty rad little ditty, but it’s no secret that my favourites to win this were The Kiffness.

I mean Matthew is cool and all, but does he have a track that can stand up to “Ra Ba Do Ba Day”?



Exactly. I rest my case.

Just try get that song out of your mind. Impossible.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get my greasy mitts on a few songs from Matthew’s set when he plays next month to share with you crazy cats.

Until then, well done Matthew, go kick some ass over there and come back with a fat recording contract and some belter groupies.

Atta boy Winking smile