Posts Tagged ‘10 pin bowling


Captain Stu Are Fucking Cool

And if you don’t believe me, I want you to know that you’re wrong. And no, this isn’t one of those situations where it’s ok to be wrong and you say ‘Well, let’s just agree to disagree’ and slope off to have a crafty wank behind the tool shed.

Captain Stu are fucking cool because not only are they carving out a sound that is fresh, funky and infectious, but Ryan the bassist gave me first dibs on their new video for the track “The Day” off their radass new EP that they’re launching on Friday night at Zula.

But wait. It’s get’s better.

If you head on down to Zula on Friday, they’ll give you the new EP FOR FREE.

All that hard work. All that time spent slaving away in studio, coaxing the sickest jams you could ever hope to hear from the tender birth canals of each and every band member’s twisted mind and they give it away FOR FUCKING FREE.

OK, so the new EP is called “Free Music” but still. I think that’s pretty fucking cool.

So here’s the new album cover:



Aaaaaaand, here’s the new video:



What do you guys reckon? Invite them as guests on the Tiger Life, ingest large quantities of LSD and go 10-pin bowling?

Holy shit. That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking!

Group hug.