Archive Page 6


The Cub Is 6 Months Old Today

2014-02-06 11.07.18So I want all of you guys, all of you crazy beautiful people who read this site to join me in wishing my little girl a happy half-year birthday! Can you believe how quickly it’s going by?! Yeah, me neither…

People ask me all the time how The Cub is, how J-Rab is and how we’re all doing as a family and I find myself at a complete loss for words. Mostly I just smile from ear to ear and tell them it’s been amazing in every way.

J-Rab and I still have moments where we stare in total wonder at this tiny human and can’t believe we actually made her.

Someone told me once that having children is the last true miracle there is.

I can’t put into words what it feels like to share the moments I do with my little girl. She has become so inexplicably intertwined in me that her joys have become my joys, as have her sorrows and I know it will be this way for the rest of my life.



So, to celebrate this little milestone, I thought I’d share some insights I’ve gained from the past six months of fatherhood (in no particular order).


1. People who don’t have babies live in mild terror that yours is going to shit while they’re holding it

I’ve lost count of the number of times friends of ours have been holding The Cub and she’s made a funny face that they immediately interpret as her pooping.

“Um, I think she’s making a poo…” they’ll say, trying to sound nonchalant when actually they’re deeply uncomfortable at the thought of holding your baby while it shits.

I know this because I used to be one of these people. I just smile and reassure them that if she was shitting, they’d know all about it because it would be pouring out of her nappy into their laps.

This is a lie, but man it gets an awesome reaction.



2. Other parents can be fucking weird

We don’t hang out with a lot of other parents because we’re almost the first in our circle of close friends to have a kid and though we’ve met other new parents in the interim, we see them very seldom.

Also, other parents can be fucking weird. This bizarre competitive streak comes out in them that blindsides you every time.

If your baby is sleeping through the night at 3 months, they’ll tell you theirs was at 1. If your baby started rolling over at 5 months, theirs started doing it at 3.

Conversely, if your baby cried solidly for the first 10 weeks, theirs cried solidly for the first 20.

You can’t win because they think their little bundle of joy is the centre of the entire goddamn universe, which is clearly a load of bullshit because ours is!



3. The internet is not your friend

I can’t stress this enough – DO NOT GOOGLE WEIRD THINGS THAT YOUR BABY IS DOING! Call the midwife instead and if that doesn’t alleviate your fears, have your baby checked by a legitimate doctor who will probably tell you that everything is (hopefully) fine.

For example, the Cub has a slight white discolouration in her right eye that we noticed a few weeks back. The Google prognosis? Cancer. The eye would have to be removed immediately.

J-Rab and I freaked the fuck out. Luckily we called the midwife who calmed us down and gave us the number of an ophthalmologist to call so we could have her eye properly examined.

Turns out it’s nothing to worry about at all. The pigment in babies’ eyes changes so drastically when they are small, sometimes a discolouration will occur because obviously your baby is magical and will most likely grow up with superpowers and become the most incredible human to ever exist.




4. Kiss afternoon naps goodbye

Yeah. This was a tough one for J-Rab and me, not because we are lazy bums who’d rather lie comatose from 2pm until it’s dark than do anything productive, but because from time to time, a cheeky little 2 hour afternoon nap on a lazy Sunday is just what the doctor ordered.

If you’re planning on having kids one day, please, PLEASE have lots of afternoon naps while you still can because holy shit, when you have a baby, they are just plain and simply NOT POSSIBLE.

When you’re trying to nap, baby is wide awake and chatting away. When the baby decides to go down, you hastily try to force a nap and just as you’re going down, the baby wakes up and is like “HEY-O! Play time bitches!”

We have had exactly 1 decent afternoon nap since becoming parents. That’s 1 nap in 6 months.

The horror… the horror…



5. The day your baby first smiles, you know. You just know.

That you’ll never be the same again. That the life you knew before you became a parent is over and that despite the fact that this little angel is now controlling every aspect of your new life, it’s fine.

It’s better than fine. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.

I don’t pretend to know what life is about and I’m often overwhelmed by bigger-picture conversations and have spent more hours than I think I could ever count trying to make sense of why we’re all here.

I always thought that my purpose was to create something incredible – to write something and get it published, whether it be a novel or a screenplay or a graphic novel or a TV show. To make something that would last forever.

I always thought this was my higher calling and valued it above even having a child because really, what was so special about having a kid? Anyone can do that, what’s the big deal?

It’s almost tragic how misguided I was. What’s the big deal?



You have a shitty day at work. Despite your best efforts, everything goes wrong. You get an earful from your boss, from your clients, you wonder what you’re doing here, what the point of it all is.

Your friends bail out on the plans you were trying to make on the weekend. You drive to the lunch place around the corner for a fat baguette sammie to sink your teeth into and find they’re all out. Your car’s clutch starts slipping on the way back and the service centre tells you you’re in for at least R3k to fix it.

You drive back home feeling despondent, defeated, like what’s the fucking point? Like nothing, nothing, is going your way.

And then you walk in through the front door and you see her and she breaks out in this huge, bashful gummy grin from ear to ear and everything in your life, every single goddamn thing is suddenly better.



It’s the last true miracle there is. Swear to God.

It’s the best thing we ever did Winking smile



A Video That Can Actually Top The Last One I Posted On The “What-The-Fuck-o-meter”

wackIf you guys caught the last music video I posted for Jamie Lenman and were actually able to sit through the thrash metal part at the beginning, then you have a better than average chance of handling this next one.

Fair warning though, it comes from Japan – home of the world’s weirdest shit since the term “weird shit” was first invented (probably by the Japanese).

Bizarrely these guys actually sound a bit like System Of A Down if everyone in the band decided to go on a 10 day meth binge interspersed with liquid LSD down-down competitions. The internet is indeed a wonderful place.

Are ya ready kids? Introducing Thheee Maximuummm Hoooooorrrrrrmmmmmmoooooonnnnnneeeeee!



I actually have no idea what to follow that video up with. What do you say to someone you’ve just made watch a video like that?

Yeah. Exactly.



Escape Monday: Pictures From Paradise (Part 1)


We’re trying a new thing here at SlickTiger Industries today folks and it is CRUCIAL that every one of you who reads this post today comments on the new thing we are trying IMMEDIATELY in the section provided.

This blog site is written at least 55% for YOU the people and 45% as a very strange, deeply troubling four year-long private joke that I a share with me and a handful of other people in my head.

But that’s a blog post for another day. Today’s post exists for one reason and one reason only – to transport you from the suicidal depression of another Monday to magical far-off places that closely resemble paradise.

The difference today though, is that I’ll be doing this using what I like to call a “photo gallery” which makes it a crapload easier for me to upload lots of images at once. It will also hopefully make it easier for you, the reader, to view these images.

Phew. Nervous. Ok, you guys ready? Ok.

Here we go…



PHWOAR! How the hell was that?!? Christ on a bike, you guys still with me?

It was like the pictures were coming out of the screen and cre-hating a 3d environment all around us!

This could change EVERYTHING on this site.

Exciting times I tell ya Winking smile



Bands Taking The Piss

Travis failBig up to NME for originally posting these videos of bands giving the finger to the man by outright refusing to mime their songs when asshole TV producers insist on it.

NME posted this because the Chili Peppers “played” at last Sunday’s Superbowl with their instruments very clearly not plugged in, which nearly caused as much of a ruckus as them collaborating with Bruno Mars.

They faked it like a buncha pros, but obviously wanted it to be known that something was rotten in the state of Denmark by not plugging in. Keidis’ voice was apparently the only real part of the performance.

This prompted NME to dig up other videos of bands taking the piss when they are supposed to be miming, three of which I couldn’t resist posting for you crazy kids.

Let’s kick things off with this epic Travis performance at Top Of The Pops. Remember this song? It’s actually pretty damn good. The hell happened to this band…?



I love the timing of that final custard pie to the face. Fuck yeah.

Next up is Muse who aren’t really renowned for their great sense of humour but you have to appreciate the sly genius of the move they pulled when an Italian chat show insisted on them miming their way through “Uprising”.



So blind. And then the talk show host goes on to interview the drummer thinking he’s the frontman. Do your goddamn homework, sheeit.

And my favourite of the whole bunch by a country mile.

Ladies and gentlemen.




I actually think the way Kurt sang that song was pretty radass. I had no idea he could even sing like that.

Have a killer weekend party people! See ya’ll back in the salt mines next week Winking smile



The Tiger Watches “How To Destroy The Universe” Video. Freaks Out.

Universe endingThe universe is a pretty gigantic (or so I’m told) so the thought of the entire thing suddenly ceasing to exist is a total mind fuck. Now you see us, now you don’t. We hope you enjoyed your stay.

The video you are about to watch covers a whole bunch of different theories about how the universe is going to end, all of which are based on the fact that the universe is expanding exponentially.

It’s pretty intense, a lot of quantum theory and other stuff that I don’t even pretend to know anything about. The way this video explains everything is pretty easy to understand though. Easy to understand and mildly terrifying…

Here. Put this into your brain. Mull it over for a bit and see how it sits:



Shit. I think I’m gonna need a minute to let all that sink in while I sip on a fine single malt and plan that hedonistic backpacking trip around South America I’ve always wanted to take…



Philip Seymour Hoffman – The King of Uncool

Philip-Seymour-Hoffman_lI was pretty shocked when the news broke about Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death, which came as a surprise to me because celebrity deaths don’t usually have that much of an effect on me.

I mean really, who are celebrities to us? We never hang out with them, we never get to find out what they’re really like, we just project ourselves onto them and think we know them when we don’t actually have a clue.

And yet I actually was genuinely saddened by Hoffman’s death. Firstly because he leaves behind a wife and three kids, but secondly because he was a phenomenal actor who had an uncanny ability to connect with his audience.

There’s a line from Almost Famous that’s being quoted a lot in the articles I’ve been reading about Hoffman that I think is really fitting when it comes to describing him and his body of work:

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what we share with someone else when we’re uncool.

I’ve thought about that line a lot since Hoffman’s passing because though he was a lot of things during his time on this rock, I don’t think you could ever call him cool.



Not in the Brad Pitt / George Clooney / Leonardo DiCaprio sense of the word. I can’t imagine him ever swanning around those fancy Hollywood parties, rubbing shoulders with the cool kids, posing with models and billionaires.

It just doesn’t fit for me. Hell, I’d even go as far as to say a guy like Hoffman would find the word itself totally vacuous, a joke perpetuated by terminally insecure people who seek constant validation from anyone they can get it from.

I don’t think he gave a fuck about any of that. I think he cared about his characters deeply, he cared about finding their vulnerability, their insecurity, their dementia, the ugliness and beauty beneath their words and actions.



That’s what I think he cared about – finding those things and surrendering himself to them completely, using himself as a conduit to channel the emotions his characters felt and making us feel those emotions too.

I’ll miss the random appearances he used to make in movies, often more content to play a supporting role than take the spotlight. I’ll miss those “Fuck yeah, Philip Seymour Hoffman’s in this!” moments when he would appear on-screen because you always knew, always, that whatever role he was given, he’d smack it out the park.

More than that though, I’ll miss what I used to share with Hoffman, that currency his character Lester Bangs speaks of in Almost Famous, that startlingly rare quality that some people have that immediately makes you feel less alone in the world.

He was a great man gone far, far too soon.

He will be sorely missed.



Escape Monday: Epic Tattoo Artist’s awe-inspiring Work

Kamil_Czapiga_2013_Tattoo_244I don’t have any tattoos and the chances of me ever getting any are pretty much zero. I just know myself too well – anything I get I’ll probably end up hating after a couple years.

My tastes just change way too much as I get older. I have nothing against people who get tattoos, in fact I admire them for being brave enough to do it, but give it 10 years and most of them regret it.

HOWEVER, if I ever had to get a tattoo, I wouldn’t just go to any douche with a needle and a flipbook of clichéd designs. I’d do my homework, find someone like Kamil Czapiga.

This guy’s work is seriously impressive. From what I can gather, he uses a style of tattooing called “pointillist” which means the tattoos take much longer, but look a million times better.
























No doubt this guy has some serious talent and all it takes is a quick flight over to Poland, a couple thousand bucks on top of that and hey presto!

You’ll be the envy of all your hipster pals Winking smile



Friday LOLZ: Bumper-Edition Lolz to kick off 2014

tumblr_mwd4f6le2i1s5rsdao1_1280Friday just ain’t the same without some seriously whack Friday lolz from your Tiger pal. These ones are particularly strange / hilarious / deeply disturbing and have taken hours on interwebz trawling to find.

Some guys, they post hot women in bikinis, others post hot women out of bikinis, but me? I post the kind of content that would give any psychologist a very interesting read indeed.

Today’s Lolz feature everything from a very creepy guy drinking juice to what celebrities would like like if they were normal people to some awesome celebrity equations, so don’t be shy boys and girls, dig in!

Starting with this phenomenal gypsy wedding:



Then moving on to something that happens to me all too often.



A little ScoobydoobeeDOOOOOOOOOO!










Moving right along, here’s a fun video to shit your pants to.
















And last, but not least…



Have a killer weekend party people!



Short Story: Dementia Pugilistica

flat,550x550,075,fI wrote this one back when I was doing that creative writing course at about this time last year. The assignment was to write a character in action and make him or her compelling enough to make the reader want to read more.

The big catch was you had to show and not tell who your character was through their actions and their surroundings. So I wrote this short piece and it’s one of the few that, reading back over it now, I still like.

That’s the problem with writing, you end up hating at least 90% of your own work, if not more, which makes it difficult to stay motivated.

But anyway, here’s the piece:

His bedside radio alarm jolted him awake, triggering a Pavlovian memory of smelling salts and the cloying taste of ammonia. His mouth agape in silent horror, he blinked hard, his watery blue eyes struggling to adjust to the morning light while he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

Familiar shapes slowly emerged from the fog. The floral curtains Miriam had so loved, the glass-framed poster of him and Jake “The Haymaker” Hagler above his dresser, his ratty red silk gown hanging behind the bedroom door under which he’d neatly laid his trusty brown stoukies.

His heart slowed. Home. He was home.

He lifted his duvet and swung his tree-trunk legs slowly from under the covers, planting them squarely on the creaking yellow wood floors. He rose slowly but steadily, his spine stooped under the weight of his meaty shoulders from which slab-thick arms hung, their swollen knuckles practically dragging on the floor as he lumbered toward the bathroom.

He ran the warm water tap and splashed his grey, grizzled face. His calloused hands scraped over the hard ridges of cuts opened and sewn shut countless times. He mopped his face with a towel and stared unflinchingly at the haphazard wreckage that stared back.

“Whadda mug,” he chuckled.



Wednesday Whack

Jamie LenmanThere is some whack shit out there yo. To a large extent I have to rely on you, my loyal readers, to share that whack shit with me because there is just way, way too much for one man to try and find alone.

So big up to Civilian who sent through the video I’m about to show you that could very well be the most schizophrenic performance I’ve ever seen in my time on this spinning rock in the middle of nowhere.

The first 1:43 is like having a jackhammer rammed into your ear by a hipster-looking fellow, but trust me, if you can tough it out, what follows is well worth it…



So flippin intense. From brutal thrash metal to chilled out swing laced with biting satire.

Ten points for originality.

Peew peew peew.