Archive Page 3


Here, I Want You To Have This Band. No, I Insist.

HeadphonesShout out to Ricksaw for enlightening me on this one. And like Jesus dividing the two fish into a bajillion, I shall now enlighten all of you, my favourite humans. But before I get to that, a story.

I originally wrote this post over a month ago, just before I went into hiding, clicked “Publish” and took it for granted that this had gone up onto the site.

For the days and weeks when I wasn’t posting, my only comfort was that this post was my last one, with this song because the original version of this post was badass, and the song badasser.

But it turns out that post about Masters Of Sex was my last one which was an ok post but not really what I’d want to be remembered by if it was my very last.

Just listen to the song. It’s by Mounties. Then you’ll understand.



Yeah. Good luck getting those hooks out.

Fuck yeah boys and girls.

Fuck yeah.



Why Crossfit Is For Flippin CHOPHEADS

Crossfit FAILLook, I don’t need to tell you guys, you ous are on the same waveslength as yuour pel Slicky-T, but crossfit is for serious flippin CHOPHEADS I mean come off it man, what the hell is WRONG with these ous?!

There’s only one way to train and that’s by klapping MONSTER weights, chowing enough protein to make your kidneys flippin EXPLODE and injecting FATAL DOSES of roids boet!

All this flippin squat, pull-up, flippin moff crossfit stuffs is for ous who don’t have the flippin’ BALLS to eat weights, put there bodies on the line EVERYDAY and have FULL-ON heart attacks by the time they reach their mid-40s.

So ja. These videos gave me a lag. Flippin chopheads…



So who wants so klap a bit of crossfit?!

Hey? Ja. Exactly.



Okes Who Like To Klap It #23: Flippin’ BUFF Laaities!

article-2639745-1E37327500000578-599_634x476Ma charnas and belters it’s been a helluva long flippin time. And during that time your Tiger pel has seen a lotta KLAP GYM type of CHOPHEADS come onto the interwebs and try be like the Tiger, but you ous know.

There is only ONE TIGER in the jungle, the original charna, the GODFATHER of KLAPPING IT and he’s name is SLICKY-T. The other dooses will come and go, but THIS DOOS is here to stay.

Now that thats sorted, I feel like it’s my duty to share something with you ous that I never knowed was even humanly possibly. Laaities – irrhitating little shitheads who run around breaking all your stuff and kakking there pant right? WRONG!

What I’m about to show you will make your eyeballs flippin BURST OUTTA YOUR HEAD and your BRAINS EXPLODE ALL OVER THE PLACE. Somewhere out there in the world there are two laaities who have achieved the ULTIMATE in KLAPPING WEIGHTS, GETTING BUFF and LOOKING TIT and their, like, flippin HALF OUR AGE!

Check these buff charnas out, yirre. KLAPPING IT! (Shout out to MAXINE THE GYM-KLAPPING MACHINE for sending these to her Tiger pel)






So that’s how these laaities chill, just eating weights for breakfast lunch and supper, smashing them in their face with their FLIPPIN ADORABLE BLUE SLIPPERS ON.

But just wait. It gets better. Even though these little monsters are’nt even 10 flippin years old, they have still learned how to go into full-on BEAST MODE.

Are you sitting down? SIT DOWN! That’s better.

Ok, now check THIS:




Now THAT’S how you raise a laaitie. None of this Teletubbies, Bren 10, Hana Fontanas bullshit. WEIGHTS, PROTEIN and DANGEROUS ANABOLIC STEROIDS EVERY DAY are the way to raise a rage-filled, murderous little PSYCHOPATH.

Well done Romania. Flippin WELL DONE BOET.

Slicky-T out.



Bad Lip Reading Of American Idol Is Too Awesome

IdolsBad Lip Reading just gets better and better. It’s definitely one of those internet memes I wish I’d posted sooner because as a blogger, you want to be known as THE guy who posts certain videos.

If I’d become THE guy who posts Bad Lip Reading videos, imagine how insanely popular this site would be, shoo-wee! Traffic would come pouring in like mana from heaven.

It’s all good though. At the end of the day, all that matters are the LOLZ and this video will give you lots of them. It’s the Bad Lip Reading of American Idol, and holy sheeit if the actual show was like this, I would watch EVERY EPISODE.



I’m crying. The people that do these videos are evil geniuses.

More please.



Escape Monday: Intense Storm-Chaser Pics

Sun shines under long-lived supercell moving across northeast Nebraska May 28, 2004, almost following highway 12 from Niobrara down to Sioux City perfectly.It has been a long-ass time since I last helped you guys Escape Monday and I can only apologise for that. In the last Escape Monday post I wrote, I mentioned that I was going to try something a little different.

See, up until now every time Escape Monday rolled around, I would just trawl the interwebs for cool images and post them on the site, crediting the photographer / artist who created them.

Then I got an email from one of the artists whose work I used saying, “The hell gives you the right to just post my work on your site without having the decency to ask me first if it’s ok?”

The man had a point. So going forward, all the Escape Monday posts you see on the site will only be of work that the artist him / herself has approved for me to post, starting with these images taken by storm chaser Mike Hollingshead.

This guy is certifiably insane. Just the images of the storms he chases are enough to make you shit, but actually being there to get these pics must take gigantic balls.

Check it:















Powerful stuff. I had no idea the sky could even do that. Makes the paffy little drizzly storms we have in Cape Town look, well, paffy and little.

For more of his work, check out his site here

As you were soldier!



Tiger Tries To “Smuggle The Rainbow” – Hilarity Ensues

unnamed-1-620x347I’ve always dug Skittles’ digital campaigns because they do some pretty crazy stuff and it works. So I was stoked to receive a blogger drop recently with an invitation to “smuggle the rainbow”.

Here’s the down lizzo – the mission they gave me was to go to and survive an interrogation from Customs Officer Oosthuizen as I attempted to smuggle the rainbow into South Africa.

I gave it a bash and lemme tell ya, it weren’t easy, but provided you can keep a straight face and not move a muscle during the interrogation process, you should be juuuuuuuuussssttt fine. Oh, you also need a webcam otherwise you won’t be smuggling no nuthin’.

But before we get to the smuggling bit, lemme show you guys the badass personalised blogger drop the Skittles folks sent may way.

Here’s what was delivered to me in a big box. A book! Hell yeah I love books!



Then I opened it and found out it was a legit prison Bible!



In the prison Bible was a canister that was designed to look like your Tiger pal, check it:



Here’s a profile shot so you get a better view of the Tiger-hat:



I opened the canister and found it was packed FULL of Skittles. This is the part where I show you a pic of that canister full of Skittles except I binge-ate them all Disappointed smile

This was definitely one of the better drops I’ve ever received so big up to the Skittles crew for putting this all together, great job guys.

Now it’s your turn to Smuggle The Rainbow. Hit and get your best poker-face ready to take on Customs Officer Oosthuizen and if you get it right, you’ll get the chance to add the Skittle you smuggled to this page:



When you get there, scroll down until you see this:



It’s the Skittles smiley face that my Skittle forms a part of. Only it’s missing a right eye.

Go. Finish the Skittle smiley.

Finish it now.



Solar Freakin’ Roadways!

Solar Panel RoadwaysAhh internets, how I have missed you. So much flippin’ AMAZING content, so many crazy beautiful minds all combining and merging, creating, sharing, inspiring, changing the world.

If you haven’t seen the video for Solar Freakin’ Roadways, you need to watch it right now. Not only did it get a chuckle out of your Tiger pal, but the idea behind it is nothing short of sheer brilliance.

The premise is simple – replace all the roads in the world with solar panels. Doesn’t sound very sexy or amazing, but trust me, the video you’re about to watch WILL blow your mind and could potentially change the world.

Check it out:



Hmm… I think I may be a bit late to this party because I just checked out the Indiegogo site that these guys put up and it’s been going since 21 April and has only 11 days left of funding.

They’re trying to raise $1 000 000 and have only raised $269 000 so far.

Christ that’s depressing. What the fuck is wrong with people?!

Having said that, I did find this link:, it’s a bit old but it does point out some valid drawbacks for Solar Freakin’ Highways.

For starters it’s costly to implement. It would mean tearing up all the roads in the world and replacing them with the hexagonal panels that cost about $7 000 each. Plus you’d have to train crews to maintain them properly.



Then there’s the question of durability. Sure they can withstand one tractor driving over them, but how about 100 20-ton trucks everyday?

Lastly, there’s the problem of solar energy itself. Only 14% of the available energy is converted into electricity. That’s on a sunny day. What about cloudy days in colder climates?

I don’t want to shoot this all down though, I think it’s a killer idea and really hope that they start rolling it out on a small scale to test it’s feasibility like they mention in the video because yeah… I fucking LOVED Tron!

Here’s the Indiegogo link:

I’m going to donate $10. I think you should too Winking smile



Pool-Hand Luke

376216_4929118339343_2124206427_nI did a launch in Joburg about two weeks ago, can’t mention the client but to give you an idea, it was for a skincare product that is primarily used by black women.

The beauty tips and secrets I have learned working on this account could fill the beauty pages of every women’s magazine in the country for six months. Never has my skin looked so radiant or felt so gloopy.

Naturally, once the launch was over my inner-savage was gnawing at the bars of his cage for whisky, pool and drug-fuelled rock music to balance out champagne, classy R&B and abundance of pink I’d been exposed to throughout the day.

We went to Jolly Cool, ordered pizzas, smashed a tequila or three and got down to the dirty business of trying to hustle some tables. I randomly challenged these two guys to a game and got my ass handed to me. Twice!

The one guy’s name was Luke. He had a cool story that involved fighting and girls so we got on like a house on fire.

Yesterday he sent me a link to some music he wrote, check it out:



Pretty fucking sick.

The kid has skillz, I’ll give him that Winking smile

Find out more about this pool-playing, charna-dribbing, chick-pulling boych here:

Good times.



Season Of Sunsets

Sunsets1I’ve been away a long time, probably the longest since I started this site nearly five years ago. I disappeared without explanation, turned to smoke and left the empty shell of my site floating out there in the ether.

Work was partly to blame – the load got so intense that some nights I just burned on through to the next day, eyes like sandpaper, heart hammering, stuck in a perpetual coffee-comedown nightmare.

There was stress. Enough that I lost 6kgs. Mistakes were made. Sleep deprivation fools you into thinking you’re on top of things when in actual fact, you’re continually overlooking the obvious.

When I eventually did go down, I’d drop like a stone into dreamless sleep, moaning from the relief of finally being able to switch my mind off for a bit. Sleep deprivation feels like a desert, the oppressive heat of binge-working boils your brain in its own juices, causing synapses to misfire and explode.

I drank so much coffee I swear it was coming out of my pores.

I stopped training. During work hours I did nothing but work. In 5 weeks I don’t think I watched one Youtube video. I have no idea what’s going on on the internet, no idea what awesome content is being created and shared, hardly any idea of what’s even been going on in the world.

And then there’s J-Rab and The Cub, who have seen the very worst of it. Daddy stumbling around the flat, gone. Physically there, but mentally just gone, gone, gone.

It’s been rough, but I think I’m finally starting to see the light. I’m going to try and get this sight back up and running, but I’m not making any promises because besides the work stuff, I’m facing some tough times personally and there is every indication that they are going to get tougher.

That’s another reason why I haven’t been writing, I don’t known how. There’s a lot I feel the need to write about, things in my life that have overtaken everything, but how do you do that? How do you just put all that personal stuff out there?

And if you don’t go that route, what’s the alternative? Pretend that everything is fine? Post funny videos and other inane shit when the people you care about and love deeply are suffering?

I don’t know. Life is fucked up.

There have been some amazing sunsets recently, over the last month or so. Every time we see one, J-Rab says it’s because this time of year, as autumn moves into winter, is the season of sunsets.



But to me, it feels a lot longer than a season, it feels like this whole year has been a procession of sunsets, each more heart-breaking than the last.

They say you grow through adversity and I believe it. I look in the mirror and where I used to see a boyfriend, a son, a brother, an uncle I now see a fiancé, a father. There’s a weight that wasn’t there before, the features look set, the eyes resolute.

I will get through this, we all will, and when we get to the other side we’ll be battle-worn but our scars will heal in time and we’ll be stronger.

The only way out is through.

The only way out is through.



Masters Of Sex – Three Reasons Why You Have TO Watch This Show

MV5BMjMxNzE1NzY2NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTk5ODMxMDE@._V1_SY317_CR4,0,214,317_I don’t think a lot of people know about a little show I like to call Masters Of Sex because the handful of people I’ve told about it all return my enthusiasm with blank stares.

So far they’ve only shot one season but are in the process of shooting season two which will probably air later this year. From what I can tell season one was pretty well received which is weird because no one’s seen it.

My advice is get your filthy mitts on it as soon as humanly possible, wait for a rainy weekend and smash the whole season in two days. Here’s why…

Reason 1 to watch Masters Of Sex

It’s called MASTERS OF SEX, so yeah. There is a lot of sex in it.

It’s based on the true story of the first doctor to conduct sex studies back in the 50s when people knew very little about sex, especially when it came to what women experience during sex and why they experience it.

Expect lots of masturbation and sex with people wearing all kinds of wires and weird contraptions. And Lizzy Caplan naked. A lot.

Fun times!



Reason 2 to watch Masters Of Sex

Interestingly, though sex if the focal point of the series, it never descends into the pure smut of a show like Californication which, after season 3, just became a ridiculous parody of what started out as a good series.

On the contrary, Masters Of Sex perfectly balances the naughty bits with some meaty intellectual fare and compelling drama so you don’t feel like a weird pervy weirdo watching people wired up to machines having sex.



Reason 3 to watch Masters Of Sex

The series starts well, has a few moments in the early episodes that keep you coming back for more, but if I could give one piece of advice it would be don’t ditch the series until you’ve watched up until episode 6.

After that episode, the show takes an insane turn and hooks you right to the end. Damnit people! Just watch the damn show so we can talk about it ok?

That’s all I can really say about Reason 3 without giving too much away.



Watch it, come back to this post and leave your thoughts in the comments section.

Or don’t. I’m just interested to see if anyone else finds this show as hectic as I did.