Archive for the 'TigerTV' Category


SlickTiger Industries Presents: DIVE-BAR GAME REVIEWS

DBGR Ep1I was wading through my Slicky-T fanmail the other day when I stumbled on this intriguing mail from a total badass I used to know from way back.

The long and the short of it is that this total badass (we’ll just call him the TBA for brevity’s sake) now works for Megarom and asked me if I want to review games for the site to which I of course replied “HELL YEAH!”

Which in retrospect might have been a bit hasty seeing as I don’t have a console or a gaming rig that can handle anything more intense than The Sims.

Still though, it didn’t feel right passing up an opportunity to develop a relationship that could one day prove mutually beneficial when I get my shit together and actually buy a console so I told the TBA to send away and I’d figure out a way to give him some love on the site.

Fast forward to later that same day and I’m indulging in my favourite passtime with some buddies (getting drunk and playing pool badly in a dive-bar) when all of a sudden this genius idea strikes me.

My buddies have consoles! They can play the games and all I have to do is interview them about what the games were like, film it, put it on my site and KAPOW! Everyone’s a winner!

And so DIVE-BAR GAME REVIEWS was born in an alcohol-fuelled moment of pure inspiration.

So kick back, pour a whisky, relax and dig Episode 1 where my buddy Graumpot and I chat about Sleeping Dogs.



So yeah. Hope you guys enjoyed our first attempt at a Dive-Bar Game Review. Sure, it’s a little rough around the edges, it’s a little gritty, it’s a little grimy, it could use some colour-grading but it’s one of the few video projects I’ve worked on where, even after sinking about 100 hours into it, watching it doesn’t make me start twitching involuntarily.

Huge thanks to Graum and Blomdog who did me a solid on this considering our production budget was exactly R0.00.

Also a huge thanks to my long-suffering girlfriend J-Rab who spent many a boring night chilling solo in the flat while I cut this badboy up with Blomdog until the early hours.

Feel free to comment on what you thought of our review, but only say good stuff ok? Anyone trolls this I swear to God I will weep like a little girl after the hours I spent sweating blood to make this happen.

Have a killer weekend party people!

Catch ya’ll next week Winking smile



SlickTiger Industries Creates Sickest Nandos Ad Known To Man

I caught wind of this radass campaign that Nandos are running at the moment where they are shooting a whole bunch of ads that explain the “Dubious History” of their famous peri peri sauce.

They’re posting all the episodes to this site: and then giving ordinary folks like you and me the opportunity to take a stab at what happens next in the ads.

You can either write in (must be 280 characters or less) or submit a 30 second video entry and if your submission makes the top three in terms of number of votes you win an African holiday to the value of R20k!

I’m not too fussed about the holiday to be perfectly honest, I just wanted to whip out the ol’ Nokia N8 again, wear my underpants on the outside in public and shoot some crazy shit.

Here are the fruits of my labours*. If you dig this, hit and click on “like” (to the right of the video), literally takes 3 seconds.



You guys fucking rock. Let’s let the Tiger loose on AFRICA bitches! It’s been ages since I’ve had bilharzia!


*Disclaimer: If my ad makes absolutely no sense, it’s because I shot it before the Nandos one was uploaded onto the site and NOT because I’d smoked too much tik that day.


The Tiger Life – Episode 4

Just when you think shit can’t possibly get any better right here on Them’s Fightin’ Words, the Tiger whips out yet another FLIPPIN’ INTENSE episode of The Tiger Life!

This one breaks all previous records for “number of ridiculously famous people interviewed” and has vox pops from the likes of Khaya Ntini (SUCH a legend), Sias from 5FM, Davie Jacobs and Roxy Louw.

Yep, comin’ up in the world, can’t trust NOBODY, gotta look over my shoulder CONSTANTLY.

Enjoy this week’s episode, I hope it blows your mind and don’t worry about the lack of content the site has been experiencing over the past week, more good shit’s in the pipeline! (Wow. Worst. Sentence. Ever.)






The Tiger Life – Episode 3

This one’s taken me ages to finally get around to editing, but it’s finally done and I think it’s pretty badass.

In this week’s episode I attended a Heavy Chef session where Seth Rotheram and Rich Mulholland spoke on the topic “Is Blogging Dead?”

I would have loved to include all the stuff Rich said as well, his talk had everyone in stitches, but sadly I’m trying to keep these clips to 5 mins a pop so I had to be pretty brutal in the edit.

Anyway, enough jabbering, enjoy Smile





The Tiger Life – Episode 2

Ok. Now we’re getting somewhere.

This one turned out a lot better than the last one and without sounding like a total douche, I’m really proud of this little piece of random interweb video.

Please join me as we enter the world of the 27Dinners to interview geeks and gamers and watch the new XBox Kinect system in action.

Good times Winking smile






The Tiger Life – Episode 1

Alrighty, let’s do this!

Like I said, this is ok – I had to scale down the video quite a lot to get it to upload right so the visuals have lost a bit of their sharpness and clarity, but overall, the best part of doing this whole thing was shooting it on the Nokia N8 I’m using right now.

So kick back, grab a froo-froo vodka cocktail and check out The Tiger Life – Episode 1.




Stay tuned for more Tiger shenanigans in next week’s episode!



SlickTiger Industries Presents: TigerTV

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, ghouls and fiends WELCOME to TigerTV.

I couldn’t have done ANY of this without the help of my good friends Supa Dan, Judd Zuckle, Mike Van Barmann and Hardcore Iain The Slain Barbarian.

This is the first of many, many more short film projects to come. If you wanna get involved, email

I can pay you in meatballs and internet notoriety.

Please enjoy the PSA we shot to raise awareness about an issue close to my heart.



Have a killer weekend guys!