KAPOW! From three posts in two weeks to two posts in ONE DAY shit is off the chizain at SlickTiger Industries today.
So as you may have guessed from the title of this post, the final 10 bands have been selected for the Converse “Get Out Of The Garage†competition.
You can vote for the bands at the Converse FB page here: http://on.fb.me/getoutofthegarage where you can hear their tracks, check out their videos and read their bios.
It’s a great selection of bands, the judges Zulu Boy, Jon Savage and Garick Williams selected them from 138 entries and I think they nailed it when it comes to selecting bands that are representative of what SA has to offer.
There are some pretty suhweet bands that made it through, now you get to vote for the band you want to win the grand prize (a chance to perform at the legendary 100 Club, the longest running popular music venue in the world).
The final 10 are:
Goodnight Wembley (CT, Rock)
iScream and the Chocolate Stix (CT, Rock)
Matthew Mole (CT, Folk & Electric)
Nakhane Toure (JHB, Folk & Rock)
North of Winter (PTA, Rock)
Savage Lucy (JHB, Metal, Rock & Blues)
Shotgun Tori (JHB, Indie & Folk)
Skin2Soul (JHB, Afro, Kwaito & Regaae)
Swart (JHB, Afrikaans Rock) and
The Kiffness (CT, Electronic).
So yeah, which band am I going to vote for?
It’s a tough question. As a music freak, I’m always looking for bands that don’t tow the line and just copy/paste what international bands are doing.
Which only really leaves two bands in the top 10 that cut the mustard.
These guys have a pretty badass video, but the track that’s streaming on the FB page is better.
They’re edgy. I like edgy. Edgy doesn’t sit in a corner and sulk until it gets noticed. It fucking runs up to you and kicks you in the balls, much like this video.
Moving on, my second choice would be these crazy cats:
If you know who Mike Scott is, you’ll know he is a mother-flippin LEGEND!
Remember Goldfish’s rad animated videos from a few years back? Yeah, Mike did those. He also did the infamous SA cartoon Bru & Boegie and a whole bunch of other rad projects.
Everything Mike touches turns to gold and when he teams up with his brother like he does in The Kiffnes, well, shit gets real.
Just watch this video. It’s actually so beyond awesome it’s hard to watch it without your eyeballs exploding out of your skull.
I read on NME that Arctic Monkeys are going to start working on album number 5 pretty soon and are looking to go for a “heavier†sound this time around.
I was pretty sceptical when I heard that because I remember them saying the same thing before the release of Suck It And See and it had one or two heavy moments but wasn’t nearly as heavy as Humbug.
To give people an idea of what to expect on the new one, they referenced the recent single they released (“R U Mineâ€) which prompted your Tiger pal to look it up and holy hell it’s fucking awesome!
Check it:
Can this band do any wrong?! No! This band can do no fucking wrong.
In the midst of all the controversy that’s been going down about certain South African internet radio stations and their listenership figures, a new player has busted out onto the scene that your Tiger pal is gonna be keeping a close eye on.
More importantly though, the station’s mandate is to deliver programming content that is geared specifically toward music lovers instead of the drones who tune into commercial stations to listen to Carly Rae Jerksen.
South Africa needs stations like this. Nearly every internet radio station that has launched in this country has made promises about how edgy and different they’re going to be, but none of them have delivered on those promises.
Because of the close ties to the club, Assembly Radio will also feature a shiteload of artist interviews and live music content that other stations won’t have access to.
It’s time internet radio stepped up as the game-changing medium it has the potential to be instead of just being a way to shove rubbish content up our backsides in order to try and boost painfully low listenership figures so that advertisers are kept happy.
The weekend is just around the corner yo, so I thought I’d throw together a playlist of some of my favourite tracks to get your blood boiling.
It’s a crazy mix of a lot of stuff from the naughties that you might not have heard before. Nine Black Alps anyone? Scars On Broadway? Ida Maria?
If you haven’t heard any of those bands you need to hear this playlist. Of course I threw in a couple of greats like the Pixies and the Pumpkins in there for good measure too 😉
Gonna try make this a more regular thing, it’s like SlickTiger Radio, just put your headphones on and get ready to mop your face up off the floor.
I mentioned yesterday that Muse were going to debut their new single on BBC Radio One yesterday evening and I’d try get my filthy mitts on it for you guys and thanks to Civilian, it’s a done deal.
No idea why music sites reported that Muse were going to debut the single “Unsustainable†off their new album The 2nd Law, because they debuted “Survivorâ€.
Get used to hearing this one, it’s been selected as the official song for the 2012 Olympics which is awesome when I think back to the fact that the first Olympics I remember watching was in 1992 and the official song was written by Pavarotti.
The times they are a changin’ boys and girls. Hoo-wee!
So here it is in it’s epic, operatic, face-melting glory. A song for the Olympics. About winning. Fancy that.
There isn’t really a video to go with it yet, but who needs a video when you have an awesome yellow block of Muse / 2012 Olympics co-branding?
So whaddya think party people? It’s no Knights Of Cydonia that’s for damn sure. And the lyrics “Race / Life’s a race / And I’m gonna win / Yes I’m gonna win / I’ll light the fuse / I’ll never lose†are a little weak.
No sign of any dubstep thus far though, so yeah… could be worse I guess…
The fucking weekend is upon us brothers and sisters and what better way to reign that gigantic, slavering beast in than by indulging in some Eagles Of Goddamn Death Metal!
If you haven’t heard of them, do yourself a favour.
Beg, borrow, steal Peace, Love Death Metal. Put your earphones on. Let your brain make sweet love to that falsetto-heavy rock and roll, yeah!
After that, mosey on over to Death By Sexy for another ramrod-stiff dose of everything that is great about rock and roll, and then top it off with Heart-On while you lie there in a post-braingasmic stupor.
Why yes, that WAS Josh Homme, frontman from Queens Of The Stone Age you saw in that video playing drums like a total badass and no, it wasn’t just a cameo, HE IS THE DRUMMER OF THIS BAND.
“What?!†I hear you say, “I thought he was a guitarist, what the hell is a guitarist doing playing drums?!â€
Well, I could ask you the same question for Dave Grohl – what the hell is a drummer doing playing guitar?
See, when a musician has so much goddamn raw talent, he often has to let it out through every instrument in the band, as is the case with maestros like Grohl and Homme.
Here’s more:
Ahhh yeeeaaaaahhhhh, now we’re starting to get into this motherfucking rock band, yeah!
Are we ready to take things to a whole other level of sexy? Yes? No?
Shit’s AWN!
So that’s all good and well. In studio and in videos they kick a whole lot of ass. But the important question is can they fuck shit up live?
Here’s one of my personal favourites, “Whorehoppin (Shit, Goddamn)’†to answer that question:
Huh. Funny, that didn’t look like Homme at the drum kit… I wonder if they tour with him?
I just took it for granted he’d be coming to SA with the band, but maybe I was wrong.
Anyone know if Homme will be jamming with the band in SA?
Hello? Is this thing on…?
Anyway, I hope you guys had as much fun digging that sheeit as I did posting it. Have a killer weekend party people, see ya same time, same place next week
I’ve said it before on this site, it’s not a very popular view but I don’t give a rat’s ass, I fucking love Primus.
It’s probably not a very popular view because of two simple reasons: 1) No one knows who they are and b) if they do, they can’t handle how intensely batshit crazy their music is.
Take the best bass guitarist you’ve ever heard in your life and feed him a bucketload of mind-bending drugs and you’ve got Les Claypool, the driving force behind this band and the man slapping the shit out of the bass guitar in the track I’m about to play you.
Though the video for “Lee Van Cleef†just dropped, the new album, Green Naugahyde has been out since September last year.
Check it:
Zombies and the Old West, fuck yeah.
Here’s more, this one’s called “Tragedy’s A’ Comin’â€, also off the new album. It has sick dancing, tight jams and the fucking coolest lobster suit I’ve ever seen.
Catchy. I dig how tragedy comes riding in on a horse wearing a spacesuit.
That’s some pretty deep sheeit right there if you stop and think about it.
Are you stopping and thinking about it? Neither am I.
All I’m thinking is DAMN I want that lobster suit.
Silversun Pickups carved out an interesting sound with their first two albums that hovers somewhere between 90s alt rock and 00’s noise pop.
The result was some pretty intriguing, broody material that, for all it’s shoegazing tendencies, also delivered a solid, satisfying punch to the gut when it needed to.
Not so much on the band’s third album, Neck Of The Woods, which features all the epic build-ups and breakdowns this band is known for, but very little of the gutspa that made their previous two albums awesome.
In a sentence, it’s an album of stadium-sized ambitions crippled by chronic stage-fright.
Sick Tracks:
Having said that, there is still enough solid material on this album to warrant a listen, just don’t come with the expectation their first two albums created and you’ll probably find a few gems if you scratch around a little.
The warm guitar tone and frantic riff on “Mean Spirits†grabbed me from the get-go as did the way they tear the ass out of the chorous.
I also appreciated the fact that they save one of the best tracks for last – “Out Of Breath†builds slowly to a machine-gun stuttering drum beat in the chorous before wandering off and losing focus somewhat.
“Here We Are (Chancer)†is a nice change of pace and might be the only song on the album they give some space to breathe.
Should You Give A Shit:
I really don’t know how to answer this question, which I guess is a kind of answer in itself.
With most songs clocking in at the 5 minute mark, a lot of the songs are drawn out way longer than they should be.
Add the mid-tempo pace of 70% of the material on this album and the result is an album that limps along, getting lost in an introspective, other-thought structural muddle of competing melodies.
It’s all snarl and no teeth, sadly.
Here’s “Mean Spirits†so you guys can decide for yourselves:
Back in high-school we had this badass English teacher who was like a walking encyclopaedia of life-changing quotes.
She used to print them out and tack them to the walls in her classroom. I’ve forgotten most of them over time and the ones I remember I only half remember.
One of them was about golden fruit, it was a metaphor for greatness. It went something like “Heavy hang the boughs that bear golden fruit.â€
I thought of it today because I got to thinking about Layne Stayley, a man who you’ve probably never heard of, but who was one of the greatest vocalists who ever lived.
Like a lot of artists that were part of the grunge scene in the early 90s, Layne got strung out on heroine and on April 5th 2002, the exact same day that Kurt Cobain had eaten a shotgun eight years earlier, Layne overdosed in his flat where he’d been living as a recluse for a number of years.
That was exactly 10 years ago today.
He was the singer and frontman of grunge / metal band Alice In Chains, who recorded the last great album of the grunge era, the self-titled album they released in 1995.
I don’t know why, but one of the lines he wrote was floating in my head yesterday so I started digging up some old articles about him and what I found was pretty heart-wrenching.
His dad was a junkie who left him, his mom and his sisters when Layne was eight. It was a heavy blow growing up without his father and at one point he even got a phone call telling him his father had died, which was a lie to protect Layne from his old man.
Layne said he felt like he always had the talent and creativity to be a rock star and was motivated by the thought that if he became a celebrity his dad might return.
Sure enough, once Alice In Chains started gaining momentum when Layne was in his early 20s, his dad saw a picture of Layne in a magazine and suddenly wanted to be a part of his son’s life again.
Sadly, it wasn’t quite the reunion Layne had imagined growing up. I found this on the MTV site, it’s part of the last interview that Layne ever gave:
"He said he’d been clean of drugs for six years," Staley related. "So, why in the hell didn’t he come back before? I was very cautious at first. Then the relationship changed. My father started using drugs again. We did drugs together and I found myself in a miserable situation. He started visiting me all day to get high and do drugs with me. He came up to me just to get some shit, and that’s all. I was trying to kick this habit out of my life and here comes this man asking for money to buy some smack."
Layne’s father finally kicked his heroine habit, but Layne’s dependence on the drug only worsened over time.
Alice in Chains only ever recorded three studio albums, three EPs and one live album. Layne’s heroine use got so bad that they band didn’t finish touring to support their second album and didn’t tour following the release of their last album at all.
Layne did vocals for another two Alice In Chains songs for their boxset, which was released in 1998, but from 1999 until his death in 2002, he lived as a total recluse.
Drummer Sean Kinney was interviewed about Layne’s final years:
"I kept trying to make contact…Three times a week, like clockwork, I’d call him, but he’d never answer. Every time I was in the area, I was up in front of his place yelling for him…Even if you could get in his building, he wasn’t going to open the door. You’d phone and he wouldn’t answer. You couldn’t just kick the door in and grab him, though there were so many times I thought about doing that. But if someone won’t help themselves, what, really, can anyone else do?"
More tragic than that was bassist Mike Starr’s last recollection of Layne when he saw him on April 4th 2002. Starr tried to get Layne to call 911 and get himself checked into hospital because his drug use had gotten so bad that he was completely emaciated, had lost a number of teeth and was wracked by pain and nausea.
Layne threatened to end their friendship if Starr called 911. The two fought and Starr stormed out of Layne’s apartment. Starr later said that Layne called out, “Not like this, don’t leave like this†to Starr as he left Layne’s condo.
On April 19th 2002, his accountants phoned his mother and told her that no money had been drawn from Layne’s bank account in two weeks.
The police kicked in the door to his home and found his remains lit by the flickering light from the television he died watching when he overdosed on a lethal combination of cocaine and heroine.
His mother was there when they found him. She asked the police if she could move some things off the couch so she could speak with her son one last time.
After an autopsy was performed it was revealed that Layne had died on the 5th of April, making Starr the last person to ever see him alive.
Starr blamed himself for his bandmate and close friend’s death for most of the remainder of his life, which ended tragically last year in March after he OD’ed on methadone and prescription medication.
Alice In Chains reformed in 2009 with a new vocalist and bassist to release Black Gives Way To Blue, but it just felt like a cardboard cut-out of a band that, for all the incredible music they recorded, has largely been forgotten.
Growing up, I promised myself I’d never become one of those sad, sorry fuckers who clings onto the “good old days†and reminisces endlessly about how much better things used to be, but when I think about the great musicians and bands that were around in the early nineties, it’s hard not to.
So many great minds, weighed down by the burden of the golden fruit they bore.
Great men, the ones that become legends of their time, endure untold suffering to bring some kind of truth, some kind of light into this world that is just as quickly extinguished and forgotten.
Let us not forget our brother Layne Stayley who lived his life with heaven beside him and hell within.
Regular readers of this site will know that once in awhile I delve into some truly weird, obscure shit when it comes to music.
I do this because when you listen to truck loads of new music constantly, sooner or later it all starts to sound the same and you need something to act as a defibrillator for your brain.
Enter Pepe Deluxe who I found courtesy of the killer music app I mentioned this morning – “Band Of The Day†http://www.bandofthedayapp.com/ (get it now, thank me later).
This Finnish band dropped their fourth studio album Queen Of The Wave at the end of January and it’s more eccentric than your buddy’s weirdo uncle who wore foil hats and got arrested every other week for painting his balls green and running naked through the zoo.
Queen Of The Wave is a concept album that blends psychedelic funk, 50s surf rock, soul, trip-hop and opera with a couple of Victorian harpsichords, Tesla Coil synths and Mellotron waterphones thrown in there for good measure.
“Refreshingly batshit†is the term that comes to mind…
Sick Tracks:
“A Day And A Night†was the song that got me into Pepe Deluxe. The bassline is sicker than a TB-ridden vagrant and, with the possible exception of the uncalled for arpeggio bridge halfway through the song, it’s kept pretty lean and mean throughout.
“Go Supersonic†is also pretty easily accessible and moves dextrously from a somewhat frantic Victorian-era verse into full-on Austin Powers 70s Tokyo girl-group, catchy-as-hell chorous.
The album opener “Queenswave†is also a great track. Faux synth bird calls are layered over a meaty bassline which is backed up with some nice, punchy drums. It’s atmospheric stuff and sets the tone nicely for the sheer musical indulgence to follow.
I also liked the slimey opening riffs of “Grave Prophecy†and the haunting sparsity of “In The Caveâ€, which is played on the largest instrument known to man, the Great Stalacpipe Organ. Built across 3.5 acres of Virginia’s Luray Caverns in the early ‘50s, this instrument delayed the release of the album by two years because the organ had to renovated.
They wanted to play it on the album that badly.
How batshit is that?
Should You Give A Shit?
At the risk of having my credibility as a music reviewer utterly destroyed, I’m going to say yes, you should give a shit.
They might be a bit bonkers when it comes to the way they arrange the tracks on Queen Of The Wave and they do have a tendency to go balls-to-the wall when it comes to dialling up the theatricality of their music, but there’s no denying that the production of this album is on a level I’ve seldom, if ever, heard before.
It’s ambitious, it’s gaudy, it’s complex, it’s bizarre and it isn’t for everyone, but it’s also a lot of fun and, because it’s so complex, it offers something different with every listen.
Here’s “A Day And A Night†to give you a little taste: