Archive for the 'Radass Videos' Category


The Angriest Guitar Player IN THE WORLD

Angry Guitar ManHow did I miss this?! Did you guys catch this video back in 2011? The angriest guitar player in the world? I didn’t! And I feel cheated that no one shared this with me back when it was first uploaded.

If you’ve never seen the angriest guitar player in the world then you my friend are in for a treat. You get regular, run-of-the-mill angry Scots and then you get motherflippin NUCLEAR MELTDOWN angry Scots.

This guy belongs to the nuclear meltdown variety. I love this for two reasons – firstly because I know only too well what it’s like to be this pissed off and secondly because the part he keeps fluffing sounds like a fucking nursery rhyme.



I swear, I was crying watching this. This guy is clearly shit-your-pants mad. I don’t think anything’s cracked me up this much in fucking ages.

You ever seen someone lose their shit like this man?

Hahahaha! Priceless…



Psy’s New Video Is… Um…

GentlemanI said it before, when Psy dropped “Gangnam Style” I was notoriously slow off the mark in posting it on the site because after I watched it the first time I wasn’t really moved one way or another.

His new vid for “Gentleman” hit YouTube three days ago and is already at a whopping 86 million views so what the hell. I figured I’d post it here in case you guys haven’t seen it already (unlikely).

It’s got some pretty sick beats but it’s sorely lacking the radass dance moves that made “Gangnam Style” explode like an H-bomb on the interwebs.

Also there’s something about a grown-ass man acting like a brat for an entire music video that’s gets a little old about a minute in.



Comments, thoughts, suggestions? Anyone out there musically inclined will have no doubt noticed that structurally this song is identical to “Gangnam Style”.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it right?

I’ll say one thing though, the verse melody is already stuck like old chewing gum in my head.

Well done strange Korean man.

Well done.



Early 80s “Aerobic Self Defence” Video WILL Change Your Life

ButtingWhat the hell happened to people back in the 80s?! Did their ability to rationally assess what they were saying and doing just completely evaporate?

I mean there are only two types of people that possess the unwavering, supreme self-confidence that people in the 80s had – people on truckloads of blow and sociopaths.

American Psycho helped me understand why people in the 80s were as fucked up as they were, but every time I watch a video like this that understanding crumbles because what the shit is going on here?!

What you’re about to see is a video that contains gratuitous amounts of footage of men getting hit in the balls by women in spandex. I’m not quite sure how else to describe this.

Good luck.



“Thanks to Roland we don’t have to be afraid anymore” except for the fact that Roland himself is fucking terrifying.

Great handjob action at 1:06.

“Butting”. What the actual fuck.

And then there’s the part about this technique we in the industry like to call “slapping”.

Pretty sure women invented slapping. There is absolutely no fucking need to educate them in how to execute a well-timed, ear-ringing slap.

Or a well-timed eye-ringing or kidney-ringing slap for that matter.

Sky’s the limit here people.

Be safe out there.



Are You A Social Farter?

fartFarting means different things to different people. To me, farting is something I will never, ever do in front of people if I can avoid it. It’s just not the way I was brought up. Farting is for the bathroom and that’s that.

However, friends of mine, good people, will often unleash trumpet-blast farts at full volume when we’re hanging out with other people that they know have loose morals when it comes to public farting.

I hate this. A fart is basically a blast of microscopic shit particles into the air. When I’m smelling your fart, tiny particles of your shit are going into my nose and mouth and to be perfectly frank I think that’s fucking disgusting.

Which I guess is kinda hypocritical because I still find farting pretty hilarious, provided I don’t have to smell it. That’s why the following video gets the Tiger stamp of approval:



Siff. That’s all I have to say about that.

Have a killer weekend Party People, see ya’ll on Monday Winking smile



Worst Knock-Knock Joke Of All TIme

KnockknockI tell ya, it’s a fucking slow day today – there is literally nothing cool happening on the internet except for this bizarre video I dug up from god-knows-when (the 90s I’m guessing?).

This video is undeniable proof of why you should never give your children false hope. You should never tell them they are brilliant at something that you know full well they suck at.

Otherwise your offspring will end up on TV gameshows like this little asshole, making idiots of themselves in front of millions of people for all eternity. If my son did this on public TV I’d definitely ground him until he was 30.

Time to get your cringe on.



Keyboard cat was a nice touch. In fact, keyboard cat is the reason I even bothered posting this in the first place.

God bless you keyboard cat.



Friday LOLZ – Glozell Is A Retard

CinamonSo many retarded people in the world, all of them clambering shamelessly for a voice on the internet so they can get their 15 minutes of fame while the rest of us watch in mute horror.

A prime example of what I’m talking about is GloZell who, besides the fact that she has the worst name I think I’ve ever heard, is also a total fucking retard in every way.

I’m a little late to the party with this one so you might have seen these videos already a long time ago, but if you haven’t, you’re about to watch the dumbest fucking human I’ve seen in a good long time eat things that would make a goat puke.

To start things off, here’s her infamous “Cinnamon Challenge” that did the rounds a few months ago.

Check it:



I know right? How can anyone possibly be so fucking stupid. Sure, she might just be faking that she’s that dumb and doing it for the attention but still, doesn’t that make her pretty dumb regardless?

While you ponder that little gem of wisdom from your Tiger pal, gave a look at this next one – there aren’t actually words to describe how fucking awesome it is so I’m not even going to try.



It’s like she’s fucking possessed! The power of Christ compels you! Hahaha, what a fucking retard.

Aaaaaanyway, as a bonus video, check out this guy and his awesome homemade sparkler:



Classic. Pretty sure I’ve seen Wylie Coyote do that EXACT same thing about 100 times.

That’s alls I gots today party people. Have a killer weekend – if you’re in Cape Town, curl up and get some DVDs or something tonight cause this rain looks like it’s here to stay.




Vice Magazine Gets Its Own HBO Show

nettie-r-harris-x-ryan-mcginley-vice-magazineIt’s no secret that Vice Magazine is basically one of the last bastions of awesome, gonzo-styled journalism left on the face of the planet.

I mean holy shit, did you guys watch the video of the Vice journalist who takes acid and goes to the dog show? Or what about the piece recently published by a Vice journalist who visited the Playboy mansion?

Well now HBO is giving Vice their own show in which founder Shane Smith and a group of his top correspondents travel the world to visit the scariest and most absurd cultures and situations they can find. Pretty fucking sick, ne?

Check it:



The show premiers on 5th April and you bet your ass I’ll be getting my filthy little mitts on it to let you guys know what it’s like.

Have a killer Thursday. Nearly there Party People.

Nearly there…



Ultimate Wake Up Prank Compilation

Water PrankTrying to fit in the correspondence course I’m currently doing on top of blogging and a full time job is proving trickier than I’d first anticipated, no doubt about that.

I’m finding myself having to wake up at all kinds of ungodly hours to fit it all in which is why I can sympathise with the people in the video you’re about to see who are being cruelly wrenched from sleep.

It takes a really sadistic person to wake someone up like this. Sleep is without a doubt one of the best parts of being human so even though I died laughing at some of these pranks, deep inside felt sorry for these people, especially the rat trap guy.

Check it:



How’s the dad with the creepy mask and the chainsaw!? Way to traumatise your kids for the rest of their lives there dude.

Have a killer Tuesday Party People. This will all be over before you know it Winking smile



Other Level Friday LOLZ

tumblr_mitevdEbCn1qj26eao1_500It’s a rainy-ass day in Cape Town, what I like to call a classic GTFH day (gothefuckhome). I swear I’d actually pay my company R500 to let me just go home and go back to bed. Five hundred big ones. Done deal.

But sadly that’s not gonna happen. Instead I’ll get through today as best I can and try to duck out at 4. Hopefully by then it’s still all rainy and overcast and I can nail a flippin awesome afternoon nap.

Meanwhile, life carries on, but to make it a little more bearable for you badass mofos I’ve thrown together yet another random collection of Friday LOLZ that I think you’ll enjoy.

Starting with this spoof intro for Walking Dead from 1995:



And if that weren’t awesome enough, here’s Breaking Bad 1995 style:



Ahh 1995… you kill me every time…

In other news:









Have a killer weekend party people!

Be rad Winking smile



The Perfect Series Of YouTube Clips For Movie Cynics

0I hate to admit it but I’ve become a right cynical basterd when it comes to movies. I blame the rise of awesome TV series for this, they have completely changed the way I consume media.

I want my entertainment in 40 minute bursts damnit! I want it in bite sized chunks and I want it to carry on for years! What is this two hour, watch a bunch of assholes I don’t care about bullshit?!

So admittedly I find it hard to enjoy movies the way I used to, which is why I find the “Everything Wrong With…” Youtube videos so awesome – they’re like a movie critic’s Shangri-La.

Remember the review I wrote for Prometheus slating it for being such a sloppy, incoherent piece of junk? Ya, well even with all the errors I spotted, the “Everything Wrong With…” team found about 10 times as many, check it:



Not satisfied with ruining that movie for everyone, I then took aim at the new James Bond snorefest Skyfall which you can read here.

Or you can just watch the “Everything Wrong With…” video below:



Not as bad as Prometheus, but still pretty shocking.

And then, just to hammer the final nail in the coffin, I reviewed Looper which the my new favourite Youtubers also tore into in a pretty big way.




So there ya go movie cynics. Hope I’ve made your Friday Winking smile

Later Party People, have a killer weekend.