Archive for the 'Radass Videos' Category


A Supercut Of Rémi Gaillard’s Best Pranks

RemiI tell ya, it takes big balls to do what Rémi Gaillard does. This French prankster worms his way onto all kinds of televised sporting events, gameshows and talkshows and causes total havoc.

I guess it’s also a sad indictment on security guards at these events because seriously, how the hell is he able to get onto the pitch / set time and time again and basically video bomb the shit out of that shit?

Maybe it’s a French thing, I dunno, but the results are pretty damn hilarious. Pay special attention to his phenomenal maths on the gameshow where he somehow gets into the audience and answers a question. Priceless.



The rugby one is also a classic. Proof that as long as you look the part and have the confidence to act the part, no one even raises an eyebrow.



Scientifically Accurate Ducktales Confirms That Ducks Are On A Whole Other Level Of Messed Up

Scientifically Accurate DucktailsYou guys remember the video I posted awhile back called “True Facts About Ducks?” If so, let me just apologise again for subjecting you to it because ducks, as it turns out, are very, very fucked up.

The guys who brought you “Scientifically Accurate Spiderman” must have watched “True Facts About Ducks” because everything you’re about to see in the following video is indeed true.

All I can say is thank Jeebers we all watched the normal version of Ducktales as children as opposed to the scientifically accurate version because if we’d been subjected to the latter, our fragile little minds would have been irreparably damaged.

Here’s the original theme song in case you don’t remember it:



And here’s the scientifically accurate version (WARNING: Don’t watch this if you are easily offended or still feeling sensitive after the recent FHM debacle):



Um… go science?



Wolverine’s Claws Made Real

Wolverine ClawsAs a kid I would often day dream about having claws like Wolverine. You’d basically be unstoppable in a fight – just pop them out and in seriously fast through your opponent and BAM!

No one has any idea what the hell just happened, the guy you were fighting is lying there bleeding all over the place like he got stabbed but no one can find a weapon.

See, this is how my 11 year old mind used to work (it’s all Stephen King’s fault, I swear!). But anyway, in the video you’re about to see, a guy who makes weapons for the movies actually makes a set of Wolverine claws.

They are pretty badass except for two things – they don’t retract and they rest at a weird angle when you’re holding them (as you can see in the pic above). Not that any of that matters when you’re gutting someone like a fish though.

Check it out:



Yoh. The guy with the punching bag at the end – so fucking cool.

Man At Arms does a whole series of videos about the weapons he makes, it’s pretty intense. There’s hardly a big budget Hollywood movie or series (GameOfThronesGameOfThronesGameOfThrones) that he hasn’t made weapons for.

If your movie or show has elves, knights, trolls, dragons or any other kind of medieval sheeit, Man At Arms is your man.




Vice Magazine Spends A Day With A Russian Billionaire

OligarchRussia, if my sources can be trusted, is one big, badass place that you do not fuck with. The people there live in sub-zero temperatures for most of the year, drink like their lives depend on it and are tough as coffin nails.

The drinking in particular is something that is apparently 100 times more intense than you could imagine. My cousin lives in Vladivostok, when he goes out with business associates, pre-drinks are tumblers full of neat Vodka.

By the time the party is in full swing, you’re so plastered your basic motor functions are packing up one by one, while your Russian buddies are just getting into the swing of things.

Of course, things in Russia are changing rapidly. Since Soviet disintegration in the early 90s, radical changes took place in Russia that saw large-scale privatisation of state assets taking place.

In many instances, this privatisation was decided according to what I like to call “The Buddy System” ie. if you had buddies in the Russian government, there was a good chance you would just be given a gigantic chunk of land, wealth and state assets.

This is what gave rise to the Russian Oligarchs – ridiculously wealthy Russians like the one you’re about to see who have more wealth than most African countries.

Check it:



Eeeeeennnteresting… I really thought he’d be a lot more dodgey, but in this piece he actually looks like a decent guy.

What also surprised me was the fact that even though this guy has mountains of wealth, his cabins and chalets and houses look pretty low-budget. Nothing like the Hollywood mansions we’re accustomed to seeing on MTV. In fact, I found his premises a little depressing.

He does conform to one stereotype though – the man likes his vodka. I dig the way the Vice reporter reacts to the final shot he has to drink, it’s like he’s downing battery acid.

I swear if you and I could just get 1% of a guy like that’s wealth, we’d be set for life.

Here’s hopin’ Winking smile



Blatant Power Thirst Rip-Off Ad For Mineral Water Is… Actually Pretty Damn Hilarious…

Beat-batting!I had to scour the interwebs for this one folks, no lies. I thought being Friday and all I’d get off easy, do a little web-trawling, find something suitably Friday-ish and carry on with life, but no.

You see, the interwebs doesn’t work like that. You don’t just jump onto it demanding rad content so that your lazy ass doesn’t actually have to produce anything original, that’s just not how it goes.

You have to approach gently, lovingly and be like, “Interwebs, please show me something rad and random and if you don’t, that’s ok too”. Then, and only then, will rad content like the video I’m about to show you reveal itself.

Before we get into it, here’s a little history lesson in internet awesomeness in case you missed the classic POWERTHIRST videos that did the rounds in ‘07.

It started… with the err… first one…?



But THEN! Powerthirst REDOMINATION happened…



And to top it all off, there was Powerthirst 3: POWERMOST.



So yeah, you get the idea. Lots of shouting total nonsense, ridiculously over-manly man-stuff and more irony than you can fit in a warehouse of irony, a WIRONY!

And then I saw this ad for mineral water which, though it’s flippin’ hilarious, felt vaguely familiar…



“You’ll be sexy like a TIGER in a BUGATTI powered by liquefied thoughts about the size of the UNIVERSE!”

Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed having nonsense shouted at you for the last 15 minutes as much as I’ve enjoyed dragging you into this weird, dark corner of the interwebs.

Have a killer weekend Party People, see ya’ll on the other side.



“Golden Balls” Gameshow Clip Proves That Humans Are Slimy Pieces Of Shit

tn_Capture4When they’re done well, gameshows and reality TV shows can provide some pretty unique insights into human behaviour that we probably would never be exposed to otherwise.

The thing that really gets me though is that the people on these shows do these truly despicable things in full view of millions and millions of total strangers who will only ever remember them as slimy pieces of shit.

The less I say about the clip you’re about to see, the better. I want you guys to go into this as blind as I did because wow some people are the slimiest pieces of shit you can ever imagine.




How fucked up was that?!

Yoh, I nearly fell off my fucking chair. What a slimey piece of shit, siff man!

Anyway, hope you have a killer Thursday, the end of the week is nigh, just hang in there everything’s gonna be alright.



Kodaline have The Most Intense Music Videos

DavosRemember when I posted a music video by the band Kodaline? The track was called “All I Want” and I’m not ashamed to admit the first time I watched I may have gotten a little choked up.

I mean shit guys, I’m only human. That video was brilliant, it was like watching an entire feature film in 3 minutes. Also, I miss music videos like that one and the ones that came out in the 90s and early 2000s.

Remember Radiohead’s “Just”? Or Coldplay’s “The Scientist”? Those were great videos that told a story, which is why I thought that Kodaline video and the one I’m about to show you are both so brilliant.

I guess I also miss this style of music. Sure, it’s been done to death and a lot of bands have really fucked it up and made it unbearably shit and oversentimental, but once in awhile a band comes around that strips everything back down to the basics and focuses on getting them right, which is what Kodaline does so well.

Here. This is what I’m talking about.



Powerful stuff hey? Really loved that. But I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking “Damn, I wish Slick had posted the other video right here for me to watch.”

Let it be. Here’s “All I Want”.



Sho. Emotional stuff. Must be getting soft now that I’m going to be a dad Winking smile

Speaking of which, as you read this I’ll be going to our 33 week scan to see how our little cub is coming along. You’ll be happy to know that so far all our scans have been really healthy, everything is happening as it should and on the 12th August I will hold my little girl for the first time.

Ain’t that wonder.



I Have A Whole New-Found Respect For Russell Brand

Russ-BFor a long time I thought Russell Brand was a gigantic wanker, BUT having watched the video I’m about to show you guys, it’s not an opinion I’m very proud of anymore.

I formed this opinion after watching a DVD of one of his early stand-up comedy gigs which I found awkward and not very funny. Then he started dating Katy Perry and my dislike of him increased tenfold.

I liked him in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him To The Greek though, which was why I decided to take eight and a half minutes to watch him OWN the morning presenters of MSNBC in a recent interview and holy shit, it was worth every second.

Take it away Russ.



So many awesome parts, but if I had to list my favourites they would be:

  • His expression at 2.00 when blondie lands the self-depreciating line about the mental illness she brings to the table
  • The way none of them have any idea how to respond to his summary of what “The Messiah Complex” is about
  • His subtle backhand of “Ghandi, go!”
  • Him yelling at the randoms in the background to “Work more quietly!”
  • The way Brand shoots down the jock-looking asshole’s comment about not understanding Brand’s accent when he’s listening to Brand on satellite radio in his car. “Rather focus on driving” – priceless
  • The part when he thanks them for their “casual objectification” of him
  • “Who is Willy?” I mean holy fuck. Willy? Really? You can’t even get his fucking name right?
  • “Is this what you all do for a living?” Everything after this point is gold. The way he takes over the show and is a million times better as a news anchor than any of them could ever hope to be is hilarious. Their comeback? Talk more about his weird accent and pretend that he’s not in the room. For the THIRD time
  • The “shaft grasper” comment at the end. Again, what a fucking legend
  • And lastly, the titles onscreen. Read them carefully, they change dynamically to describe just how much Russell is tearing into the incompetent buffoons they actually pay money to read the morning news

Anyway. I thought that was brillliant. Russell Brand, you are a total badass and I take back any shitty thing I ever said about you.

Intelligence: 1.
Jaw-dropping stupidity: 0



Star Wars Lift Prank

Lift PrankIt’s going to be a pretty insane day for your Tiger Pal so I’m going to have to make this one pretty short and sweet so I can get back to the grind, these turds ain’t gonna polish themselves.

What you’re about to see is a guy who has completely mastered the use of The Force to the point where he can control objects with telekinesis. That’s right, he’s bulimic.

Kidding. He can move things with his mind. The great thing about this is that he uses this incredible super-power not for the good of humanity, or even to the detriment of humanity. He uses it to open lift doors over and over and over and over again.




Definitely trying that one the next time I’m at Canal Walk… which will probably be around 2015… because I hate that place.



Clueless British Commentary For Baseball

Red SoxSo yeah, as you may have noticed, I decided to take a long weekend break on the site as well as a long weekend break in real life, so there’s been a distinct lack of Tigery goodness in our lives.

Good news is I’m back with more internet inanity, starting with this pretty damn hilarious video of a major league baseball game being commentated by a British chap.

Then, as we progress through the week I’m thinking of dropping a sick iPad game review into the mix, a review of a Scottish band I got the scoop on and who knows? Maybe even a Friday playlist when we get there.



Joseph Gordon-Levitt all the way!

Happy Tuesday boys and girls Winking smile