Archive for the 'Radass Videos' Category


I Have Found The Worst / Creepiest Song Of All Time

bc-2900The internet is like an infinite onion. There are layers under layers under layers of so much content with so much more being added that to even consume 1% of that would probably take you a lifetime.

And yet people who use the internet every day tend to stick to a handful of popular sites and that’s all they see. Me, I like to dig a little deeper every now and then and am almost never disappointed by what I find.

The music video you’re about to see is the reason why I will never EVER be a mainstream blogger. I just find utter shit like this hilarious.

This guy calls himself Bobby Conn and if there was an award for creepiest / worst breakup song of all time, he’d win it hands down.

If you can last the full 5:49, seek immediate psychiatric help.



Yoh. What the actual fuck was that?!

So very bad it actually defies explanation. That’s like the Troll 2 of songs right there.

Have a killer weekend Party People Winking smile



A Typical Relation-SHIT In 5 Minutes

RelationshitIf you’re a fan of Dane Cook, you’ll know exactly what a relation-SHIT is, but even if you’re not it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure it out and I can guarantee you know at least three people in relation-SHITS.

The problem is that loneliness is a motherfucker. It’s like fucking Chinese water torture, it does very strange things to people and is a major cause of relation-SHITS.

Loneliness makes people to get into relation-SHITS with people they should definitely never, ever, ever have started dating. They do this because even a hellish relation-SHIT with someone you have nothing in common with is better than sleeping in an empty bed.

The following video is a pretty accurate breakdown of a typical relation-SHIT in about 5 mins. I think this is supposed to depict a normal relationship but if the guy you’re dating wants to internet date and sleep with other girls and the girl you’re dating flirts with your bestie behind your back, there’s a good chance you’re in a relation-SHIT.

Check it:



They will definitely get back together. Then they will break up again. Then they will get back together. Then they will break up again. Then they will get back together and get engaged because six years have now passed and they’re staring at the business end of their mid-thirties.

Don’t get into relation-SHITS people. Tough it out. The perfect person for you is out there.



An Honest Trailer To Celebrate The New Season Of Walking Dead

THE-WALKING-DEAD-SEASON-4-POSTER-the-walking-dead-34243068-1048-736As much as I love The Walking Dead, there are also moments when I’m watching the show and wondering why the hell I’m still watching the show. When it’s good it’s awesome but when it’s bad… yirre…

That’s why once in awhile it’s important to put things into perspective with another awesome “Honest Trailer”. If you guys haven’t seen what they put together for Walking Dead, you are seriously missing out.

If you really, really love the show probably don’t watch this because it will definitely change your opinion of the entire series by highlighting everything about it that is kak.

Dig it:



Will that stop me from watching season 4? Highly unlikely. But it has made me miss Dale a LOT Winking smile



Calvin & Hobbes Fans, This One’s For You

blu-rayIf you had to run into me, maybe at a bar or (more likely) walking around Vredehoek with The Cub in a pram, and you asked me, “What’s your favourite comic book?” I wouldn’t even hesitate.

I’d answer “Calvin & Hobbes” because it changed my life. I started reading C&H when I was 12 and took an instant liking to it because I grew up as an only child and could relate to this little kid with this gigantic imagination.

The humour of the series was also a huge draw factor because it was fresh, intelligent and it had a child-like innocence to it that made me feel like a kid again.

What I also liked about the series was the fact that not every strip was funny. Sometimes the writer and illustrator Bill Watterson took a more serious turn with his material, but he always handled those moments with his characteristic eternally-optimistic view of life and somehow managed to impart some pretty deep messages without ever preaching or forcing it.

As it turns out, there’s a documentary that’s been made (thanks for the share Civilian!) that takes a look at the fans and friends of Bill Watterson as they recount what Calvin & Hobbes means to them and how those comics, which Watterson was drawing 15 years ago, are still so relevant today.



I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for that one.

Part of the reason why they made that documentary (I think) is because Watterson basically disappeared off the face of the planet after he finished Calvin & Hobbes in 1995. He bowed out gracefully and has been pretty consistent in refusing interviews and keeping to himself.

When he did eventually agree to do an interview in 2010 to mark 15 years since he stopped drawing Calvin & Hobbes, he had this to say about his decision not to continue the series (thanks Wiki):

This isn’t as hard to understand as people try to make it. By the end of ten years, I’d said pretty much everything I had come there to say. It’s always better to leave the party early. If I had rolled along with the strip’s popularity and repeated myself for another five, ten, or twenty years, the people now "grieving" for Calvin and Hobbes would be wishing me dead and cursing newspapers for running tedious, ancient strips like mine instead of acquiring fresher, livelier talent. And I’d be agreeing with them. I think some of the reason Calvin and Hobbes still finds an audience today is because I chose not to run the wheels off it. I’ve never regretted stopping when I did.[25]

That single quote has made me respect him even more as one of the best cartoonists that has ever lived.

Quit while you’re ahead boys and girls, never go the Ozzy Osbourne route Winking smile



This Is The End Bloopers Reel Might Be Funnier Than The Actual Movie

1170481 - The End Of The WorldI watched This Is The End recently and couldn’t help but think that the entire movie was probably born out of a marathon bong session between Seth Rogan, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Danny Mcbride and Craig Robinson.

Emma Watson might have joined in at some stage, but not for a bong. She probably just smoked a tight, reverse-rolled toothpick of a joint, giggled for an hour and passed out elbows-deep in a bag of Cheetos.

If you plan to watch that movie and not smoke weed, you’re a damn fool. J-Rab and I went that route and half-way in were like, “Wow. This is very shit.” Then I found the bloopers reel.

This is probably funny even if you haven’t seen the movie, but if you have, it’ll give you a lot of insight into how it was made and confirm the fact that all this movie is is a bunch of friends dicking around and doing ridiculous shit because they’re famous and they can.




Swear to God, if my buddies and I got together and made a movie, it would probably turn out exactly like this.

Which means I don’t really have a leg to stand on in terms of criticising it in any way.

Also, it has the best ending to any dumbass, over-the-top stoner movie I think I’ve ever seen.



The Best Kind Of Superheroes

HulkyIf you are lightning-fast, you would have read a post that went up on this site earlier that is no longer here. I had to immediately remove it when a loyal reader pointed out that I was being an ignorant arse.

The post in question featured a superhero and here’s where the story gets interesting. The minute I posted it, the kids from Retroviral sent me an email with the video below that also features superheroes.

These guys are on the ball. They are basically reading the entire internet all the time. I immediately agreed to post this campaign video for M-Net Movies Showcase on the site. Also, it’s an awesome video, check it:



Nice feel good stuffs right there. Simple idea well executed.

Nice one Retroviral kids! Especially the dude playing The Hulk. You could see he was classically trained.



Brilliant Amstel Ad Sets The Bar For SA Advertising

Amstel adI’m probably a bit late to the party on this one because I don’t watch TV at all, so I have no idea how much this ad’s been flighting on local TV stations or for how long, not that I give a shit.

What I do give a shit about is how powerful this two minute and eleven second piece of communication is. As an aspiring scriptwriter, when I see work like this it leaves me with my jaw on the floor.

Everything about this ad from the carefully scripted voice over to the song that plays to their choice of shots to the acting and exceptional editing is damn near perfect.

I judge ads on whether they stay true to the brands they are advertising, whether they communicate their central message or idea effectively and in a novel way and whether I feel an emotional connection with the ad.

This ad does all three and it does them in style. At this stage what I should be doing is finding out which agency is responsible for this ad and commending them on a job well done, but I’m snowed up to my eyeballs at the moment so hopefully someone out there watching this can let me know in the comments section who did this.

Here it is:



How this ad only has 253k views currently on YouTube is beyond me. I’ve seen total piece-of-shit ads rack up 500k+ views in much less time.

If you liked that ad, share it with everyone you can, both here and overseas.

People need to know that this country is capable of producing work of this quality.



Coin Is The Best Way To Kill A Few Minutes On A Rainy Thursday

CoinAs you guys may or may not have noticed on the site recently, I’ve been putting a lot of effort into the posts I’ve been writing, really in-depth shit to try and make up for all the radio silence.

I know you guys have appreciated the shit out of that shit and it felt good to flex a bit of writing muscle on the site again, but today I really just need to bang one out quickly and that’s where Coin comes in.

This short animated video somehow manages to squash EVERYTHING that is awesome about old-school beat ‘em ups into three and a half minutes of shit kickin’ good times.

If this were an actual game it would be the most awesome and impossible game of all time.

Check it:



Feeling better about your day? Yep, me too Winking smile

Later yo.



Awesome Work Meltdown Supercut

MeltdownI’m pretty sure we live in the most stressful time in human history. I blame technology because as insanely cool as it’s made our lives, it’s also resulted in us never being able to escape work.

As long as your work emails are coming through on a connected device that you take home with you, you’re going to read those emails and in some instances, you’re probably going to end up working.

So it’s no wonder that some people start to feel a little overwhelmed by it all and turn into raging maniacs in the workplace, destroying everything and everyone in their path.

If you need a little stress relief in your day, take a look at this supercut of people losin’ they dayum minds at work and take comfort in the fact that you are not alone.



Who needs stress relief when you’ve got a can of gasoline at the ready?

Words to live by right there…



Two Movie Trailers That Are Rad (And Don’t Feature Superheroes)

StillerSilver Linings Playbook was a cool movie. Especially the part where Bradley Cooper’s character Patrick throws Hemmingway’s A Farewell To Arms out his bedroom window because he hates the ending.

Impulsive shit like that is cool. Turns out the director David O. Russell has already made his next one American Hustle, staring Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and Jennifer Lawrence.

And if that trailer doesn’t excite you, I’m posting another for the new Ben Stiller movie that he directed and stars in called The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty that I also think looks pretty sick.

But here’s American Hustle first:



And here’s The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty:



Very cool trailer. That song that plays throughout is “Dirty Paws” by Of Monsters And Men. I’d buy that album right now if I were you. It’s called My Head Is An Animal.

Ok. Back to work.