Archive for the 'Radass Videos' Category


Wednesday Whack

Jamie LenmanThere is some whack shit out there yo. To a large extent I have to rely on you, my loyal readers, to share that whack shit with me because there is just way, way too much for one man to try and find alone.

So big up to Civilian who sent through the video I’m about to show you that could very well be the most schizophrenic performance I’ve ever seen in my time on this spinning rock in the middle of nowhere.

The first 1:43 is like having a jackhammer rammed into your ear by a hipster-looking fellow, but trust me, if you can tough it out, what follows is well worth it…



So flippin intense. From brutal thrash metal to chilled out swing laced with biting satire.

Ten points for originality.

Peew peew peew.



Walking Dead Superfan Pranks The Redneck Dude From The Show

ZombalombsI’ve mentioned it in posts before, but The Walking Dead has always been a little touch and go for me. It’s gotten worse now that I’ve had a kid because I swear, it’s turned me into a giant softie.

I dunno, human life just becomes so much more precious when you become a parent. Makes watching decomposed ghouls tearing people open in a senseless shower of gore difficult to watch.

So though J-Rab and I started watching season 4, we lost interest a little because at least 70% of the show is them trying to gross you out with shit that’s more disgusting than the last season.

This video is pretty cool though – a New Jersey teen who was born with only one arm and is a Walking Dead superfan gets turned into a seriously siff-looking zombie and gives “Daryl” from the show (Norman Reedus) the fright of his life.

Check it:



Classic! That must be the only time I’ve seen Daryl actually laugh.

I think they should give that kid a part in the show. He did a pretty killer job.



More Bad British Sports Commentary!

Mother Goose!I love these videos. Remember the one I posted awhile back featuring bad baseball commentary? Well those same guys are back to commentate on NFL and the results are just as hilarious.

These guys need to pitch this idea to a (brave) TV network somewhere and offer to commentate on live American sports games. That might actually get guys like me interested in watching American sports, no lies.

The tricky part now is thinking up another 34 words to fill this intro copy so the post looks right. Now it’s 12! Doing well guys, doing well. Four to go… And… There it is.

Dig it:



Very flippin cool. Only question is where to from here? Ice hockey maybe? More a Canadian sport. Basketball?

Only time. Will tell.



My Kinda Beer Ad

DomesticThere is a time and a place for craft beer and that time is payday and that place is my face. For the rest of the month it’s zamalek, rubbing alcohol and glue.

I think it’s a generational thing. Back in the 90s when we were impressionable teenagers, grunge was in fashion and things were pretty dingy and grimy. The big drug at the time was heroin which says it all.

Guys used to get wasted in any way humanly (and inhumanly) possible from huffing butane to swallowing entire blister packs of Thins, anything that got the job done was fair game.

Nowadays EVERYTHING YOU DO is broadcast across the internet through social media. It’s almost impossible to get away with anything and as a consequence people are a lot more aware of their behaviour and the kids strive toward a much cleaner, more manicured, more self-conscious self image than we did.

All of a sudden the brands you wear and the products you consume are vastly important. If you don’t have a 10 minute story to rationalise your choice in beer, you better invent one because this somehow adds depth to your character.

Or you could just lock yourself in your mate’s flat and get fucked up like the guys in this video.



Have a killer weekend Party People Winking smile

See ya’ll same time same place.



The Most Insane Vines You’ll Ever See

Zach KingThis post might be super-late, but if you haven’t already seen Viner user (Viner?) Zach King’s videos you are in for a mind-bending experience.

Mashable chalks these intense magic videos up to expert editing and in 70% of the videos you’re about to see, I would agree. But for that other 30%, there is just no explanation for how the hell he’s doing the things he does.

My theory is that this dude could be Jesus reborn. I mean, if the first time around he could turn water to wine, is it such a stretch that the second time around he can turn a Rubik’s cube to bouncing balls?

Make sure you’re sitting down when you watch these and not re-tiling the roof or something.



Look, if the guy isn’t actually just straight up magical, he has an incredible imagination to come up with these tricks.

His Twitter handle is @FinalCutKing if you want to see more of his work.

Tiger out.



One Of The Most Harrowing Videos I’ve Ever Seen

Base JumpIt really takes a lot to shock me. My poor, tired, old, twisted mind has seen so much unbelievably fucked up shit both on the interwebs and on occasion, in real life too, that I’ve become pretty desensitised.

So for me to call a video “harrowing”, you better believe it’s pretty intense sheeit. I watched this with absolutely no explanation of what I was going to see so that’s all the explanation I’m going to give you.

Don’t freak out though, this isn’t 2-Girls-1-Cup kinda fucked up, it’s just a very, very intense GoPro video of things going very wrong for someone. Watch in full screen for maximum impact.



Yoh. That part where he hits the rocky outcrop. You can almost feel his hopelessness as he approaches it. You know it’s coming, but you’re hoping he’ll miss it somehow and then BAM!

The base jumper in this video, Thayer Healey, apparently survived with a fractured vertebrae, stitches and back, wrist and hand sprains, pretty minor considering what he went through.

Wonder if he’ll ever base jumped again?

Knowing these crazy fuckers the answer is probably “yes”.



Vice Magazine Finds The Real Walter White

The Real WWSheeit, I might as well just call this the Breaking Bad fansite. I hardly post for three weeks and then it’s BreakingBadBreakingBadBreakingBad until your eyeballs are bleeding all over your keyboard.

But this video needs to be watched by you right now. It’s the story of the real Walter White – an actual meth cook who became a drug kingpin in the early 2000s before he was taken down by the fuzz.

It’s a helluva lot less glamorous than the show. For starters, all he did was cook the meth, leave it at random collection points and then go back the next day to collect a big fat wad of cash.

Seems like a nice enough guy though. Unlike Walt from the series, the real life WW became a full-on junkie though and is currently awaiting trial that could end in a life sentence in prison.

Check it:



Judging from his teeth and that gross thing growing next to his nose in some of those shots, this guy was definitely a meth addict, but was he the real life Walter White?

I’m a little sceptical. I seriously doubt his operation was anywhere near the scale of Walt’s in the series, but something tells me that real-life meth cooks are more like Badger and Skinny Pete than Mr White.




I’m Blogging! And It’s Not An Escape Monday Post!

BB Final ReadYeah, a sign of things to come? Christ I hope so. I been so unbelievably snowed under for the last three weeks you guys have no idea. I don’t blog, I don’t klap gym, I hardly see my girls, it’s nuts.

Not seeing The Cub and J-Rab is the worst, but right there in second place is blogging. All those hits I try so hard to grow, all diminishing day after day, fahk.

It will take me about a month of solid posting to get those hits back. So let’s get to it with this RADASS video of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul reading the Breaking Bad finale for the first time.



“Satan’s windshield wiper” – classic.

Still think Breaking Bad has to be one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. That and The Wire. I will never stop talking about Breaking Bad. And The Wire.






Russell Brand continues To Be A Total Badass In TV Interviews

BrandWhat started out for me as an awesome moment on an American morning talk show where Russell Brand made an entire group of TV presenters look like idiots has since grown into a genuine admiration of this man.

Watching the interview below, I can’t believe this is the same guy I used to think was a gigantic self-obsessed wanker who was good for telling crude jokes and little else.

If you study political theory though, you’ll know that the most dangerous political leaders are the ones that are powerfully charismatic, emotionally manipulative and boiling over with passion, but DAYUM! I’d vote for Brand, the man knows his stuff.



He gets a little personal at the end there, but still, how intense is that interview?

Great interview. To Jeremy Paxman’s credit he does try to reign Brand in and fires some tricky questions at him, but it’s plain to see who the clear winner here is.



Cults New Video And Single Are What’s Missing From Your Life

Cults Screenshot20110405at11_49_49AMIf you don’t know Cults, it’s time you did something about that. If you asked me what are my top three one-girl-one-guy bands, it would definitely be Blood Red Shoes, The Kills and Cults, hands down.

In close fourth would be The White Stripes, but only because they haven’t put anything out since Icky Thump which is a fucking killer album but that was what, 2007?

Anyway, Cults only have two albums out so far, their self-titled debut from 2011 and Static which dropped a couple weeks back and both albums are really solid. Vintage indie loaded with nostalgia, slick hooks and mesmerising vocals.

Check it. Here’s the amazing black and white video the band shot for the single “High Road”:



I know right? You NEED this album in your life.

Listen to Papa Slick.

He has your best interests at heart.