Archive for the 'Radass Videos' Category


Solar Freakin’ Roadways!

Solar Panel RoadwaysAhh internets, how I have missed you. So much flippin’ AMAZING content, so many crazy beautiful minds all combining and merging, creating, sharing, inspiring, changing the world.

If you haven’t seen the video for Solar Freakin’ Roadways, you need to watch it right now. Not only did it get a chuckle out of your Tiger pal, but the idea behind it is nothing short of sheer brilliance.

The premise is simple – replace all the roads in the world with solar panels. Doesn’t sound very sexy or amazing, but trust me, the video you’re about to watch WILL blow your mind and could potentially change the world.

Check it out:



Hmm… I think I may be a bit late to this party because I just checked out the Indiegogo site that these guys put up and it’s been going since 21 April and has only 11 days left of funding.

They’re trying to raise $1 000 000 and have only raised $269 000 so far.

Christ that’s depressing. What the fuck is wrong with people?!

Having said that, I did find this link:, it’s a bit old but it does point out some valid drawbacks for Solar Freakin’ Highways.

For starters it’s costly to implement. It would mean tearing up all the roads in the world and replacing them with the hexagonal panels that cost about $7 000 each. Plus you’d have to train crews to maintain them properly.



Then there’s the question of durability. Sure they can withstand one tractor driving over them, but how about 100 20-ton trucks everyday?

Lastly, there’s the problem of solar energy itself. Only 14% of the available energy is converted into electricity. That’s on a sunny day. What about cloudy days in colder climates?

I don’t want to shoot this all down though, I think it’s a killer idea and really hope that they start rolling it out on a small scale to test it’s feasibility like they mention in the video because yeah… I fucking LOVED Tron!

Here’s the Indiegogo link:

I’m going to donate $10. I think you should too Winking smile



Black Keys Kick Out A Friday Jam

20140321-blackkeys-x600-1395439282It ain’t over till it’s over. So fucked up how the world works – you take work home, some fucking brain-meltingly gigantic piece of hell you have to work through and guaranteed, fucking guaranteed, your kid cries all night.

I walked around with my daughter in my arms for an entire fucking hour 12.30am to 1.30am. My shoulder is fucked. You think lifting weights fucks you up? Try just holding an 8kg weight for an hour and we’ll talk.

Anyway, let’s just play this Black Keys track off the new album and try to put it all behind us for a day or two. The Black Keys understand. They got your back home-boi.



Ok, now it’s over.

Go home, get some fucking sleep, you look like shit.



“Turn Blue” Video Is All Kinds Of Creepy

Turn BlueI could try to explain to you crazy kids about how snowed under I’ve been lately, but I think that much is evident from how few and far between the posts on this site are.

The two pillars that keep me balanced are blogging and training. As long as I’m blogging every day from Mon – Fri and training three times a week or more, I feel like I’m moving forward.

As I write this, I haven’t seen the inside of a gym for nearly a month and I’ve blogged maybe twice in the last three weeks. All I have been doing is working and I wish I could say it’s letting up, but it isn’t.

Still though, I’m going to try get more content up on this site, no use in just having it floating around collecting dust. I fucking love this site, not posting feels like I’ve forgotten to feed the cat and am just hoping she’ll learn how to use a can opener and feed herself.

So to kick things off, check out this video I found. I can almost guarantee you you’ll fall off your chair when you see what it’s advertising at the end.



May 13th could not come soon enough Winking smile



How Wolves Change Rivers

wild-wolf-super-hd-2-0-s-307x512Variety is the spice of life boys and girls and that’s why here on Them’s Fightin’ Words we like to mix all kinds of weird stuffs together with absolutely no rhyme or reason other than the fact that I feel like it.

This next video is pretty damn amazing though. I know I don’t normally post wildlife videos but this one really stood out above the rest because it documents how wolves change rivers.

That’s right, wolves have hidden, river-changing SUPERPOWERS that nobody knows about except you, me, and the interwebs. If you can handle the trying-very-hard-to-be-Richard-Attenborough narration and have even the vaguest interest in wildlife, this video will blow your mind.

Check it:



Yet ANOTHER reason to buy the shirt I’ve always wanted:



They still aren’t as cool as tigers though Winking smile



Miley Cyrus’ Best And Worst Covers

MileyWith ol’ Miley paying so much attention to developing her “aesthetic” it’s pretty easy to forget the fact that behind all the sticky-outy tongue action and attention-gabbing twerking, the girl can sing.

Well, sometimes… I stumbled on a video of her covering Outkast’s “Hey Ya” and decided to dig a little deeper for more covers she’s done as I remember seeing something about her covering Arctic Monkeys recently.

The result was equal parts mesmerising and horrifying. The mesmerising part is how many different tones she can sing in. The horrifying part is how she chooses to use them and the fact that she once tried to cover Nirvana.

So from best to worst, here is Miley Cyrus being simultaneously amazing and godawful.

Her best is definitely the cover she did of Lana Del Ray’s “Summertime Sadness”.

Check it:



Very powerful cover. She plays it 80% Lana, 20% Miley and does both parts exceptionally well. Notice how insane her delivery is? It’s pretty much spot on throughout.

Then there’s this cover she did awhile back when it looked like she was toying with the idea of going the hipster-folky route instead of the half-shaved head weirdo route she ended up opting for.

A pity. I kinda liked this look in a homely go-make-me-a-sammich kinda way.



Again, her vocal delivery is perfect. If you closed your eyes (and didn’t know it was her) it would be damn near impossible to guess who sings this song.

Dolly would be proud. Billy Ray too.

Then there’s this cover of Arctic Monkeys’ “Why’d you only call me when you’re high?” in which she reminded me why I stopped headbashing when I was 22.



Meh. A little on the average side. I’m willing to forgive it because of the way she belts out the last chorous, girls got a pair of lungs on her, that’s for sure.

So far so good.

Then there’s this…



Christ. You feel that?

Kurt Cobain turning in his grave.



Tuesday LOLZ…? Featuring News Bombs And Meshuggah Faces

Meshuggah faceThis is a bit unorthodox I know, but I had to share these two videos with you guys, one of which was sent to me by my main man DJ Luke and the other from a regular contributor to this site, Civilian.

I’ve said it before, but news bloopers / autotuned news reports / news bombs all definitely rate right up there for me in terms of online content that cracks me up every time.

Then there’s the vid Civilian sent, which probably makes more sense if you’ve seen Wolf Of Wallstreet but is still pretty damn hilarious even if you haven’t. Gotta love death metal, the soundtrack of sexually frustrated people the world over.



Crass I know, but still funny.

Now onto Leo like you’ve never seen him.




As you were…



Mental Note: Do NOT Confuse Samuel L Jackson With Laurence Fishburne. Ever.

Fishburne JacksonThis is an important lesson in doing your fucking research boys and girls, and it’s an important one to remember if you hang out in the kind of circles I do where running into A-list celebs is a daily occurrence.

Whatever happens, DO NOT CONFUSE SAMUEL L WITH LAURENCE FISHBURNE. And if you do, you’d better make damn sure it isn’t on live TV because holy shit, my man Samuel will tear you a new one.

And rightly so. I mean this is Samuel L we are talking about here, a guy who has become notorious for playing slick-talking badass black characters for over 20 fucking years.

You do not fuck with Samuel L Jackson. You do not fuck with this man!

Because if you do, this happens:



The problem I have with this clip is not necessarily the fact that the guy confused Samuel L with Laurence Fishburne (though that’s a MAJOR fuck up) but that he recovered from that blunder so badly.

I mean fer chrissake! Own it you spineless nincompoop! Stop trying to bulldoze your way through your blunder by trying incessantly to get in a question about Robocop.

People make mistakes, if this guy had done a better job of owning it instead of conceding that he needs a “spanking” this clip would probably have never ended up here in the first place.

Can we get a slow clap going here?



A Video That Can Actually Top The Last One I Posted On The “What-The-Fuck-o-meter”

wackIf you guys caught the last music video I posted for Jamie Lenman and were actually able to sit through the thrash metal part at the beginning, then you have a better than average chance of handling this next one.

Fair warning though, it comes from Japan – home of the world’s weirdest shit since the term “weird shit” was first invented (probably by the Japanese).

Bizarrely these guys actually sound a bit like System Of A Down if everyone in the band decided to go on a 10 day meth binge interspersed with liquid LSD down-down competitions. The internet is indeed a wonderful place.

Are ya ready kids? Introducing Thheee Maximuummm Hoooooorrrrrrmmmmmmoooooonnnnnneeeeee!



I actually have no idea what to follow that video up with. What do you say to someone you’ve just made watch a video like that?

Yeah. Exactly.



Bands Taking The Piss

Travis failBig up to NME for originally posting these videos of bands giving the finger to the man by outright refusing to mime their songs when asshole TV producers insist on it.

NME posted this because the Chili Peppers “played” at last Sunday’s Superbowl with their instruments very clearly not plugged in, which nearly caused as much of a ruckus as them collaborating with Bruno Mars.

They faked it like a buncha pros, but obviously wanted it to be known that something was rotten in the state of Denmark by not plugging in. Keidis’ voice was apparently the only real part of the performance.

This prompted NME to dig up other videos of bands taking the piss when they are supposed to be miming, three of which I couldn’t resist posting for you crazy kids.

Let’s kick things off with this epic Travis performance at Top Of The Pops. Remember this song? It’s actually pretty damn good. The hell happened to this band…?



I love the timing of that final custard pie to the face. Fuck yeah.

Next up is Muse who aren’t really renowned for their great sense of humour but you have to appreciate the sly genius of the move they pulled when an Italian chat show insisted on them miming their way through “Uprising”.



So blind. And then the talk show host goes on to interview the drummer thinking he’s the frontman. Do your goddamn homework, sheeit.

And my favourite of the whole bunch by a country mile.

Ladies and gentlemen.




I actually think the way Kurt sang that song was pretty radass. I had no idea he could even sing like that.

Have a killer weekend party people! See ya’ll back in the salt mines next week Winking smile



The Tiger Watches “How To Destroy The Universe” Video. Freaks Out.

Universe endingThe universe is a pretty gigantic (or so I’m told) so the thought of the entire thing suddenly ceasing to exist is a total mind fuck. Now you see us, now you don’t. We hope you enjoyed your stay.

The video you are about to watch covers a whole bunch of different theories about how the universe is going to end, all of which are based on the fact that the universe is expanding exponentially.

It’s pretty intense, a lot of quantum theory and other stuff that I don’t even pretend to know anything about. The way this video explains everything is pretty easy to understand though. Easy to understand and mildly terrifying…

Here. Put this into your brain. Mull it over for a bit and see how it sits:



Shit. I think I’m gonna need a minute to let all that sink in while I sip on a fine single malt and plan that hedonistic backpacking trip around South America I’ve always wanted to take…