Archive for the 'Radass Videos' Category


Life Of Pi Official Trailer

LifeOfPiI posted a few weeks back that I had mixed feelings about Life Of Pi being turned into a movie because the book was so powerful and I was afraid Hollywood would ruin it.

Well, following hot on the heels of that post, here’s the official trailer for Life Of Pi, which is due for release this December.

Hard to tell from the trailer whether they’ve butchered this classic or not. Ang Lee is directing it so one thing’s for sure, you can bet your ass it’s going to be stunning visually, but until I’ve seen the finished product I’m remaining cautiously optimistic that they’re gonna pull this one off.



Big up to Civilian for being a total badass and sending this my way.



“Get Out Of The Garage” Shortlists Top 10 Unsigned SA Bands

GOTGtop10KAPOW! From three posts in two weeks to two posts in ONE DAY shit is off the chizain at SlickTiger Industries today.

So as you may have guessed from the title of this post, the final 10 bands have been selected for the Converse “Get Out Of The Garage” competition.

You can vote for the bands at the Converse FB page here: where you can hear their tracks, check out their videos and read their bios.

It’s a great selection of bands, the judges Zulu Boy, Jon Savage and Garick Williams selected them from 138 entries and I think they  nailed it when it comes to selecting bands that are representative of what SA has to offer.



There are some pretty suhweet bands that made it through, now you get to vote for the band you want to win the grand prize (a chance to perform at the legendary 100 Club, the longest running popular music venue in the world).

The final 10 are:

  • Goodnight Wembley (CT, Rock)
  • iScream and the Chocolate Stix (CT, Rock)
  • Matthew Mole (CT, Folk & Electric)
  • Nakhane Toure (JHB, Folk & Rock)
  • North of Winter (PTA, Rock)
  • Savage Lucy (JHB, Metal, Rock & Blues)
  • Shotgun Tori (JHB, Indie & Folk)
  • Skin2Soul (JHB, Afro, Kwaito & Regaae)
  • Swart (JHB, Afrikaans Rock) and
  • The Kiffness (CT, Electronic).

So yeah, which band am I going to vote for?

It’s a tough question. As a music freak, I’m always looking for bands that don’t tow the line and just copy/paste what international bands are doing.

Which only really leaves two bands in the top 10 that cut the mustard.



These guys have a pretty badass video, but the track that’s streaming on the FB page is better.

They’re edgy. I like edgy. Edgy doesn’t sit in a corner and sulk until it gets noticed. It fucking runs up to you and kicks you in the balls, much like this video.



Moving on, my second choice would be these crazy cats:



If you know who Mike Scott is, you’ll know he is a mother-flippin LEGEND!

Remember Goldfish’s rad animated videos from a few years back? Yeah, Mike did those. He also did the infamous SA cartoon Bru & Boegie and a whole bunch of other rad projects.

Everything Mike touches turns to gold and when he teams up with his brother like he does in The Kiffnes, well, shit gets real.

Just watch this video. It’s actually so beyond awesome it’s hard to watch it without your eyeballs exploding out of your skull.



Good luck getting that little ditty out your head Winking smile

Have a killer weekend Party People.

See ya Monday for more radassery.



New Heineken Ad Is Awesome Except For One Weird Fail

The SwitchI’m sure by now a lot of you crazy kids have already seen the new Heineken “Switch” ad, which features possibly the raddest bar I’ve ever seen in my life.

For those of you who haven’t, the video is posted below. For those that have, I have only one question – why the hell did they decide to include an Amy Winehouse look-a-like in the ad?

Last time I checked, Amy shuffled off this mortal coil nearly two years ago, why resurrect her for the sake of a beer ad? Bad Heineken. But the part with the piano guy at the end of the ad saved it for me.



Like I mentioned earlier this week, posting’s been a little thin in these parts recently, nothing nice and meaty to sink your teeth into.

I’m up to my eyeballs in work at the moment so I can’t really afford to spend more than 30mins on a post but we’ll get through this.

We just gotta tough it out and remember what doesn’t kill you just hurts like shit.

Have a killer weekend party people Winking smile



Meanwhile, Back At 2OVR / Ballz Radio HQ…

aodv8ot7l7ix2yyrdm7x9t9sepmjzpdtyehsI’ve been posting like a jackass this week because work is ramming its fist up my butt, so I missed the boat on the latest update on Radiogate on Monday.

MyBroadband put together a crack team to crunch the numbers provided by NetDynamix for 2OceansVibe and Ballz and Shaun Dewberry was on the money.

2OceansVibe Radio and Ballz Visual Radio’s listenership figures are grossly inflated, but if you believe 2OceansVibe’s official statement, it would seem that the blame for this rests squarely on NetDynamix’s shoulders, (who they have subsequently parted ways with in favour of “world leader” Triton). Or does it…?

Sorry, that last sentence was a shameless attempt at getting people to hit the “Read the full post” link. I honestly don’t know who is at fault here.

2OceansVibe Radio and Ballz both claim they were duped by the evil NetDynamix which is why they published hourly listenership figures in the region of 50 000 when in truth Ballz gets about 200 unique listeners at peak times and 2OceansVibe Radio gets 300.

Given another week, I’m not sure if anyone is going to give a shit about this anymore. I know I for one am nearing that point because it no longer matters who lied about what – the truth is out there, internet radio in South Africa is listened to by pretty much no one and that is piss poor.

Still though, I did get a kick out of this Hitler Rant video that got posted on Sunday:



I guess the real question that needs to be asked at the end of the day is why those listenership figures are so low.

Despite what my previous post on this subject might have implied, I’m a firm believer in the medium of internet radio and the power it has to deliver awesome content, so what gives?

Have South Africans just not tuned in yet? Is bandwidth still an issue? Or is the content itself just plain shite?

Hit me up if you feel like weighing in on this one, I value your opinions very highly because you read this site so that immediately means you pretty much have a genius-level IQ and are a buncha total badasses.



Arctic Monkeys’ New Direction Is SICK

220px-Alex_Turner_of_the_Arctic_Monkeys_in_DallasI read on NME that Arctic Monkeys are going to start working on album number 5 pretty soon and are looking to go for a “heavier” sound this time around.

I was pretty sceptical when I heard that because I remember them saying the same thing before the release of Suck It And See and it had one or two heavy moments but wasn’t nearly as heavy as Humbug.

To give people an idea of what to expect on the new one, they referenced the recent single they released (“R U Mine”) which prompted your Tiger pal to look it up and holy hell it’s fucking awesome!

Check it:



Can this band do any wrong?! No! This band can do no fucking wrong.

Shine on you crazy diamonds.



New Muse Single Sounds Like… Muse

museI mentioned yesterday that Muse were going to debut their new single on BBC Radio One yesterday evening and I’d try get my filthy mitts on it for you guys and thanks to Civilian, it’s a done deal.

No idea why music sites reported that Muse were going to debut the single “Unsustainable” off their new album The 2nd Law, because they debuted “Survivor”.

Get used to hearing this one, it’s been selected as the official song for the 2012 Olympics which is awesome when I think back to the fact that the first Olympics I remember watching was in 1992 and the official song was written by Pavarotti.

The times they are a changin’ boys and girls. Hoo-wee!

So here it is in it’s epic, operatic, face-melting glory. A song for the Olympics. About winning. Fancy that.

There isn’t really a video to go with it yet, but who needs a video when you have an awesome yellow block of Muse / 2012 Olympics co-branding?



So whaddya think party people? It’s no Knights Of Cydonia that’s for damn sure. And the lyrics “Race / Life’s a race / And I’m gonna win / Yes I’m gonna win / I’ll light the fuse / I’ll never lose” are a little weak.

No sign of any dubstep thus far though, so yeah… could be worse I guess…



Hilarious “Mushroom” Found In China

Mushroom2-1-Oh China, I swear to God it’s borderline adorable how naive you crazy cats can be. You’d think a country that has a population that comprises nearly a third of the entire planet would be a little more savvy.

But no, apparently not.

What you’re about to see is a news report about a large mushroom that was dug up by villagers in a rural part of China.

And sure, at first it might look totally legit. Until you look a little closer at the giant “fleshy” mushroom and realise it seems to have some rather strange-looking “growths” on the one end…



Hahahahaha! So awesome… I love the level of detail they go into when explaining what is clearly NOT a goddamn mushroom!

The news team issued this formal statement after that news piece aired:


An open letter to all netizens and viewers: Hi everyone, one of our news reports which aired last night has made everyone laugh. This incident has been widely followed, shared and commented on. As our reporter was still very young and unwise to the ways of the world, this report has brought great inconvenience to everyone. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for your criticism and correction. Please forgive our oversight!

You go China! Keep that crazy sheeit comin’!



Desmond And The Tutus New Video (Zim Zala Bim)

ZimzalabimMagicians are badass. Well, maybe not badass, but they’re better than clowns. The only real-life clowns I’ve encountered reek of BO, stale booze and paedophilia.

Magicians are legit though, which is why I dug the new Desmond And The Tutus video for their track “Zim Zala Bim” which, you guessed it, is about a magician.

The video stars the same dude they used in the promo video for the new album, which some people thought was pretty damn funny (this guy) and others thought was basically the worst video they had ever seen. This video is a lot tamer, but the song itself is awesome.



Happy Monday everyone Winking smile



It’s Legit, They’re turning Life Of Pi Into A Movie

life_of_pi_by_glueciferI really, really, really, really, really, really, hope whoever is writing, directing and producing the film adaptation of Life Of Pi does not fuck it up.

I only read Life Of Pi recently (I finished it about a week into January) and it had such a profound effect on me that I’ve had two dreams about that book since reading it.

Whenever I’m thirsty I think about that book. Whenever I’m looking at the sea I think about that book. Whenever I think about zoos or religion or tigers or God I think about that book. Dramatic as it sounds, that book changed my life.

I resisted reading it for years because generally when people go as batshit about a book as they did, and still do, for Life Of Pi it turns out to be formulaic garbage. Then again, if I had read it when it came out, I’m not sure I would have processed it in the same way I did reading it in my late 20s.

It cut me right down to my core. Reading the last 10 pages was one of the most emotionally gruelling literary experiences I’ve ever experienced. If you haven’t read it, do it before the movie comes out because there is no conceivable way the movie will be able to do this book any justice.

Here’s all that’s been released so far from the film:



Not really much to go on, I’ll post more if I find it.

In the meantime though, here’s one of my favourite things I ever found on the interwebs and no, it’s not some obscure band or random fail video, it’s a simple thank you letter:



It’s signed “Barack Obama” and I agree wholeheartedly with what he says.

I preferred the story with animals too.



All The Awesomeness Of The Internet Summed Up In One Video

Udder EwwThat’s a pretty bold claim right there, but I’m never one to shy away from a bold claim. Like remember that time I said I was running for US Senate?

Or what about the time I claimed I am capable of super regenerative healing and can shoot laser beams from my eyes? 

So yeah, in case you were ever wondering, here’s some insight into what the people of Reddit (“Redditors”, if you’re down with the lingo) think is funny. It’s a 12 minute video of the best “15 seconds or less” YouTube videos the interwebs has to offer and yes. I cried watching this.



Henry was my favourite. What a rad little guy, all happy vacuuming about half a ki of blow and then passing out, probably from a massive coronary heart attack.

Hahahha! Good times I tell ya…

As you were.