Archive for the 'Radass Videos' Category


Flight Of The Conchords On A Mission To Save The Kids

fotc_tourIt was a sad moment in TV history when one of the best shows to ever air, Flight Of The Conchords, was cancelled after just two seasons.

Apparently American audiences just didn’t get the show, so they canned it despite the massive cult following it had, which was a gigantic load of bullshit. That show should never have been cancelled, it was pure comedic genius.

The good news though is that Brett and Jemaine have released a new song to raise money for sick children that’s called “Feel Inside (And Stuff Like That)”. They came up with the lyrics by interviewing a whole bunch of school kids about what should be done to help sick kids. Needless to say, the results are awesome.

Check it:



Beautiful. I dig the way Brett and Jemaine are trying not to can themselves throughout the interviews with the kids, it’s pretty funny to see them break character, makes them even more likeable.

Also dig Jemaine’s badass snor when it cuts to the actual song.

Would be amazing to see a third season of Flight Of The Conchords if for no other reason than to see Murray being a dork again.

Happy Monday Winking smile



Celebrity Prank Proves How Desperate For Attention People Are

Fake CelebIt’s insane how much people crave attention these days. I swear, if there was a way to measure humankind’s collective self esteem over the ages, right now it would be in the negative figures.

As a blogger, I guess I’m a fine one to talk though, I mean why do it if not for the attention right?

Sure, you got me there but trust me, what you’re about to see is a whole other level of desperate attention seeking.

Brett Cohen came up with the genius idea of faking that he was a big time celebrity by walking around the streets of New York with an entire entourage of photographers, videographers and managers and wow. People lapped that shit right up.

See the hilarious results below.



I love the way people even go so far as to say they love his movies and think he a great musician.

They don’t give a shit about him in any way, shape or form. All they see are cameras and a guy getting lots of attention and all they think is “ATTENTION!IWANTSOMETOO!HOWCANIGETSOMEIWANTSOME!”

How about earning that attention by being totally content to live without it?

The coolest people in history are the people that don’t give a shit about being cool.

Ain’t that wonder Winking smile

Well, that’s all I got for ya today folks, hope you have a killer weekend.

Same time same place next week?

You bet your ass.



New Muse Single Is… Meh

muse-09I don’t know what’s happened to this band, seriously. They had a run of four albums that were some of the the very best that the 00s had to offer.

Then The Resistance landed in 2009 and the first crack appeared in Muse’s armour. Instead of the tight rock masterpieces we were used to, Muse delivered an album that was “conceptually impressive but musically all too familiar”.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt though because I love this band and I knew that they could do better. “The next album is going to melt faces” I predicted, “so I’ll just let The Resistance slide for now, nobody’s perfect”.

And now here we are, three years down the line with their next album scheduled for release on 1st October and from what I’ve heard thus far, I’m as excited for the new album as I was for my last root canal treatment.



Their Olympic song, “Survival” was utter tripe. The lyrics were weak and the song itself sounded like reheated leftovers from The Resistance.

Of course, people immediately rallied to the band’s side saying they deliberately made the song a watered-down version of what they’re really capable of because if they unleashed their full force writing a song for the Olympics, chances are the masses wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Now their first single, “Madness” has just landed and yeah. Maybe I need to give it a few more listens because right now, this track is doing absolutely nothing for me.

Check it:



I mean Christ. Who wrote this track? U2? Queen? Cause it sure as fuck couldn’t have been Muse, right?

To put this in context, lemme just remind you all of what this band is actually capable of before some smart-ass decided to troll the shit out of this post.



Muse, please, get your shit together.

If the new album has just one track that can hold a flame to that, I’ll be happy, cause right now, the outlook is pretty goddamn bleak.



Oh My Dayum! Watching This Video WILL Change Your Life

DayumI know I say it on a weekly basis but I fucking love the internet. I honestly don’t think I could live without it – life would be too boring to handle.

The great thing about it is just when you think it couldn’t possibly get any funnier, someone steps up to the plate and smacks a piece of fall-off-your-chair-laughing content right out the park.

My favourite internet memes at the moment are auto-tuned African-Americans from the projects breaking it down in soulful R&B remixes of legit news interviews. As far as I know, Antoine Dodson was the first, followed by Sweet Brown.

Now there’s a new auto-tuned internet superstar – my main man Daym Drops who’s hilarious review of a burger and fries, originally filmed in his car has been turned into an even more hilarious song by the guys who originally auto-tuned Antoine (Schmoyoho).

Here’s the original video. It’s a bit lengthy, but totally worth watching. Probably don’t do it if you’re hungry though because holy sheeit, this man knows how to sell a tasty burger.



Did you have any idea they made people that awesome?! It’s like he was hand-crafted for internet superstardom by God himself. Mesmerising I tells ya…

And now, for your Friday viewing / listening pleasure, here’s the remix:



Look at. The bacon.


And then watch that video again, it gets better every time Winking smile

Have a killer weekend party people.



The Trippiest Movies Ever Made

Trippy sheeitI’m a sucker for movie scenes that are uncomfortably trippy. The kind where you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that whoever wrote them was either very, very high on drugs or batshit crazy.

I like them because there is so much safe material out there that I start craving something, anything, that pushes the boundaries.

What you’re about to see is three and a half minutes of exactly that. Scenes that could be straight out of a dream / nightmare / drug induced hallucination of brain-melting proportions. So fire up the bong and let’s get to it shall we?



In case you were wandering, here’s a list of all those movies so you can rent them and never be the same ever again.

Films (in order of appearance):

The Trip (1967, Roger Corman),
Head (1968, Bob Rafelson),
Glaze of Cathexis
(1990, Stan Brakhage),
Allegro Non Troppo (1976, Bruno Bozzetto),
Natural Born Killers (1994, Oliver Stone),
(1940, Armstrong, Algar, et. al),
2001: A Space Odyssey
(1968, Stanley Kubrick),
Viva La Muerte
(1971, Fernando Arrabal),
The Holy Mountain
(1973, Alejandro Jodorowsky),
(1970, Donald Cammell and Nicholas Roeg),
(1983, David Cronenberg),
Dark City
(1998, Alex Proyas),
Belle De Jour
(1967, Luis Buñuel),
(1977, David Lynch),
El Topo
(1970, Alejandro Jodorowsky),
Tetsouro, the Iron Man
(1989, Shin’ya Tsukamoto),
Inland Empire
(2006, David Lynch),
Dead Alive
(1992, Peter Jackson),
Waking Life
(2001, Richard Linklater),
(2004, Adam McKay),
Mulholland Dr.
(2001, David Lynch),
Un Chien Andalou
(1929, Luis Buñuel),
Requiem for a Dream
(2000, Darren Aronofsky),
Lost Highway
(1997, David Lynch),
(1998, Darren Aronofsky),
Easy Rider
(1969, Dennis Hopper),
The Big Lebowski
(1998, Joel Coen),
Naked Lunch
(1991, David Cronenberg),
(1968, Otto Preminger),
Being John Malkovich
(1999, Spike Jonze).



Matthew Mole WIns The Get Out Of The Garage Competition

matthew-mole-photo-get-out-of-the-garageLadies and Gentlemen, the Converse “Get Out Of The Garage Competition” has officially come to an end and the winner, as you may have guessed from the title of this post, is Matthew Mole!

Matthew will play at London’s 100 Club on Oxford Street, which has seen some EPIC acts take to the stage in the 70 years it’s been open.

I have to be completely frank at this point and say that though there’s no denying Matthew has a lot of talent and heart and is a great song-writer, he wasn’t my first choice to win it.

Still though, congrats to the guy. He blew everyone out of the water with his track “You And Your Crown” which goes a little something.

Like this:



I think it’s a pretty rad little ditty, but it’s no secret that my favourites to win this were The Kiffness.

I mean Matthew is cool and all, but does he have a track that can stand up to “Ra Ba Do Ba Day”?



Exactly. I rest my case.

Just try get that song out of your mind. Impossible.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get my greasy mitts on a few songs from Matthew’s set when he plays next month to share with you crazy cats.

Until then, well done Matthew, go kick some ass over there and come back with a fat recording contract and some belter groupies.

Atta boy Winking smile



Awesome Fainting Supercut

FaintingIt’s not every day that a video on the interwebs makes me laugh out loud, but holy shit, I was trying to talk to my dad whilst watching the video I’m gonna show you and it just wasn’t happening.

I had to stop playing it eventually because my dad thought I had full-on lost my mind.

You will full on lose your mind too though because fainting is funny. One minute you’re totally fine, going about your life and the next you lose consciousness completely and face-plant on national television. Or in the middle of a church service. The church ones are the best.



Happy Tuesday boys and girls Winking smile



Slicky-T Tries His Hand At Glitch Art

bruegI was dicking around on the interwebs yesterday when I found this pretty interesting video about Glitch Art, which up until yesterday I knew pretty much nothing about.

Turns out it’s a whole artistic movement based around a process called “databending”, which is basically the artistic misuse of digital information (props to stALLIO for that one).

Something about the philosophy of Glitch really struck a chord while I was watching the video I’ve pasted below because Glitch is basically a gigantic fuck you to the airbrushed, synthesised, photoshopped aesthetic that gets shoved down our throats every minute of every day.

I’d only ever heard of Glitch as a sub-genre of electro, but never as a fully-realised artistic movement. Here’s the video I dug up that explains what it is and how it’s done:



I did some reading up on different databending methods, and tried my hand at it with some random sample images on my laptop.

I used the “wordpad” method to bend the following images and got some pretty radass results.

Here’s the pic I chose pre-bending:



And here’s what it looked like after I climbed in there and fucked shit up:



Stoked with the results I decided to repeat the experiment with some more sample pics.

Like this one of some penguins having a laugh:



Which I smooshed up into this:



And my personal favourite, a cuddly koala:



That I effortlessly turned into something that I’m pretty sure I saw at the end of a three-day acid binge.



I tried a few other images but soon got bored. The problem with the wordpad method is that it’s dead simple to do and the results are completely random so I’m not sure whether or not it can really be called “art”.

If you want to try this, all you have to do is get a .bmp file (if the image you want to use is a different format, just open it in Paint and save it as a .bmp file), open it in Wordpad and hit save.

To do that, hit the Windows key and type “Wordpad” in the “search programs and files” field. Open Wordpad, click the drop down file menu (top left), click “Open” and make sure you change the file format from “All Wordpad Documents” to “All Documents *.*”

Find your BMP file, open it, hit save, close Wordpad, open your new BMP file and hey presto! What was once a KLAP GYM BOYCHAY…



Turns into M-Net after Open Time ends.



I guess the art in wordpad databending is trying it with as many different images as possible until you get something awesome because a lot of the time the databend leaves you with an image that just looks like TV static.

If any of you crazy cats know other databending methods that yield better results, please feel free to let me know.

I also want to give audio and video glitching a try, will post the results if I get it right.



We Apologise For The Inconvenience

shit shovel If you follow me on Twitter you’ll know that because I just started a new job, I’m without a laptop to blog from at the moment.

Well, unless you count J-Rab’s five year-old Compaq that I’m banging this out on, but it’s a total pain in the ass so until I get my new laptop, posting is gonna be patchy.

It’s ironic because at the moment I’m killing it in terms of hits, but as bitter experience has taught me, unless you pump content out when your numbers spike, they level out again fast, so here’s a video of a guy losing his shit all over the place to keep you crazy basterds entertained.



Later party people 😉



Feel-Good Vibes From Nando’s and Cheesekids

600020_10150940754180633_2113325908_aIt’s a crazy day for your Tiger pal folks because it’s my last day at my current job. It’s been two and a half years, amazing how quickly it goes by.

Blink just once and you’ve missed the entire thing. On the other hand, change is good, you gotta embrace that shit because it’s the only constant in this crazy life and without it we’d all be bored stiff.

Speaking of change, I just watched the latest Nando’s and Cheesekids Souperstar video that did the rounds on Friday and it made me feel better in a small way about life in general, so thank you Nando’s, your Tiger pal salutes you.

Since Nando’s put out the first Cheesekids teaser video (at around the time of Nando’s controversial anti-Xenophobia ad), over 800 people have signed up to volunteer at four pop-up soup kitchens around the country – all in areas that have been affected by Xenophobia.

From Alexandra to Langa, Lindela Repatriation Centre to Limpopo, these Souperstars have made a difference by simply volunteering their time and energy to help feed the homeless.

Check it:



My dad started going to church unexpectedly back when I was in highschool, which was a bit of a curveball at the time because I’d never thought of him as a particularly religious man.

He didn’t make a big thing of it and still doesn’t to this day, but all these churchy pamphlets and handouts started collecting on the counter in the entrance hall where he’d “file” them every Sunday.

I didn’t pay much attention to them, they were pretty stock-standard images of Christ getting nailed (the bad way) and suffering for our sins, coupled with lines cleverly designed to make you feel righteous and vaguely guilty at the same time.

But this one caught my eye on day, this story about two friends walking on the beach after spring tide with all these washed up starfish everywhere, thousands of them.



The one friend, much to the irritation of his buddy, kept interrupting the flow of conversation by picking the starfish up and throwing them back into the sea.

Eventually his buddy cracked, saying, “Would you stop that? There are thousands of starfish on this beach, it’s not like you’re making a difference.”

To which the friend replied by picking up another starfish, throwing it into the sea and saying, “I made a difference to that one.”