Archive for the 'Good Times' Category


Slicky-T Plays Strip Poker With The Devil

sexy devil“Ok, wait. So how many pieces of clothing do you have on, it looks like a lot,” I said, eyeing J-Rab sceptically.

“Six in total,” she replied after doing a quick inventory of everything she had on.

“Crap, I got seven if I’m allowed to count my socks individually.”

“Ok. Pass me the devil horns from the cupboard behind you, then that will put me up to seven too.”

“Done deal,” I said, and that was when things started to go very, very badly for your pal Slicky-T.

This was Friday night and J-Rab and I had nothing better to do than drink red wine and play strip poker, something we always talk about doing but never get around to. And yes, it was just the two of us playing.

“You are SO fucked,” I taunted J-Rab, “I’m gonna take you to the CLEANERS! Before you know what the fuck’s just hit you you’re gonna be naked as the day you were born and I’m going to be wearing your undies on MY HEAD! Like a fucking TROPHY!”



At which point the screen does one of those neat flip transitions that sitcoms use to show time passing in the blink of an eye and I don’t have a stitch on.

“Fuck,” I remember mumbling, resentfully. “That went well.”

“Sure did! Hahahaha!”

“Yeah but it’s total bullshit! I can’t fucking PLAY against you! There was no skill involved in any of that, we just called each other’s every raise and every time your fucking cards came out better than mine! I can’t beat that, what the fuck?!”

“Well you don’t have to be such a dick about it!”

“I’m not being a dick about it! I’m just stating a fucking fact! Your cards are freakishly good tonight – I didn’t make one fucking hand in that game!”

“Care to play again?”

“Yes!” I said, snatching my undies from the pile of clothes in front of her and getting dressed indignantly, “And this time I’m not going so easy on you!”

At which point the screen flips again and I’m wearing one sock Red Hot Chilli Pepper’s style and chasing a straight for every damn thing it’s worth.



I’ve got a 5 and an 8 in hand and 2, 6, 9 and Jack are on the table. She’s definitely made Jacks, possibly another pair too because she’s throwing clothes into the pot like it’s a Salvation Army bin.

I just need a fucking 7 to land on the river and I’m back in the game.

“What’s it gonna be, Slick?” she says, so sexy in her little devil horns it hurts.

“Check,” I say, playing it safe in case my 7 doesn’t land.

“Check,” she says, and leans forward to turn the last card and all I’m thinking is if I lose this hand I am going to run outside naked and throw myself under a moving bus.

Because I really, really, really hate losing.

It’s like a pathological disorder I have. In the movie of my life, at this point it would cut to a montage of me flipping everything from Monopoly boards to chess boards to 30 Seconds boards as I throw shit, swear at people, accuse them of cheating, accuse them of lying, bite them, pull their hair (the girls), kick them in the shin and storm out the room vowing never to play “this stupid fucking game ever again!”



It’s one of the only times the only child in me really comes to the fore and it ain’t pretty. I wish I could control it, I really do. But fuck me I hate losing. Always have, always will.

Flip back to the game and I’m focussing my entire being on J-Rab as she starts flipping the last card. I have to win. It has to be a 7, there is just no fucking way it can’t be.

And it is.

“All in,” I say, confidently stripping butt naked for the second time and getting ready to rake in my riches.

“Ok, what did you make?” she asks, totally unfased.

“Straight! Five, six, seven, eight, nine! What did you make?”

“I also got a straight!” she says, practically bouncing on the bed with joy. “Six, seven, eight, nine, ten!”



I don’t remember much of what happened after that except for one particularly poignant moment when, half-way through trying to smother myself with my own pillow, I rolled over, completely naked, and told J-Rab that this was a new low for me.

Never play strip poker with the devil kids. It won’t end well.

Except if you make it best of three, man the fuck up and actually start playing like a human instead of a goddamn chimpanzee which, needless to say, I did.

It was a long, gruelling battle but sometime around 2 in the morning I did eventually win the horns off her head, they were the last thing she gave up, but I let her put them back on for what followed Winking smile



Happy Second Birthday SlickTiger!

stripper cakeExactly two years and one day ago I pushed this site out lovingly from the moist, slippery birth canals of my twisted mind.

Can you believe it’s already been two years?! Christ, if I’d actually dedicated all this time to writing a novel like I’d originally planned and stuck to writing it as religiously as I blog on this site, I’d have a fucking masterpiece by now.

But, conversely, I never would have met all you, my happy little gang of imaginary internet friends so yeah… um… whoop whoop dee doo?

Joking! You know I love you goofy basterds. That’s the one thing you learn about blogging right from the get-go, every comment you get on your site is like a little hit of internet crack and once you get started on that shit you’ll blog about your own dead mother to get more!

I think it’s been a pretty fun ride so far. Sure, sometimes I write about utter shite just for the sake of posting that day but I’m only human. I can’t think up earth-shattering posts every day. Hell, if I manage one a MONTH I’m happy.



But enough about me, this post is about YOU – my loyal readers who come back time and time again to see what the Tiger’s been up to, what weird shit he’s cooked up today.

Civilian, Seer0wer, Guitar Jon, DP, Jax, Psymon, Action, Mattcredible, Megs (the ORIGINAL Slicky-T groupie), Callegari, Tara, Supa Dan, The MAEN, Ricksaw, Flavid, 1/2 a Rent, Peggles and Stikey just to name a few. You guys are the shit. I’d write this site until hell froze over just for you guys.

Thank you for being total badasses and hitting this site like it’s a prime piece of 18 year old ass and you’re the creepy PE teacher who touches his students inappropriately while they’re stretching.



Empires will rise and fall, but this junkyard site will float on through the blogosphere, edging ever closer to the event horizon, the still point of the turning universe and when we get there we will see the beginning again and we will know it for the first time…

And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

I’d like to play out with a song close to my heart. It’s Eagles Of Death Metal with “Whore-hoppin’ (Shit, Goddamn)”



Shine on you crazy diamonds Winking smile



SlickTiger Revolutionises Braai Day

All-in-one-Braai-PackDon’t get me wrong, I love a good braai just as much as the next South African. What better way to spend a sunny day than with good friends, cold beers and the mouth-watering aroma of delicious animals sizzling above a blanket of red hot coals.

It’s ingrained in our DNA. It’s as natural to South Africans as making chocolate is to the Swiss or being snooty pricks is to the French.

However, as a concerned global citizen I think we should pause for a minute and consider whether making EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY BRAAI AT THE SAME TIME is really that smart.

Think about the countless thousands of kilos of wood and fossil fuels that were consumed this past weekend. Imagine all the forests that were cut down to satiate the burning desire that National Braai Day has created in South Africans of every creed and colour to braai the shit out of everything from mielies to mutton.

Which brings me neatly to my next point – the meat. Anyone read any statistics of how much meat was actually consumed this weekend? I shudder to think about the kilometres of boerie and tons of sosaties crammed into the mouths of Saffers in a desperate attempt to feel some kind of kinship with one another that doesn’t involve cheering for people who run around fields kicking / hitting different shaped balls.



Those animals had FAMILIES! They had amazing, bright futures ahead of them until we ground them up with their parents and children to make nice fat coils of Grabouw Farm Style boerie – buy in bulk and save!

Not to mention all the grain those animals had to be fed, all the millions of Rands spent pumping them full of vaccines, growth hormones and god knows what else to ensure that they don’t die until we decide they’re good and ready, and when that moment comes, they are the Incredible Hulks of the animal kingdom.

Day to day this shit doesn’t bother me, but it’s when we encourage EVERYONE TO DO IT AT THE SAME TIME that I start to wonder whether this is the brightest idea…



And so J-Rab and I came up with an ingenious alternative to Braai Day that I will be actively encouraging everyone to get involved in next year because you’d be a fucking retard not to.

It’s called NAAI DAY.

It involves literally waking up in the morning and dedicating an entire day to naaing.

Of course, the big aim of Naai Day will be to promote safe sex, which is why I’ll be approaching every condom manufacturer known to man to sponsor this nation wide campaign, because let’s be honest, as fun as braaing is, it will never beat spending the entire day naaing.

Naysayers will come at me with torches and pitchforks saying how irresponsible it is to promote an entire day devoted to banging in a country where AIDS is rife, family planning is non-existent and rape is a major issue, but I’ll say “be cool daddy-o” to all those naysayers because educating people about those things and creating awareness around those contentious issues is what Naai Day is ALL ABOUT.



Plus, it’s the perfect way to celebrate our heritage! We wouldn’t fucking exist if it weren’t for naaing so why not celebrate that fact by spending some real quality time with the one you love, making love.

I’m serious here guys. I just think that Braai Day is an unsustainable idea and one that, if it’s allowed to continue to grow year by year, is going to melt the polar ice caps, kill of entire plant and animal species and lead to us bankrupting the world’s natural resources to the point where all that will be left of the world by the time our grandkids are born is a barren wasteland of rusted Webers and broken braai tongs.

Compare that with a day spent enjoying the fun of safe, consensual, mind-blowingly amazing sex again and again and again and it’s a no-brainer guys, really.



So who’s with me here! Together we can make Naai Day a reality and save the world by doing what our ancestors and our ancestor’s ancestors have been doing since the dawn of mankind.

Fucking like our lives depend on it.




The Tiger Hits Up The Nokia N9 Launch, Champagne Ensues…

Marko AhtisaariWhen Marko Ahtisaari, Nokia’s global head of design, began speaking at the Nokia N9 launch, the entire room went quiet.

Not because he was overbearing, not because he dominated the room with his presence, but because he spoke with a kind of humility that endeared him to his audience almost immediately.

Listening to him, I got the impression that he was carefully measuring every word as he spoke, yet his speech flowed so freely it felt like he was just shooting the breeze with us as he explained how he and his team designed the Nokia N9.

His bio notes that Marko is a keen observer of the patterns of human interaction and it’s through observing these basic patterns that he came up with some of the fundamental philosophies the N9 is based on.

Smartphones have changed the way we interact with one another and not all those changes have been positive. It’s become all too common to go out and see groups of friends or couples or families with their heads down, furiously communicating with everyone but the people they are sitting across from.



Marko’s main goal in designing the N9 is to give us that interaction back by designing a phone that’s so intuitive you can use it and still interact with the world and the people around you.

Back in the day Nokia phones had two great things going for them, you could use them with one hand and you could do that without having to glue your eyes to the screen.

Touch phones changed all that. Try typing an SMS on a touch screen phone without looking at the screen and the results would end up in an Autocorrect email before you knew what hit you.



Marko explained that the N9 is an attempt to create a user experience that doesn’t require you to put your life on hold every time you want to use your phone.

To borrow from the press release, one of the key features of the Nokia N9 is its ability to return users to the home screen from any open application by simply swiping from the edge of the device. It makes menu and application navigation extremely simple and slick which, combined with the fact that the N9 doesn’t have any physical buttons, all contributes to the overall look and feel of the product which I can tell you from using it first hand, is very impressive.

What really blew my mind though was the integration of Near Field Communication (NFC) into the N9. What this means, in layman’s terms, is that you can pair the phone with other NFC accessories like headphones and speakers by simply touching them together.


You can also share images and content with other NFC devices which means if I want to share a pic with you, I can literally tap my phone against yours and BANG! The pic transfers to your phone.

The only slight downside is the fact that they’ve downsized the camera from the monster 12 megapixels that the N8 comes packing to 8 megapixels in order to keep the design of the product more neat and tidy (the N8 camera is such a beast it actually protrudes from the body of the phone, so I can understand why they decided to go with something a little tidier for the N9).

BUT, like Marko pointed out to me when I spoke with him about the N9’s camera, the shot-to-shot time on the N9 is lightening fast and with a lens aperture of f/2.2 and dual LED flash it performs amazingly well in low light conditions.

All in all, the N9 launch was definitely one of the more memorable launches I’ve been to recently. The champagne flowed endlessly, the horse doovers were delicious and the dancers who went up on stage to perform were even so kind as to spell out a “T” for Slicky-T.



So watch this space boys and girls. Really hoping the kind folks at Nokia will hook a brother up with the N9 so I can give you a better idea of how this sexy little piece of technology actually performs, but until then, here are some more pics to drool over.





Have a killer weekend party people, see you on the other side Winking smile



Interview With A Tiger

CopaseticA good friend and fellow blogger, Miss Copasetic, decided to be a total badass last week and do an interview with your Tiger pal, which rates right up there with the MFM interview I did as one of my favourite interviews of all time.

What made it sick was she chose a song that she felt best encapsulated the essence of the Tiger and then posted the interview interspliced with the lyrics.

She fucking hit the nail right on the head by choosing the “Going Out West” cover by Queens Of The Stone Age, a song close to my big ol’ back heart. Hit the link below for the full interview.

Great job for clicking the “Read More” link! Here’s the interview and a picture of boobs as a reward.



Good times I tell ya.

Good times.



SlickTiger And The 10 Year Highschool Reunion

I wasn’t sure if anyone gave two shits that I was flying up to the Big Smoke awhile back for my 10 year highschool reunion, so I never wrote a follow-up post saying what it was actually like.

Since writing that post though no less than three of my regular readers have asked me what went down so I figured I owed it to them to give a full account of the sheer insanity, the mind-bendingly twisted and life-alteringly fucked up shit that went down that night.

So pull up a chair, this post’s gonna leave you a changed person…

Cool, still here? Rad, sorry for the over-dramatic intro, the reunion wasn’t all that life-changing but I’m glad you clicked the link cause there was one funny thing that happened that night that bares repeating.

To be perfectly honest, I enjoyed the Friday night I spent up in Jozi way more than the actual reunion night itself on Saturday. I just kicked back at my good buddy Peggles’ place while a whole host of my Joburg buddies came by and we spent the night getting rat-faced at his flat and playing darts.



It was just good times. One of those waypoints on the road that is life where you get to catch up with old buddies and knock back a few tequilas, swap a few war stories and enjoy one another’s company.

Come Saturday, Peggles and I were driving to the reunion asking one another why the hell we had decided to go in the first place. We already knew exactly what it was going to be like – all the guy who never left Joburg crammed into one venue getting good and wasted and asking each other the same damn questions all night.

Which was pretty much exactly what happened. But strangely enough I really enjoyed it. Mostly because a lot of the guys had embarrassingly boring stories and were content to just listen to me babbling on all night about myself, which seemed to be going down really well.



What was fucking sick though was the fact that there were guys there who I literally haven’t spoken to in 10 years who not only know about this site, but read it regularly. Then there were the moments of pure win when I told one or two people that I write this site and they were like “YOU’RE SlickTiger?! Fuck bro, I LOVED that klapping gym post!”

Well, I say pure win, but obviously they hardly read the site or they would have seen the pictures I sporadically post of myself and made the connection sooner, but hey, at least I’m known for something.

Then, BEST part of the evening by far, was when a good buddy of mine walks up to me and says, “Cornelius dude, I gotta share this with you man,” (not my real name, but let’s just roll with this one…).

“So we’re having a conversation about how some of the guys here are clearly talking themselves up a little to sound more important than they are.”

“Sure,” I replied, “that’s a given, right?”

“So one of the guys turns around and is like ‘Ja, a lot of okes are doing that. I mean Cornelius is walking around telling everyone he’s SlickTiger!”

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Too fucking funny I tells ya! THAT made the whole trip worth it, what a chop.



But I dunno, I’m not sure my life would have been that different had I not gone, so maybe let that be a lesson to anyone considering attending their 10 year reunion.

It’s going to be exactly the way you think it’s going to be.

Just pray when yours rolls around they stock the bar better than they did for ours – one hour in and all the tequila and Jagermeister was finished and at 1.00 on the knuckle they rang for last rounds and sent us all home.

If I could go back in time I definitely would have still gone, but not without first ingesting a LOT of acid.

Now THAT would have been a fun party Winking smile



The Beargarden – Prelude

TUDsportsIn the late 16th and 17th centuries in London a place was rumoured to exist which the locals referred to as the Beargarden.

A round or polygonal open structure, comparable to the public theatres that appeared in London at the time, the Beargarden was a place where animals were frequently “baited” or made to fight one another while the people watching betted on which ones would win.

It was barbaric. Apes, horses, bulls, bears and on the rare occasion, lions were thrown into the ring together, whipped into a blind, murderous rage and made to tear one another limb from limb.

An early account, from the Duke of Najera reads as follows:

"…a pony with an ape fastened on its back, and to see the animal kicking among the dogs, with the screams of the ape, beholding the curs hanging from the ears and neck of the pony, is very laughable."

This October, the Beargarden reopens.

Only this time, we won’t be baiting animals.

Unless you count the Tiger Winking smile 



There will be more, but until then I can promise you one thing, what you’re going to see won’t be pretty.




africa-photos-284You guys aren’t going to fucking believe this, but I found out yesterday that the video I scripted, acted in, directed, half-shot and edited for the Nandos “How Far Will You Go” campaign fucking won!

I got the call yesterday from someone who introduced herself as a person handling Nandos communications, at which point I thought, “Thank fuck! They’re finally gonna give me the free meal vouchers they owe me” because I’m poor and I could really use some free food.

Then she tells me she has good news for me and I immediately think “YES! Chicken dinner tonight bitches!” but then she tells me I’ve won a R20 000 holiday anywhere in Africa and I instantly lose my shit completely!

So I guess the big question now is, where the hell do I go?! In a few days time a travel agent is going to contact me and send all kinds of options through for different travel packages all over Africa. It’s fucking crazy, the way I understand it all I have to do is pick and choose the packages I want that add up to R20k, book some leave and unleash myself on the continent!



So help me out here guys, the only place in Africa I’ve ever visited is Swaziland, that’s IT. Where would you go if you had a R20k travel budget?

I hear ZANZIBAR is fucking sick. I just like saying the word – ZANZIBAR!

Leave suggestions in the comments or hit me on

You gotta love this crazy fucked up thing called life. Run around hungover with your underpants on the outside the one day and you’re jetting off across Africa the next.

Here’s the video I submitted if you’re wondering what the hell that last sentence means:



A HUGE thanks to my loving girlfriend J-Rab and Jennyjenjen for helping me turn that fucking weird idea for an ad into a reality. You guys rock, I seriously couldn’t have done it without you.

Have a killer weekend party people. If anyone’s heading through to Assembly tonight, come hunt me down for a celebratory drink or five Winking smile



How Awesome Was The Weekend?

If you live in Cape Town and didn’t love the shit out of this last weekend, I would seriously recommend moving somewhere else.

It was glorious. The sun beamed down on a city full of happy Capetonians and people flocked to the beaches that surround us, J-Rab and I included.

We drove down to Clifton late afternoon yesterday and dipped our toes in the water (it’s still fucking freezing, so no surprises there).

We found a gigantic rock and climbed right to the top of it and took these pics:




It was a good weekend, I think we all needed to feel the sunshine again, even if it was just for a few days.

Walking along the beach yesterday as dusk approached, this overwhelming feeling washed over me like everything is going to be ok.

Whatever troubles we’re going through and whatever battles we’re fighting, I think we’re going to overcome them and be all the stronger for it and ready to take on the next wave of challenges.

Living is for the brave, that’s for damn sure and it can be fucking brutal at times but once in awhile the universe rewards you with a weekend like the one we just had, a reminder that everything’s going to be ok.



I hope your weekend was as restful and full of good times as mine was and I hope that you, like me, feel recharged and ready to fight on.



The Highest I’ve Ever Been In My Goddamned Life

Compared to some, my drug rap sheet is pretty average.

A little this and that while I was at varsity, the same stuff everyone’s tried (except for the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds – I’m probably the only person dumb enough to ever try those…), a few nights and days of rampant infectious craziness but that was it, I cashed out before I got in over my head and I’m fucking glad about that.

But ironically, the highest I’ve ever been came after that period in my life on a quiet summer evening when I was shot so full of drugs I slipped into a waking coma and emerged from it feeling like some kind of Messiah descended from heaven, God’s own son, sent to save the world by just loving everyone and everything in it with all my being.



It was the gentlest comedown I’ve ever experienced, even the vomiting was pleasant, and it all started on the shoreline in Blouberg with me half drunk in my cousin’s wetsuit, wondering what the hell I was doing in the ball-shrivellingly cold Atlantic waters instead of back at the house getting drunker…


*                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *


“Don’t look so nervous,” my cousin said as we waded out to body board on a quiet Sunday afternoon in November.

“Heh heh, yeah,” I said, nervously, “what’s the worst that could happen right? It’s only water…” which, in retrospect, was a seriously retarded thing to say.

Fate loves statements like that. They rate right up there with “Russian winter, pffffttttt” and “can withstand a collision with a Boeing 707”.



I was 30 metres from shore, gripping my board clumsily with my right arm and paddling with my left when I felt my shoulder tear clean out of its socket.

That, doctors will tell you, is what happens if you dislocate your shoulder enough times. Even the slightest exertion when your arm is above shoulder-level can result in a dislocation.

I’d managed to dislocate my left shoulder four times prior to my misguided attempt at body boarding that day, which made me about as loosey-goosey as you can get in the shoulder department.

The first three times were pretty minor and I managed to get my arm back in by myself, but the fourth time fucked me. I ended up getting driven to Sandton Clinic so a doctor could pop it back in. They did such a great job I was convinced it would never pop out again.

“Dude…” I remember mumbling to my cousin, already feeling a little woozy from the pain, “dude!”


“I’m going back man.”

“Why? You haven’t even caught a wave yet!”

“I dislocated my arm.”

“Hahahaha!” my cousin replied.

“No, for real.”

“Um. How is that even possible?”

“I’ve done it before so much, my whole shoulder’s fucked. I’m going back,” I said stoically and started paddling lamely with my other arm, the one the body board was still attached to.

“Ok, do you need some help…?” my cousin offered reluctantly.

“No, I’m fine,” I replied, “I got this… I’ll just let the waves, *hhnnggg* carry me back…”

Twenty minutes of half hearted doggy-paddling-whilst-grinding-my-teeth-through-every-wave-that-hit-me later my toes finally felt sand and I was able to hold my board against my stomach like a shelf which I used to rest my left arm on.

My shoulder felt like it was packed full of broken glass, here’s a pic to help you with that mental image:



Luckily my other two cousin’s wives, The Amazon and Sunshine were sitting on the beach watching us.

I explained what had happened as nonchalantly as possible and before I knew it they bundled me up in the back of someone’s 4×4 with a glass of straight vodka and ice.

“Thanks, but I think I’ll just sit quietly in the back and focus on not throwing up from the pain,” I said, joking and not joking at the same time.

“Just take it,” Sunshine said, “you’ll thank me later.”

I gulped half the vodka down exactly thirty seconds later as we pulled, bouncing, out of the driveway.

I gulped the other half down about 1.5km down the road when we hit the first speed bump. After that I just chewed the ice and when that was finished, contemplated chewing the glass.

The thing about a dislocated shoulder is the longer it’s dislocated for, the more painful it gets. Your nerve endings start feeling like frayed ropes as you slowly go whiter and whiter, pouring sweat like a fat man on a hot day.



The fun was just starting though. At Blouberg they got me onto a hospital bed and wheeled me off to stick a drip into me, but there was only one problem.

“Ok, we’re going to have to take your wetsuit off,” said the nurse.


“We can’t put a drip in your neck sir, it has to go in your arm,” she replied coolly.


“I can’t just guess where the vein is sir, we have to take the wetsuit off or we can’t administer anything for the pain.”


“Just breathe sir, this will all be over soon…” she said with the sincerity of a Nazi death camp warden.

At that stage, I think peeling off my actual skin would’ve been easier to handle.



The pain ripped like a chainsaw through my shoulder as she pulled the wetsuit off my upper body. I bit down so hard I thought my teeth would crack and kicked the heel of my bare foot hard against the cold steel hospital bed over and over, welcoming any kind of distraction, no matter how fleeting, from the white-hot pain that was burning like fucking lava inside me.

I remember the sweat burning in my eyes. I remember the delicious sting of the needle for the drip going into my right arm. I remember the milky-white solution they shot into me, and then…

I remember nothing.

Sweet, sweet nothing…


*                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *                    *


When I started coming round again I looked all around me in total wonder, my pupils big enough to park a bus in.

It was the future, I knew this because everything around me was white and shiny and clean and quiet and nothing like the past at all. I had travelled probably 1000 years into the future.

On closer inspection though, it wasn’t all that futuristic. There was still a normal-looking clock on the wall above the door and other familiar things too. No, this wasn’t the future, that wasn’t right.

Then I saw the machines and felt the oxygen mask over my mouth and knew exactly what had happened.

I had been turned into a fucking robot!


I was like the Six Million Dollar Man! I could run fast as a fucking racecar and jump over buildings and shit!

I started laughing at how fucking awesome things had turned out for me. Even the doctors and nurses walking past the ward where I was chilling were poking their heads in the room, looking at me and smiling.

This, I later found out, had nothing to do with me becoming a robot. This was because the milky-white stuff they shot me full of had produced a cataclysmic reaction the second it hit my blood stream.

Convinced I was cured, I had gotten off the hospital bed, pulled my drip out and had started walking out of the ward. I was apparently shoving nurses off me left right and centre with my good arm which was probably when they decided to bring out the big guns.

“You’re like an ox,” Sunshine told me later, “they had to inject you full of morphine twice to get you to calm down.”



Three minutes later I was being wheeled through the hospital singing “ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE BA, BA-DA-DA-DAAAAAA!” at the top of my lungs and pointing at the nurses and doctors around me, one by one, and telling them that I loved them.

“HOSPITAL IS AWESOME!” I shouted, in between bouts of hysterical, euphoric laughter, “I FUCKING LOVE IT HERE!”

It was sheer insanity. I think I know what it feels like to be on heroin because they had doped me up to my fucking eyeballs on morphine, dormicum and whatever that milky stuff was they first shot me full of.

When they eventually got me up to walk me home, I just stood on the spot and laughed myself silly because I couldn’t walk at all.

It wasn’t like being drunk and staggering all over the place, that’s a symptom of your mind knowing exactly how to walk and your body point-blank refusing to follow orders.

My mind couldn’t remember how to walk. I just stood there, completely baffled, not even knowing where to begin getting my legs to move left right left right. After what felt like three hours of everyone standing around me frowning while I pissed myself laughing, they put me in a wheelchair and helped me into the car.



The drive back was a damn side better than the drive there except for this curious sensation that was welling up under my tongue and making me feel not so great.

I managed not to chunder until after my cousins helped me out the car, but my god did it feel amazing. I know that’s probably really disgusting to read, but it honestly felt like every bad thing was coming out of me and when it was over I remember floating up the driveway and into my cousin’s house where I spent the next five hours sitting in the same spot on the couch in the living room practically drooling on my chest while the family watched Carte Blanche, the 8pm movie and then one by one went to bed.

They had to hold a glass for me while I sipped water through a straw because my first attempt at drinking ended with the glass in my lap and a goofy, cross-eyed smile on my face.

Every time my cousin lit a smoke the universe stopped so I could watch the fire molecules twist, bend and break in the soft, lamp-lit room. I watched endless hours of TV that made no fucking sense whatsoever, which was right about the time when I realised I might not be a robot, just a very, very stoned human being.

I don’t remember going to bed but the next day I woke up feeling 100% fine. I apologised to my family for everything, but they were having none of it.

“That’s the most entertaining night I’ve had in years,” The Amazon said to me the next morning, “you really should visit more often.”

“I should,” I said smiling, “but next time I’m sharing the drugs. That was hands down the best goddamn high OF MY LIFE!”

Hospital drugs, boys and girls, are the best fucking drugs on the planet. No wonder so many doctors take them, who the fuck wouldn’t?!

Good times I tell ya.

Good, good times Winking smile