Archive for November, 2013


Vice Magazine Finds The Real Walter White

The Real WWSheeit, I might as well just call this the Breaking Bad fansite. I hardly post for three weeks and then it’s BreakingBadBreakingBadBreakingBad until your eyeballs are bleeding all over your keyboard.

But this video needs to be watched by you right now. It’s the story of the real Walter White – an actual meth cook who became a drug kingpin in the early 2000s before he was taken down by the fuzz.

It’s a helluva lot less glamorous than the show. For starters, all he did was cook the meth, leave it at random collection points and then go back the next day to collect a big fat wad of cash.

Seems like a nice enough guy though. Unlike Walt from the series, the real life WW became a full-on junkie though and is currently awaiting trial that could end in a life sentence in prison.

Check it:



Judging from his teeth and that gross thing growing next to his nose in some of those shots, this guy was definitely a meth addict, but was he the real life Walter White?

I’m a little sceptical. I seriously doubt his operation was anywhere near the scale of Walt’s in the series, but something tells me that real-life meth cooks are more like Badger and Skinny Pete than Mr White.




A Post From The Darkest Hour

Stay-Awake-All-NightThey say 3am is the darkest hour or the witching hour as it’s also known. Some people think it’s 12am, but I can tell you from experience, it’s definitely 3am when the world is dead asleep.

Remember what a big deal it was to stay awake until this time when you were a kid? Or how crazy it felt the first time you stayed awake all night and watched the sun rise the next day?

Thinking back, those were my first few experiences of the darkest hour, it was all excitement and this feeling like I was getting away with something.

Of course, after that, once I hit my teenage years my experiences of 3am were a different story altogether. Instead of being all hyped up at the thrill of doing something forbidden, I’d be blind drunk and stumbling lost through the thick fog of alcohol oblivion.

The witching hour remained in that same thick fog for a long time. In fact, from when I was 13 until my late 20s, if I’d made it through to 3am, I was definitely in a drastically altered state which guaranteed that the day to follow would be a complete write-off.

But, as I got older I began to experience a much, much more terrifying kind of witching hour – the one where you make it to 3am because you’re still fucking working.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those guys always shouting from the roof-tops about how hardcore his work ethic is (also known as WANKERS). Those guys take this weird satisfaction from the fact that they have no lives outside work, that’s not me.

And yet here I am. Eyes burning from lack of sleep, head spinning from too much coffee and heart sinking at the thought of a future of more and more mornings like these.

The world is unforgiving and there are too damn many of us in it. To make a mark you have to either be very lucky or willing to make big sacrifices to get ahead.

Me, I just want to be curled up with J-Rab right now, listening to the tiny muffled snores of my baby girl in the cot next to the bed and enjoying the simple pleasure of being close to the people I love.

Swear to God, December can’t come soon enough. It’s been a good year, but I am done.

I’m sure we can all agree, it’s high time for a little R&R.

Any minute now… Winking smile



I’m Blogging! And It’s Not An Escape Monday Post!

BB Final ReadYeah, a sign of things to come? Christ I hope so. I been so unbelievably snowed under for the last three weeks you guys have no idea. I don’t blog, I don’t klap gym, I hardly see my girls, it’s nuts.

Not seeing The Cub and J-Rab is the worst, but right there in second place is blogging. All those hits I try so hard to grow, all diminishing day after day, fahk.

It will take me about a month of solid posting to get those hits back. So let’s get to it with this RADASS video of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul reading the Breaking Bad finale for the first time.



“Satan’s windshield wiper” – classic.

Still think Breaking Bad has to be one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. That and The Wire. I will never stop talking about Breaking Bad. And The Wire.






Escape Monday: National Geographic Photo Contest 2013

s_n31_13229818This time around, I’m not making any promises. Last week I said I’d be posting every day and yeah… work ended up drilling me so hard I could hardly walk straight.

This time around I’m not making any promises. If I can, I will post. More than that I can’t promise until things calm down a little, which I’m hoping they will as December creeps ever closer.

In the meantime, here are some of the entrants in this year’s National Geographic photo contest. Apparently the entries for this are still open until 30th November so these incredible photos aren’t even the winners.

I’ve listed them from my least favourite to most favourite. Dig it:














From here on in it’s pretty much 100% awesome.


























From my favourite two, it’s pretty clear to see that I’m into sweeping panoramas of snowy peaks, autumn colours and large bodies of water that act as rippled mirrors:





This post doesn’t really do these pictures justice though. Check out the original from The Atlantic here to see these pics enlarged to their full sizes.

It never ceases to amaze me just how beautiful this world is. My only hope is that we find a way to save enough of it that my daughter and her kids and her kid’s kids will get to experience the animals and scenes in these pics first hand.



Escape Monday: With Satirical Art

satirical-art-pawel-kuczynski-19It’s been a long-ass time since I posted last, I’m going to try to make up for the shocking lack of posts by NAILING IT every day this week like I normally do, but I can’t promise that that will happen.

At the moment, I’m locked into the final huge sprint for the finish line that is December holidays and it’s pretty brutal. All there is to do is keep your head down and keep on keepin’ on. The only way out is through.

In the meantime though, here are some thought-provoking pieces of satirical art from Polish illustrator Pawel Kuczynski so you can feel like you’re sticking it to the man yo!

















And the one that really got me thinking:



See kids? With SATIRE we can escape ANYTHING. Thanks to Bored Panda for the original post.

Now get back to work ya lazy bum.



Team Tiger Saves Balls

DDR5We did it okes. Team Tiger And The Buff Charnas got together for a good cause and ran for our balls at the DAREdevil Run 2013. To all the ous who joined Team Tiger, you charnas are LEGENDS!

In fact, to all the ous who ran the DAREdevil Run in Cape Town, you are the BUFFEST ous in the land. To go out their in a red speedo and run up and down Seapoint promenade getting wolve whistles takes BALLS.

I must say though, the actual RUNNING part was a flippin’ weird sensation for me. After 10 minutes it was like a ou was pouring flippin BATTERY ACID into my legs, yirre!

But anyway, I finished and had a jol whilse raising awareness for cancer and saving my balls and the balls of others. Here are some pics of me and the BUFF ous from TEAM TIGER:






Big shout out to the event organisers for actually taking a stand for a serious cause instead of just growing a flippin pervert traffic cop moustache on your lip because you’ve always wondered what you’d look like as a pervert traffic cop.

Keep on klapping it okes!

Until next time.



Escape Monday: “Wild Art” is All Kinds Of Awesome

046CarolHummelI always stick by the time-honoured adage “I don’t know art, but I know what I like” because there’s a lot of wanky high-concept stuff out there that people love that I just plain don’t understand.

Then there’s “Wild Art”, a book by authors David Carrier and Joachim Pissaro that takes a look at today’s coolest and craziest art, which comprises of instantly likeable pieces like the ones I’m about to show you.

I like the idea behind “Wild Art” because the people that have created these pieces are not part of the mainstream art world, but have reached a level of fame where they are able to make a living off their talents.

Think of this collection as the Fight Club of art. It’s “pure, simple, direct and unsophisticated”. In other words, it’s made up of 100% pure WIN.

Check it:










And of course, my favourite:



Pretty damn suh-lick all in all.

High fives all round.



Today’s The Day We Run For Our Balls, Boet

DaredevilsIn history, ous remember the heroes. They remember the 300 charnas with lekker six packs and red cloaks kicking other ous down a hole because they don’t know that that was SPARTA.

They remember that GLADIATOR oke what told ous to unleash hell and then MOERED THE KAK out of any charna dumb enough to try his flippin luck.

And they remember that Titanic oke, what got Kate Winslet (BELTER) to show us all her boobs when he painted her like one of his French Binnets and then froze to death in the flippin sea because he was a gentleman and wanted her to float on the door by herself.

And then they remember ous like us who, having never trained legs in like, TEN YEARS, put on tiny red speedos and ran for our balls (and the balls of others).



Today is the DAREdevil Run 2013 where me and a entire TEAM of the BUFFEST CHARNAS IN THE LAND are going to fight our own battle, a battle against the terrible disease of CANCER.

Our weapons in this fight are going to be AWARENESS, ENCOURAGING TESTING and of course our flippin HUGE GUNS.

So if you’re sitting around today and don’t have plans at 3.30 this afternoon – come to the Hamilton’s Sports Club in Seapoint and either take part in the run (actually better if you ous come at 2.30 if you wanna run, so you can get parking and kak) or just support if you dig seeing lank okes basically naked in speedos, some of which are MASSIVE AND RIPPED (the okes, not the speedos).

Because I’m like, still not actually sure of exactly who all the BUFF CHARNAS in Team Tiger are except for my main man Big Daddy Savage, I’ll just be handing out TIGER BUFFS to BUFF TIGERS who will then get to start the race first with me – KLAPPING IT!

So see you ous there!




30th-birthdayYou guys might have noticed that I’ve been slacking again when it comes to posts – that’s because my weekend was a bit of a wild one and I wasn’t able to stockpile anything for the week like I usually do.

Friday I went to an awesome wedding at Suikerbossie where a lot of tequila was drunk and good times had by all and on Saturday I celebrated a pretty intense milestone because yeah. I’m thirty now.

My actual birthday was on Sunday but on Saturday I had a chilled braai with some friends, nothing too crazy because I’m a dad now so I couldn’t really lose my shit completely with a two month old baby.

Of course, near the end of the afternoon / evening a lot of whisky was consumed and tons of shit talked by all. It was a beautiful day, sunshine and blue skies, and I feel like I sent my 20s off in the best possible way.

It’s a weird one though. I don’t remember reflecting on my life much when I hit my 20s. I think at that time in my life I was just partying like an animal and getting up to all kinds of shenanigans so I don’t think I really gave a shit that my teenage years were over.

Besides, getting into your 20s is pretty exciting. I remember feeling like I had this amazing decade ahead of me with all kinds of adventures and craziness to look forward to and lot of freedom to enjoy.

In your 20s you become financially independent (hopefully), you get your first car, you move into your first flat, you take your first few shaky steps toward being an adult and it’s fun.

You make a lot of fuckups. You go out on school nights all the time, come to work with raging hangovers and are still able to somehow get shit done. You meet crazy people who stick with you through the good times and the bad and you party very, very fucking hard.

I remember the day I quit my first job. I’d only been working there for three months but the team I was working with was slowly and steadily falling apart so eventually I was like, “Fuck this, I’m done.”

I didn’t even write an official letter of resignation. I just came to work one day and told my boss at the time I was sorry but after the end of the month (which was three days away) I wouldn’t be coming into work anymore.

He wasn’t even pissed off. He just said he totally understood and if I wanted, I could quit right there and then and they’d still pay me for the whole month.

I headed straight to my buddy Barbarian’s flat (affectionately known by us all as “The Hole”) and spent the rest of the day on his veranda couch lounging in the sun drinking Black Label quarts and smoking bongs.

I honestly didn’t give a shit. Two months later I had another job which I accepted because my parents had cut me off completely and I was running out of cash.

I remember what weekends used to feel like. The build-up to Friday, the burning energy that used to course through me at the thought of the parties I was going to hit, the people I was going to hang out with and the fucking crazy shit we were going to get up to.

I remember the clubs, the bars, the drinks, the drugs, the girls, the infectious craziness that exploded endlessly inside us. I remember the highs and the heartaches, the moments where I felt like a God and the others where I felt like a total wretch.

I lived hard. I threw caution into the wind and on more than one occasion, life kicked my fucking ass.

It’s not something I admit to often, nor something I’m particularly proud of but it took over 80 stitches, 50 staples, six titanium screws, three metal crossbars and a shit ton of antiseptic, gauze, bandages, morphine, pethadine, dormicum and painkillers to get me through my 20s.

I never knew when enough was enough, it was impossible for me to find any kind of balance in my life. It was all or nothing, I craved those dizzying highs and crushing lows. The fence-sitting, middle ground of complacency and polite indifference was more hellish to me than all the fire and brimstone and gnashing of teeth you could ever imagine.

Through it all I managed to somehow not only survive, but find a few truths that I know will see me through the rest of my life. They were lessons hard-learned, but if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a goddamn thing.

And yet I find myself staring down the next decade of my life warily, like a fighter weighing up his opponent in the ring, searching for flaws, looking for openings, waiting for the right moment to strike, achingly aware of the mounting pressure and responsibilities on his shoulders should he fail.

The game has changed.

I have no doubt that my thirties will bring me boundless joy, unimaginable opportunities and (again, hopefully) incredible success, but I also know that I will have to work harder to attain all three of those things than I did in my 20s.

Time is brutal – it’s the greatest teacher even though it kills all its pupils – and there is nothing you can do to stop it or bring it back so lamenting the passing of your 20s is idiotic and self-indulgent.

But I can’t help but feel a little sad, the same way I feel sad packing away baby clothes that my two-month old daughter will never fit into again, that my 20s are over.

The guy I was in my 20s was a crazy, passionate, reckless motherfucker, but God knows I miss him from time to time. On some nights I stand on our little balcony and look out over the humming city lights and imagine where he would be at that same moment, what mischief he’d be getting up to, what hearts he’d be breaking or what people would be breaking his.

My only solace during these times is the thought that he is out there somewhere, a thousand thousand different versions of him, and he is doing all those crazy things and always will be.

This is his world now and I surrender it to him gladly because though I may have lost part of my youthful abandon, I’ve gained a lover, companion for life and fierce lioness in J-Rab and the most incredible and precious gift of new life in my little Cub.

More than anything though, my 20s taught me that this is my life, my story. There is no other like it and there never will be.

This site is a record of that life that I hope outlasts me for a long, long time and continues to offer the souls that stumble upon it some kind of comfort no matter how big or small.

So pull up a chair, I’ll pour you a whisky, and we’ll float on in this rusted old junkyard spaceship through the ether.

Boats against the current. Bourne back ceaselessly into the past… Winking smile



Still Time To Be A Buff Charna For Your Balls

Daredevil 1_0Hazit ous! First order of business is first, the original button I put in the last post about joining Team Tiger And The Buff Charnas had a problem in that their were typos in the tweet it made and kak.

It also sent a tweet that didn’t copy ME, Slicky-T in it so if you joined the team (I can see FOUR okes has clicked the button so far) just write your name in the comments below. Shot my bruddahs!

If you HAVEN’T joined Team Tiger And The Buff Charnas to run around in a lekker red speedo looking tit on Friday for the DAREdevil Run 2013, then here is youre chance!

I don’t think I have to explain to you ous again how important a charna’s balls is to him. His prostrate too. By running the DAREdevil Run 2013 with your pal Slicky-T, you are showing ous YES, I care about my balls and the balls of others!



Okes, this is not just some excuse to run up and down Seapoint Promenade getting wolve whistles from all the BELTERS watching, no. This is a proper way of combattling the serious sickness of cancer by making ous more aware of it and raising money for it.

I must say, there is of course the fear for me that despite being the most popular charna on the interwebs, the grandaddy of KLAP himself, that only like 5 ous are gonna join Team Tiger if I’m lucky.

Let’s make it 50 OUS! Yirre, that would be a thing to see! 50 ous being buff together for cancer awareness, let’s make it happen okes, seriously!



All you have to do is 2 things. First register for the race (costs R100 and you get a free speedo) by clicking this underlined bit of writing.

Second, join Team Tiger by clicking this button:

Easy as that okes! So let’s all do this together now, let’s make a flippin difference. Running for Team Tiger has all kinds of benefits you can read about here, I mean please man! You’d have to be flippin DOF not to join this lekker buff team!

I hope to see you ous on Friday, where we can to this together okes.

For our balls.