Archive for September, 2013


“In Utero” 20th Anniversary Reissue Looks Amazing

Nirvana-In-Utero-box-set-detailsAwhile back I took the brave step of admitting that, over 20 years later I’m still pretty obsessed with Kurt Cobain when I posted a series of rare pics of the man that have recently surfaced.

When you think about it, Nirvana were a pretty phenomenal band considering they were only around for about seven years (‘87 – ‘94) and only really exploded onto the scene with Nevermind in ‘91.

They released three studio albums in total, the third of which, In Utero, is about to be re-released in celebration of it’s 20th anniversary. Can you believe it’s been 20 goddamn years since it was originally released?! Christ we’re getting old.

The Super Deluxe Edition box set is a monster. According to, it…

Features more than 70 remastered, remixed, rare and unreleased recordings, including B-sides, compilation tracks, never-before-heard demos and live material featuring the final touring lineup of Cobain, Novoselic, Grohl, and Pat Smear. This box set also includes a DVD of the complete "Live and Loud" show from Seattle’s Pier 48 on December 13, 1993 plus never-before-released bonus material.

The full box set sells for $149.98 (so roughly R1 500 at today’s exchange rate) which means it’s totally out of Papa Slick’s price bracket right now and probably will be forever. Any kind souls out there reading this, my birthday is on the 3rd November and it’s the big three-oh… just sayin’…



You can hit this link for a full run down of all the material that’s in the box set.

But the real reason I wanted to write this is because NPR did a 40 minute interview with the surviving members of the band (Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic) which I read last night and really enjoyed.

You can stream the interview here, or read the transcription of it which follows below the streaming link. It’s well worth it if you’re a Nirvana fan.

My favourite part though is when Krist is talking about Kurt Cobain as a person and an artist:

Novoselic: In Utero is a testament to the artistic vision of Kurt Cobain. It’s kind of a weird record, and it’s strangely beautiful at the same time. And if you look at Kurt’s paintings and his drawings — he even did a sculpture for me — it’s a rising, tortured-spirit person. It’s kind of weird. It’s done well, but it’s like what Dave was saying about having your own sound. Kurt was a great songwriter. He knew he had a good ear for a hook [and was] a great singer, great guitar player, and In Utero is a good representation of what he liked in art and how he expressed himself.

A statement like that carries added weight if you know anything about the dynamic between Krist and Kurt. They were basically the founding members of the band and were really good friends who knew each other from highschool.



In all the interviews I’ve heard or read with Krist since ‘94, whenever the topic of Kurt comes up, I get this strong sense of how much Krist respected and loved Kurt, despite Kurt’s darker, more self-destructive side.

In one interview in particular Krist is asked what it was like after Kurt’s death and he admitted that, years later, whenever he passed a guitar shop and saw an awesome-looking left-handed guitar, he would automatically think, “I should buy that for Kurt”.

I never got the same feeling from Dave. He moved on to achieve great things in his music career whereas Krist played for a few lesser-known bands and decided to get quite heavily involved with politics through a group he formed called JAMPAC (Joint Artists and Musicians Political Action Committee).

Nirvana was probably the highlight of his music career and life, but you can tell from the interviews he gives that it’s not that that he misses.

It’s his friend. Simple as that. I think he’d trade in all the fame, all the fortune just to have Kurt back.

But then again, I could just be reading into things.

I do that sometimes Winking smile



Media Saturation Point

miley-cyrus-wrecking-ball-video-4-650-430I think I could be getting close to reaching full-on media saturation point. It’s a bold claim I know and not one I should technically have any right to make considering I can name 5 friends off the top of my head who consume 10 times as much media as I do, but there it is.

This realisation came to me when I watched Miley Cyrus’ over-hyped performance at the VMA Awards and her new single “Wrecking Ball”.

I know both of these videos are supposed to have elicited some kind of “OMGWTF!” response from me as I scrambled for the nearest social media platform to voice my indignation at the declining morals of today’s youth.

Instead, all I thought in both instances was “meh”.

Because who really cares, right? I mean, who really gives a fucking flying fuck? Haven’t we seen all this before? The answer is yes, we have seen all this before, but I guess if you’re under a certain age you might not have which explains why it’s such a big deal because teenage girls rule the world.

It’s fucking true! Anyone with a brain will tell you that teenage girls control the goddamn purse strings of the modern world, but that’s another rant for another day.

Today’s rant is about how shockingly indifferent I find I’m getting when it comes to the media I consume.

Like I said before, I just feel like I’ve seen all this shit so many fucking times before that it has absolutely no effect on me whatsoever.

For example, here’s the new Miley Cyrus video I mentioned earlier (I can’t believe I’m about to post a Miley Cyrus video on this site, but whatever, it’s to illustrate a point).



It’s just all so fucking overdone. Close-up shot of her crying on camera – Sinead O’Connor (“Nothing Compares To You”), sexy girl with power tools – Benny Benassi (“Satisfaction”), song about getting your heart ripped out – practically every artist to ever write music ever.

Am I supposed to be shocked that Disney’s little sweetheart Hannah Montana has grown up into a badass rebel get-naked-at-the-drop-of-a-hat pop music biatch? Please.

Disney is practically a factory for churning out ill-adjusted, future crack / meth / prescription drug and alcohol addicts that hit meteoric levels of fame way too young only to crash and burn in their late 20s while tabloid newspapers and magazines feed off their misery like bloated ticks.



That’s just one example though. So many more come to mind.

Take movies for example. When’s the last time you saw a truly good one? One that really struck a chord in you and made you smile or laugh or cry from somewhere deep down?

I’m guessing it’s been a long, long fucking time right?

I did the math today. I’m going to be 30 this year, so let’s say on average I see maybe two movies a  month – that’s 24 movies a year.

Now, because I don’t really remember anything I watched movies-wise before the age of 5, let’s say I’ve been watching two movies a month (on average) for 25 years. That works out to be 600 movies in total and I can tell you right now that’s a conservative estimate.

At varsity I was probably averaging 2 movies a week, that’s 384 in just 4 years so I’d actually put the number of movies I’ve seen in my life closer to 1 000, maybe even more.

The average movie is 120 minutes long, so that means I’ve spent 120 000 minutes watching movies – that’s 83 straight fucking days, nearly three months just watching movies 24/7!

And like I said, I think I’m at the healthier end of the media-consumption spectrum. I have friends that probably watch up to 5 or 6 movies a week, God knows how because even with the comparatively little amount that I’ve watched, I have had enough.

Everything is a rehash of everything else, everything is a reboot. Indiana Jones is The Mummy, is Tomb Raider, is National Treasure, is The Da Vinci Code. The Last Of The Mohicans is Braveheart, is Gladiator, is Troy, is 300, is Robin Hood, is Clash Of The Titans.

It’s pretty well-known that Hollywood has a pile of something like 36 scripts and when they’ve made the movie at the top, it goes back to the bottom of the pile only to surface three years later as the same movie with a few subtle twists to fool people into thinking it’s something new.

Here, have a look at this, it’s called R.I.P.D, it’s Ryan Reynolds’ new one with Jeff Bridges:



Seem familiar to you? Of course it fucking seems familiar – it’s fucking Men In Black with ghosts instead of aliens!

The last thing I ever wanted to be in life was a cynic, but after spending the majority of my adult life getting media rammed down my throat relentlessly whether I like it or not, I’m finding it increasingly difficult to get excited about anything media-related anymore.

I’ve often wandered what it would be like to try to cut all that stuff out of my life completely and see what happens. Spend a year avoiding movies, series and internet videos.

Music is different, I couldn’t live without that, but what would my life be like if I cut out the rest of it?

Would take a lot of balls and I think my overriding online FOMO would make it damn near impossible, but wow I’d have a lot more time on my hands and would probably be a far more well-adjusted human being.

But then again, who needs to be well-adjusted when you have pure internet gold like “The Fox”?



The fact that I actually find that video funny says more about the levels of depravity I have to sink to to be entertained than anything I could ever write on the topic.

Yeah. I think it’s time to pull the plug.



Escape Monday: Into A Realm Of Animals That Will Give You LOLZ

gizmoI promised with that last Escape Monday post that I’d post a follow-up that would bring balance back to the universe as we know it because yeah. The animals in that last post were pretty damn rough.

I think you’ll find the animals in this post a lot easier on the eye than the mutants in the last one. These animals look like they might make awesome pets provided you don’t get them wet or feed them after midnight.

At first glance, some of these animals look like they could be the result of someone with mad photoshopping skills, but don’t you worry – your Tiger pal researched every one of these animals and they are 100% legit.

Check it:

































That’s it for today’s Escape Monday folks!

But tune in tomorrow for more Tigery goodness Winking smile



Back In The Game

Tiger shotFeels a little weird to be writing something as banal as this post (which basically just says I’m back in the game and am going to try get back to posting everyday on the site) after the last one I wrote.

Everything I’ve tried to write since that last post has felt arbitrary but I need to get back to writing, even if it’s just fluff, because life without blogging feels a lot emptier somehow.

Many of you have asked what happened after that last post – did the baby live? Did they catch the driver? Sadly, I haven’t heard anything. I’ve searched online for news, but the only hit I get is this site.

The neighbours downstairs said that the crowd that gathered was able to identify the driver from what the mother said. I hope they catch that fucker and lock him away for the rest of his days. I still feel sick thinking about that day.

In lighter news, I’m slowly getting a hang of this whole dad thing. It’s a steep learning curve, that much I can say without a moment’s hesitation. Also, of the thousands of bits and pieces of advice we were given, the people who said “Be prepared for all your expectations to be turned completely upside down,” gave the most valuable input.



That and this incredible line J-Rab read me in the book Origins by Annie Murphy Paul. The author wrote the book whilst pregnant with her second child and in it she tackles the nature vs nurture debate head-on, looking specifically at how the 9 months we spend in the womb shape the rest of our lives (it’s a great read if you’re an expectant parent).

Anyway, in the final chapter she describes what it was like when she had her C-section for her second baby – how it felt when they delivered the baby and what it was like to see her baby for the first time.

“There’s nothing more real than a baby,” she writes right at the end of the book and I swear, that line has echoed in my head ever since.

There is nothing more real than a baby.

For me it just feels like everything in my life up until this point, all the happiness and heartache I’ve experienced, has just been a warm-up. All the epic failures and successes until now suddenly seem almost trivial when faced with the overwhelming responsibility of caring for this tiny little life.



We’re playing for keeps now, the stakes have never been higher and as scary as it feels sometimes, it also feels so right, like life has taken its natural course and everything is happening exactly the way it’s supposed to happen.

So with that, let’s get things back on track here at Tiger HQ shall we?

One more time ladies and gentlemen.

From the top Winking smile




You never forget the sound of a car crash. There’s no way to describe that sound, but once you’ve heard it you never forget it and every time you hear it again you get the same gut-churning feeling you got the first time.

We were fast asleep yesterday in the spare room, J-Rab, The Cub and I. It gets the most sun in the afternoons and we were curled up, dozing in it when we heard the sound.

I knew two things immediately after hearing it – whatever had happened was close and it was bad.

I got up, walked through to the living room, unlocked and opened the sliding door and looked down into the road.

We live on the second story of an apartment block that looks down on the bottom of De Waal drive, about 200 meters up from the canary-yellow speed camera that never catches anyone.

I looked down into the road where it sounded like the crash came from, expecting to see a mangled car but instead I saw a young-looking coloured guy in a green and white striped hoodie screaming the same thing again and again.

“Aziza! Aziza! Get an ambulance! Somebody help! Aziza! Aziza! Aziza!”

He was running up and down the road screaming like that. Whatever had happened was blocked from my view by short, dense trees, their branches leafless, dead from winter.

I took my phone out and dialled 10111. It rang for at least two minutes while I tried to piece together what had happened, tried to figure out what the lifeless trees were hiding.

I had one clue, something on the pavement, pale green lying just before the trees.

As my phone rang another figure came sprinting down the road, saw whatever the trees were hiding and started screaming. It was a girl, she ran right up to the trees screaming, and then ran the other way, then ran back to the trees again, then ran away again.

When the police eventually answered I tried to explain where the accident happened but the woman who answered rushed through the details I was giving her so quickly that if I hadn’t stopped to slow her down, she would have sent a police car to hospital bend, about 3kms in the wrong direction.

There’s a house adjacent to our flat, a middle-aged couple live there with a Labrador and a Bearded Collie puppy. I saw the husband across the road standing with the crowd that were gathering there. His wife was standing in her garden on a rock, holding the puppy and looking over her wall at the scene of the accident.

I called down to her, she was also trying to call the police. I told her I’d gotten through, I asked her what happened and she told me like it was something happening a million miles away.

I turned back to the leafless trees, back to the pale green thing on the sidewalk and instantly recognised it as a receiving blanket.

J-Rab came out onto the balcony holding The Cub who was still asleep and wrapped snugly against the winter cold.

“What happened?” she asked.

I don’t remember if I turned to tell her, I don’t think I could tear my eyes away from the trees, or watch her reaction when I told her.

“It’s a baby. Someone swerved off the road into her pram and drove away…”

I didn’t know what else to say. There was nothing else to say. We stared at the people gathering by the trees in silence.

A truck from the Fire Department just down the road arrived at the scene first, parked by the side of the road behind the trees. When they got there, the girl from before came running. Someone grabbed her, tried to hold onto her as she sank to the ground screaming and crying.

J-Rab started crying behind me, but I just kept staring, numb right down to my core.

“I see you have your baby, I have mine too,” our neighbour said, cradling her puppy. “Shame, so sad,” she said.

The ambulance arrived not long after that, parked behind the fire truck as two paramedics got out and walked to where the accident had happened.

It wasn’t long after that that we heard another sound from behind the fire truck, sounding out above the hum of traffic, ringing out clearly through the biting cold winter dusk.

I turned to J-Rab, “Is that her?”

“It must be…”

I exhaled and rubbed my eyes, suddenly exhausted despite the nap I’d just woken from. The girl was back on her feet, the crowd gathered across the road were close around her, holding her, telling her everything was going to be ok.

The crying stopped and not long after we saw one of the paramedics carrying an impossibly small bundle into the back of the ambulance. The police arrived after that, parked, got out the car, slouched toward the scene of the accident.

Before we went back inside our neighbour’s husband came walking back to his front gate. I asked him what had happened.

“It was a white combi, swerved off the road into that guy walking with the pram, came out of nowhere, they think he was drunk.”

I asked him if the baby was ok.

“She’s alive, ja. But with a big hole in her head.”

“Brain damaged?” his wife asked.

“They don’t know,” he said.

Back in the flat I poured a whisky, swallowed it and poured another.

I sat on the couch with J-Rab and held her as tightly as I could.

I stared at our daughter, who is three weeks old today, sleeping like only babies can in her mother’s arms.

A fear crept into my heart like nothing I’ve ever felt. I kissed my daughter and pushed the thought that was screaming out in my mind as far back as possible, but it was impossible to shut it out.

What if it was her?

I’m not a religious man but I prayed for that little girl, for Aziza, last night.

I hope whatever gods may be were listening and that she’s ok.

I hope she’s back safe in her mom’s arms, wrapped up against the winter cold like nothing ever happened.

And more than that, more than anything, as selfish as it sounds I hope that never, ever happens to our little girl.

I hope…