Archive for August 23rd, 2013


Friday LOLZ – Sleep Deprivation Edition

tumblr_mrg5nxZVnh1qzmowao1_500So yeah. Not a lot of posting happening on the site at the moment, sorry about that guys, but with the little Cub to look after things are a little cray-cray at the moment.

Things will settle down (people tell me) but in the meantime, sleep is a precious commodity for J-Rab and I that we don’t seems to be getting our normal quota of at the moment.

Of course, with sleep deprivation come all of it’s awesome side effects like laughing for an inappropriately long time at things that aren’t really that funny at all and generally feeling like you’re watching your life from the outside.

Speaking of things that aren’t really funny at all – here are things like that. Starting with a bird dancing in a bag because what else is there to do in a bag?



Then there’s this waking nightmare I had about the Simpsons the other day…



Followed by Nicolas Cage in his Cageface suit.



Shark news reporter…



More nightmare stuffs…





What happens when game developers take too much acid…



RL Spiderman.



The raddest squirrel known to mankind:






And this:



If at this stage you’re thinking, “Holy shit Papa Slick, you need to get some sleep, son!” then I have only this to say to you:



Have a killer weekend Party People. Anyone needs me I’ll be dead asleep (hopefully).