
Escape Monday: Epic Moleskine Doodles

995818_469755336440789_1615793543_nI’m so shockingly bad at drawing it isn’t even funny. I once spent about four or five hours at varsity trying to sketch the cover of a cookbook and the end result was so bad, it looked like a blind person had drawn it.

It’s a major problem because I have nothing to do to make the time pass quicker in boring meetings except to frown intently whilst writing random words in my moleskine that make no sense afterward.

Philippines-based illustrator Kerby Rosanes definitely doesn’t have that problem. Armed with an ordinary Moleskine and a few Uni Pin drawing pens, this guy takes doodling to a whole other level.











The man can doodle like no other doodler has ever doodled.



1 Response to “Escape Monday: Epic Moleskine Doodles”

  1. 1 Tam
    July 1, 2013 at 1:23 pm

    Not your average doodle. And all I do is stick men and a few swirly thingies.

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