Archive for January 7th, 2013


Super Escape Monday: Laughter Will Save Us

tumblr_m0rcp2C7zV1qam8b5o1_400Dunno about you guys but holy fuckballs I’m depressed today. Back at the grind, back sitting slumped in front of a laptop from 8.30 – 5.30, Christmas and New Year a distant memory, nothing to look forward to but more indentured servitude.

I had a flippin badass holiday though, stayed right here in the Mother City and did a whole lot of nothing. I hope you guys had a killer holiday too, you deserved one because you are motherflippin’ awesome.

So anyway, to chase the post-holiday blues away I found a whole bunch of funny stuffs to make ya’ll LOLSHYSYPOTSY*!

So let’s kick it off with this gem of a video. Sorry if you’ve seen this one already, it’s the best news reporter fails of 2012.



Moving right along, here’s some random funny shit courtesy of one of my all-time favourite sites, Fuck Yeah Dementia!











And now for something completely different: goats.












Feeling any better? Little bit? Then my job here is done.

See ya’ll tomorrow for more back to work badassery Winking smile



SLACKTIGER! An Apology From SlickTiger Industries

4107030-happy-young-businesspeople-having-meeting-in-boardroom-at-office-in-front-of-a-huge-plasma-tv-screenGood day.

We here at SlickTiger Industries would like to issue an official apology for the tardy manner in which content has been posted on this weblog over the past few weeks. The poor effort that has gone into populating the site with “radass stuffs” is by no means a reflection of what to expect in 2013.

The truth is that the site’s creator and chief content-generator has spent the past three weeks on leave, growing a beard (pictured below), drinking whisky and making a concerted effort to mirror the sleeping patterns of his cat.

Steps have been taken to rectify this problem and going forward, there will be a regular stream of content appearing on the site daily again, with a lot more attention being paid to music, movie and game reviews.

In the meantime, here’s what “your Tiger pal” has been up to over the past three weeks:








Regular transmission to resume in 5…

Thank you for your patience.

-SlickTiger Industries