Archive for September 12th, 2012


Ugandan Film Trailers Are Awesome

Captain AlexForget what Kony may or may not be doing in Uganda, there are way more pressing issues in the country at the moment, namely the answer to the question “Who Killed Captain Alex?”

In the trailer you’re about to see that question is posed continually as a radass montage of action scenes play right before your very eyes.

And no, I’m not using “radass” in a facetious way. The filmmaker who shot this feature film, Isaac Godfrey Geoffrey Nabwana, did so with a budget of basically zero, an editing suite he built himself and one camera with a broken viewfinder.

How indie is THAT?



Thanks to that trailer, a Kickstarter project has been launched to raise funds to shoot an entire documentary called Wakaliwood about Nabwana’s hometown Wakaliga in Uganda and the films he makes there.

Proof that with passion, enough determination and the interwebs, almost anything is possible.

Ghanaian action films are still way more awesome though…