Archive for July 20th, 2012


“Get Out Of The Garage” Shortlists Top 10 Unsigned SA Bands

GOTGtop10KAPOW! From three posts in two weeks to two posts in ONE DAY shit is off the chizain at SlickTiger Industries today.

So as you may have guessed from the title of this post, the final 10 bands have been selected for the Converse “Get Out Of The Garage” competition.

You can vote for the bands at the Converse FB page here: where you can hear their tracks, check out their videos and read their bios.

It’s a great selection of bands, the judges Zulu Boy, Jon Savage and Garick Williams selected them from 138 entries and I think they  nailed it when it comes to selecting bands that are representative of what SA has to offer.



There are some pretty suhweet bands that made it through, now you get to vote for the band you want to win the grand prize (a chance to perform at the legendary 100 Club, the longest running popular music venue in the world).

The final 10 are:

  • Goodnight Wembley (CT, Rock)
  • iScream and the Chocolate Stix (CT, Rock)
  • Matthew Mole (CT, Folk & Electric)
  • Nakhane Toure (JHB, Folk & Rock)
  • North of Winter (PTA, Rock)
  • Savage Lucy (JHB, Metal, Rock & Blues)
  • Shotgun Tori (JHB, Indie & Folk)
  • Skin2Soul (JHB, Afro, Kwaito & Regaae)
  • Swart (JHB, Afrikaans Rock) and
  • The Kiffness (CT, Electronic).

So yeah, which band am I going to vote for?

It’s a tough question. As a music freak, I’m always looking for bands that don’t tow the line and just copy/paste what international bands are doing.

Which only really leaves two bands in the top 10 that cut the mustard.



These guys have a pretty badass video, but the track that’s streaming on the FB page is better.

They’re edgy. I like edgy. Edgy doesn’t sit in a corner and sulk until it gets noticed. It fucking runs up to you and kicks you in the balls, much like this video.



Moving on, my second choice would be these crazy cats:



If you know who Mike Scott is, you’ll know he is a mother-flippin LEGEND!

Remember Goldfish’s rad animated videos from a few years back? Yeah, Mike did those. He also did the infamous SA cartoon Bru & Boegie and a whole bunch of other rad projects.

Everything Mike touches turns to gold and when he teams up with his brother like he does in The Kiffnes, well, shit gets real.

Just watch this video. It’s actually so beyond awesome it’s hard to watch it without your eyeballs exploding out of your skull.



Good luck getting that little ditty out your head Winking smile

Have a killer weekend Party People.

See ya Monday for more radassery.



The Tiger Is A “Duscusting” Person

Palpatine(250x271)Hiya Party People!

My god it feels like ages since I last posted on this junkyard site, my apologies to my regular readers. To say I’ve been busy over the past two weeks is a total understatement – I’ve been livingbreathingeatingshittingsleeping work, but things are finally calming down a bit.

So yesterday I hit up into the backend of my site (um, wait, that doesn’t sound right…) and I find a comment I just had to share with you guys because the person who wrote it is clearly mentally handicapped / insane and should not be allowed within fifty feet of the interwebs.

A little context before I post her gem of a comment. The post she wrote it about is nearly a year old and was written (ironically) after a bout of not posting for a few days because I was snowed under.

I called the post “The Tiger Jumps Back On The Horse” and posted the following pic because, well, it shows a tiger on a horse:



So here’s what “Natasha” had to say about that pic:

I find it absolutely DUSCUSTING that people like you are willing to hurt and make animals suffer for others intertainment. like making wild animals be cooped up in tiny cages 24/7 when they should be free to run around in the WILD! i am going to do EVERYTHING in my power to see that animals are treated properly and that animals are no longer part of the circus

What a load of total and utter fucking bullshit!

For the record, I have never hurt or made an animal suffer EVER, I have never locked a wild animal up in a “tiny cage” and I have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that animals are part of the circus.

All these fucking assumptions just because I posted a pic I stole off the interwebs somewhere. And don’t even get me started on the awesome grammar in that comment.



Believe it or not, this is not the first time something like this has happened.

Anyone remember the “Stray Cat Recipe” post I banged out last year when times were tight and I had to resort to eating stray cats to survive?

Yeah, the comment I got from that one was even better. Check it:

This is THE most disturbing and shocking thing I have EVER read. Firstly, thank you for bringing the public’s attention to a very volatile situation that undeserving animals (yes, ANIMALS) find themselves in due to the stupidity of so called HUMANS.
How cowardly, to attack the defenceless.
Understood that whilst your post may be in jest, it is a poor showing of “human nature”, which is so cowardly that it must turn its energy on those that are unable to respond lest said “human” ACTUALLY be faced with a hint of a compassion, let alone a conscious awareness.
I am disgusted, and frankly, I suggest you find something that may just be a tad USEFUL to human nature, to take up what is clearly way too much time on your part.

So there you have it folks. I am a DUSCUSTING and cowardly human being with too much time on his hands (ha! Christ, I wish) who should throw himself in front of the nearest oncoming train and do humanity a favour.

Incidentally, you should definitely read my reply to the comment above, good times! Winking smile

Let this be a warning to you all – NOTHING is funny anymore. The world is a fucking SERIOUS place so you better get in line and wipe that goddamn smirk off your face.



The Fun Police are locked and loaded with more passive aggression than you can shake a stick at and they’re coming for us brothers and sisters.

It’s blood for blood by the gallon.

And I’m ready for war.