Archive for June, 2012


First look – Super Mario for the Wii U

New Super Mario Brothers U TitleCan you believe that the pudgy, loveable Italian plumber that first won us over as kids back in ’85 has featured in over 200 games to date?!

If you read the full list, you’ll find classics like Super Mario 3, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy, but you’ll also find a LOT of duds (watch this video, hilarious!).

I mention the duds because I just saw the release footage of Super Mario for the new Wii U (hitting stores in the fourth quarter of 2012) and I must say, compared to Super Mario Galaxy, it looks kinda lame…

Sure, I get the nostalgia factor they are going for here. From what I can see in this clip they’ve borrowed a LOT from Super Mario 3 which, to this day, is still a seriously awesome game. But there’s a danger of borrowing too heavily – you end up making a game that is nothing more than reheated leftovers.



Did that blow you away? Yes, no, maybe, I don’t know?

Can you repeat the question?



Kevin Spacey – An Even Bigger Douche Than Before

Spacey VentrilloquistWeek before last I wrote about what a douche Kevin Spacey is because he chose this very random script from SA to turn into a short film instead of mine.

I got all up on my high horse and lambasted both Spacey and the efforts of the SA scriptwriter / director that won the Jameson First Shot competition.

They accepted scripts from the States, Russia and SA and chose one from each country to be turned into a short film. Ours was about a dentist who cures a pirate’s tooth ache (?), which made me think that’s the kind of tone they were going for here, slapsticky absurdism. Then I saw America’s entry.

“The Ventriloquist” is a moving, thought-provoking short film that carries a powerful emotional punch and basically makes SA’s effort look like your nephew’s grade 2 nativity play where he landed the role as the back part of the camel.



It just plain ain’t fair I tells ya! Had they chosen a less goofy script from SA, I have no doubt we would have been able to pull off something as emotionally stirring as that piece.

Look, I’m not saying this is the best short film I’ve ever seen, but I am saying it’s a damn side better than ours was.

Why you gotta be such a douche Kevin Spacey?

I just ain’t right.



Okes Who Like To Klap It #15: Avastar Nightclub Charna

AvastarOkes, I want you to tell me STRAIGHT when the last time was when you had your mind flippin’ BLOWN by a nightclub experience that was like a Las Vegas THEME-BASED HOTEL?!

Cause what I’m about to show you is gonna make you KAK it’s so flippin’ off the chain!

Remember the first time you walked into Monte Casino and were like, “FLIP BOET! Am I inside or outside?! It’s so flippin’ REALISTIC I can’t tell the difference! Am I in EUROPE?! What the flip is going on?!”

Well ma boychays and belters, now imagine that experience happening again but instead of being in a foreign country, you’re gonna be on the foreign PLANET OF AVATAR!

That’s right. Some GENIUS ous out there have recreahated the 3D experience of Avatar in a nightclub called AVASTAR that’s gonna flippin change Rivonia into the nightclub CAPITAL of South Africa.




And don’t even get me flippin started on the beautiful Avatar works of art all over the club that show blue Avatar BELTERS with lekker big boobs because okes, women in this club are goddesses!

So how do you approach one of these goddess BELTERS to talk to you? Okes, the Avastar Nightclub Charna has your BACK on this one boet! He’s got a trick boychays and if you just watch the video below, he will learn you this VITAL TRICK for free!

What a flippin’ LEGEND!



Boet, all I can say is I look forward in seeing HIM there at Avastar because a nightclub like that doesn’t come around every day ma boychays, no.

It comes for 6 months at a time, MAXIMUM, so check it out before they close it after the flippin BUFF bouncers at the place take too much juice one night and by mistake kill a oke who asks where the toilet is in a KAK tone of voice.

See you BUFF ous and BELTERS there!



Nandos Fights Back Against Xenophobia

Nandos viralRacism has become a hot topic in the media recently. Hardly a day goes by without news stories being published that doesn’t touch on the subject of racism, whether it’s the Spear debacle or moronic models hurling racist slurs over Twitter.

Nandos, never being one to shy away from controversy, gives us some food for thought (see what I did there? BAZINGA!) with this new ad they’ve shot reminding us that we’re ALL foreigners in this crazy, mixed up country of ours.

Nandos has also teamed up with Cheesekids and is creating pop up soup kitchens in parts of SA that have been affected by Zenophobia. They’ve shot a brilliant call to action for that as well, which follows after the clip below:




Very cool ads from a company that isn’t afraid to use the best weapon we have against the hardships this country has been through and continues to go through: a sense of humour.

Because if we can laugh together, we can get through anything Winking smile

Nice one Nandos.



Friday Challenge – Guess These Close-Up Images

Looking-at-the-World-through-a-Microscope-snow2It’s Friday and I know as well as you do that you’re gonna spend the morning making sure you cover all your bases in the “working the bare minimum” department.

Come lunchtime you’re gonna grab a bite with some colleagues, then you’re gonna remember how loaded you are cause it’s pay day and celebrate with a few beers.

Fast forward to three hours later and you’re staggering back to work to kill time until you can go home without getting the hairy eyeball and THAT’S when you need to share this Friday challenge with EVERYONE YOU KNOW!

The following images are taken through an electron microscope and if you can guess what all 10 of these images depict, you are either a flippin GENIUS or a very creepy person who must please never read this site again.












There ya have it folks! Hit the comments section and see how many you can get right, I’ll announce what everything is at 4pm… (provided I’m not elbows-deep in the office bar).

Have a killer weekend party people! Happy Payday!