
It’s Legit, They’re turning Life Of Pi Into A Movie

life_of_pi_by_glueciferI really, really, really, really, really, really, hope whoever is writing, directing and producing the film adaptation of Life Of Pi does not fuck it up.

I only read Life Of Pi recently (I finished it about a week into January) and it had such a profound effect on me that I’ve had two dreams about that book since reading it.

Whenever I’m thirsty I think about that book. Whenever I’m looking at the sea I think about that book. Whenever I think about zoos or religion or tigers or God I think about that book. Dramatic as it sounds, that book changed my life.

I resisted reading it for years because generally when people go as batshit about a book as they did, and still do, for Life Of Pi it turns out to be formulaic garbage. Then again, if I had read it when it came out, I’m not sure I would have processed it in the same way I did reading it in my late 20s.

It cut me right down to my core. Reading the last 10 pages was one of the most emotionally gruelling literary experiences I’ve ever experienced. If you haven’t read it, do it before the movie comes out because there is no conceivable way the movie will be able to do this book any justice.

Here’s all that’s been released so far from the film:



Not really much to go on, I’ll post more if I find it.

In the meantime though, here’s one of my favourite things I ever found on the interwebs and no, it’s not some obscure band or random fail video, it’s a simple thank you letter:



It’s signed “Barack Obama” and I agree wholeheartedly with what he says.

I preferred the story with animals too.


4 Responses to “It’s Legit, They’re turning Life Of Pi Into A Movie”

  1. 1 Amy Taylor
    June 21, 2012 at 11:57 am

    So glad you enjoyed this! I enjoyed it more with animals as well. I read this in my matric year at school, and it resulted in my spending the next week in my bed, crying, with my 3 dogs and 3 cats in the room with me. More than slightly confused. I haven’t read it again – it disturbed and moved me so much that i felt once was enough. However after reading this post, and remembering the way in which it touched me (and obviously touched you) i think i will revisit it. Thanks. 🙂

    • June 22, 2012 at 9:31 am

      If I’s read it in matric I think I would have also shut myself in my bedroom with the cat, it’s heavy going at the end, but an incredible story, beautifully told.

      Thanks for the comment, good to connect 😉


  2. 3 Meghan
    September 4, 2012 at 7:24 pm

    I read this when it first came out – about 10 years ago? – and felt exactly the way you describe in this post. To this day, it is one of maybe 3 books that has moved me the most and I am still in love with the Richard Parker character. Now that I’m 33, I’m going to read it again and see if the experience has changed – this before the movie of course!

    • September 5, 2012 at 9:29 am

      Thanks for the comment Meghan – I think I’m also going to need about 10 years before I re-read this book, but even if I don’t re-read it I know it will stay with me always.
      That’s the power of a great story. All the right words carefully chosen and weighed, all strung together in perfect symmetry and scattered like seeds in the jungles of our minds.

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