Archive for March, 2012


The RIGHT way to shoot a Startup Video came across this startup video last night on Mashable that I thought I’d share with you crazy kids because the guy behind it, Michael Dubin deserves some recognition for his work.

Not only has the guy come up with a great idea for a startup business, but he’s managed to secure his first $1 million of funding to get his business off the ground.

How did he do it? Partly by busting his ass and working like a goddamn Trojan to make his dream a reality, and partly by shooting and acting in the following video which is all kinds of awesome.



What a total badass.

Call me fickle, easily impressionable, gullible and weak willed, but DAMN! I’d sign up for Dollar Shave Club in a second.

I mean, did you see the bear in that video?!

I rest my case.



The World’s Most Cliched Break-Up Lines Translated

breakupBreaking up is kak. Any way you spin it, it’s difficult to walk away from a person you’re emotionally invested in whether it’s casual or not.

But worse than that is trying to explain why things aren’t working out, which is why people always fall back on the time honoured “It’s not you, it’s me” break-up clichés.

But what do these overused lines actually mean? Our good friend the internet knows the answer to that question, and has tabulated the somewhat harsh results in the jpeg to follow. Apologies if on your internet travels you’ve seen these before, but here are the world’s most clichéd break-up lines translated. Eina.



No prizes for guessing the person who wrote that was probably recently dumped.

That’s a bit negative hey? What’s with all the negative posts these days – yesterday it was people riddled with cancer and today it’s break-up lines translated, not cool Slick. Not cool at all.

So to lighten things up a little, here are things men commonly say translated, courtesy of MIStupid:


Translated: "I’m going to drink myself dangerously stupid and stand by the ocean with a stick in my hand while the fish swim by in complete safety."

Translated: "There is no rational thought pattern connected with it, and you, as a woman, have no chance at all of making it logical".

Translated: "Why isn’t it already on the table?"

Translated: Absolutely nothing. It’s a conditioned response.

Translated: "I have no idea how it works."

Translated: "I was wondering if that redhead over there is wearing a bra."

Translated: "I can’t hear the game over the vacuum cleaner."

Translated: "Are you still talking?"

Translated: "I remember the theme song to ‘F Troop’, the address of the first girl I ever kissed and the year/make and model of every vehicle I’ve ever owned, but I forgot your birthday."

Translated: "The girl selling them on the corner was a real babe."

Translated: "I have actually severed a limb, but will bleed to death before admitting that it hurts or that I did it to myself."

Translated: "And I sure hope I think of some pretty soon."

Translated: "I looked in one likely spot and it didn’t fall into my outstretched hands, so I’m completely clueless as to where it is. I need you to use your intra-uterine radar and find it for me."

Translated: "What did you catch me at?"

Translated: "I haven’t the foggiest clue what you just said, and am hoping desperately that I can fake it well enough so that you don’t spend the next 3 hours yelling at me."

Translated: "I am used to the way you yell at me, and realize it could be worse." …OR… "But I could enjoy having sex with almost anyone between the ages of 18 and 50."

Translated: "Oh, Goodness, please don’t try on one more outfit, I’m starving and have to pee."

Translated: "It’s possible that no one will ever see us alive again."

Anyone remember getting the email a few years back with things women say translated? Hit me up on if you still have it.

As you were.



Siff Ciggy Warnings

cigswarningsSouth African smokers should count their lucky stars (strikes?) we don’t have graphic warnings on the cigarette boxes in this country.

Until that day comes, I say go wild! Light up and puff away in a happy little cloud of blue / grey smoke, blissfully unaware of what lies ahead for the pack-a-day smoker 40 years from now.

For our compadres in Thailand it’s a little more difficult to turn a blind eye to the damage smoking does because every box of cigarettes sold there looks like the editors of supplied the artwork.

Yeah. Probably don’t read the rest of this.

It wasn’t until we were in the duty free airport heading home that we actually got a good look at the cigarette boxes in Thailand.

Any Dunhill smokers out there? If this doesn’t make you quit nothing will…



What in the name of everything holy are they putting in the goddamn cigarettes over there?!

Are you telling me that just smoking did that to people? Wow. I feel ill.

And if smoking did do that, then surely at some point you must wake up and think to yourself, “Huh. I seem to have a freakishly large, oozing sore on the right hand side of my face that gets steadily worse every time I smoke. I’d better cut down a little…”

If nothing else, those pictures are a powerful testament to the self-destructive nature of addiction.

Forget what I said earlier. Let’s none of us get to that point, ok?

You’re all too damn ridiculously good-looking to go down that road.




Slicky-T Hits Up The 5Gum Experience, Has Face Melted Off

5GumThere are going to be a couple of these 5Gum posts sprouting up all over the interwebs and rightly so because the 5Gum Experience on Saturday was a textbook example of how to throw a KILLER party.

I only got back from Thailand last week and have a lot of shit occupying my soupy Tiger-brain at the moment, so I’d all but forgotten about the gig until Saturday morning.

I love surprises. Always have, always will. So I was totally fine with the venue for the gig being a big secret but holy shit, NOTHING could have prepared me for what the legends at 5Gum had organised for us.

But let’s start from the top shall we? Rewind to the Wednesday before I left for Thailand and my main man Mike SharMAEN comes ambling into our offices with a whole bunch of BELTER dancers who start doing the exact routine the dancers in the Two Door Cinema Club do in the “What You Know” video.



After that, he drops off a pair of SICK Skullcandy headphones along with every imaginable flavour of 5Gum (which is a great substitute for actual toothpaste if say you’re stuck on a long-haul flight to Bangkok and you packed your toiletries in your hold luggage like a douche) and tickets to watch Two Door Cinema Club play at a secret venue.

Fast forward to Saturday night and J-Rab and I are boarding a bus at the overflow parking next to Cape Town International and heading directly into the heart of what I’m pretty sure is Nyanga.

I pack a hip flask with scotch for occasions like these on the off chance that instead of the big surprise blowing my mind with atomic force, it makes a sound like a turtle farting and bashfully shuffles off in shame while I drink the place interesting.

No need for that though. Shit was about to melt faces.

We pull up to what looks like a derelict prison / abandoned textile factory in an area where I’m pretty sure people get stabbed with rusty screwdrivers for their shoes and everyone in the bus is saying the same thing: “No wonder they kept it a secret. No one would come otherwise.”



But deep down we were all intrigued and the minute we’d all stepped out the bus and were able to take our surroundings in properly, we quickly realised that the venue was like NOTHING we’d ever seen before.

I was lucky enough to attend the press conference before the show and the band straight up said they don’t think they’ll EVER play a venue like this again, which I thought was a nice thing to say, but probably total bullshit.



I now know that it was the honest-to-God truth.

I’ll be VERY surprised if they play a venue this sick again and I don’t mean that to sound like a slight to the band at all – it’s a compliment to the event organisers who deserve some kind of fucking trophy or something for finding that venue.

We arrived just before sunset, grabbed a couple of beers and headed to the stage where we were totally blown away by both the setup and the sound, which rang out clear as a bell in the awesome natural acoustics of what looked like an old warehouse.



The Plastics were the first band to take to the stage, a band I’ve only seen play live once before (that I can remember) but even that one time, I remember being seriously impressed by their performance.

Their set on Saturday was nothing short of brilliant. They’re like a re-imagined version of early Arctic Monkeys meets The Kooks with enough of their own flavour to keep things interesting.

I dig the way they switch tempos effortlessly mid-song, rocking the indie / stoner rock vibes like a buncha pros.

I’ll definitely keep an eye out for them in future, I’m fucking ashamed I haven’t latched onto them sooner. Christ what an asshole.

After that I hit up the VIP tent with The MAEN, slammed some tequila and avoided security at all costs because The MAEN snuck me in there and they were eyeing me like they were measuring me for a coffin.



After that we hit a bit of a low-point, the only one of the entire evening.

J-Rab started feeling hungry. So we found the only place selling food, a tiny pizza caravan, and joined the back of the queue.

Two minutes passed and we didn’t move an inch, which was about all the patience I had at that point. I took a sneaky stroll right to the front of the queue, conveniently ran into a friend of mine waiting there and slipped in.

Before the people who were waiting in that queue go hating on me because I did what all of you wanted to, I’d like to point out that even though I did that, I still missed pretty much an hour of the show and didn’t see Ashtray Electric at all.

So I suffered too, ok? Although the rumours going around were that some people waited for 3 hours in that same queue.

What the fuck guys. Never wait for that long in a queue for ANYTHING. You’re better than that. Just brave the dirty looks and make a bee-line for the front. We aren’t cattle fer chrissake!

We ate our pizza just in time to get back to the main stage for Two Door Cinema Club’s set and all I can say is wow. I honestly never thought it was possible for a band to breathe that much life and fucking energy into a live performance.



Their album is good (Tourist History), it’s got some great hooks and is solid, dancey indie that has just enough substance to stay fresh a good couple of listens down the line.

But when that band takes that material to the stage all of a sudden the album starts to come alive in ways you could never imagine.

The chorous of “Come Back Home Home” hit like a haymaker, the crowd swelled and surged like an ocean during “Undercover Martyn” as we all screamed “To the basement people! To the basement!” and when they unleashed “I Can Talk” during the encore, the raw energy all around us reverberated through the busted concrete factory with the kind of intensity that would have brought the walls down if they were still standing.



What was also so great was how humble the band was throughout. Frontman Alex Trimble seemed genuinely happy to be there and was loving every second of the gig which I think was a refreshing change from other international acts that have played in front of SA audiences looking bored to tears.

When it was all over, I staggered outta that ruined factory feeling pretty ruined myself. I was totally spent, my muscles aching from how crazy I went during the show, my veins pumping cheap whisky and burned out adrenaline and my mind retreating into a warm, contented fog, satisfied that the evening couldn’t possibly have ended any better.



To Mike SharMAEN and the gang at 5Gum, I salute you. It’s gonna take one helluva event to top that show and I will personally chew my way through 100 miles of your gum for another experience like that.

Group hug.



The Tiger Survives Thailand

Thailand1Wattup party people!

It’s been way too long since my last post but that’s because I’ve been in THAILAND, soaking up the sunshine, drinking ice-cold coconuts and playing “spot the ladyboy” on Bangla Road.

See, last year J-Rab and I won a travel voucher worth R20 000 from Nandos which we initially thought was just for Africa, but later found out was for anywhere in the world.

So we bought a 7 night stay at the Kata Palm Beach Resort in Phuket, jumped on a plane Monday a week ago and began what turned out to be the SICKEST holiday we’ve ever had.



Phuket is a jungle paradise. It’s surrounded by 32 islands and a turquoise ocean that is not only crystal clear but sits at a balmy 28 degrees, making it warm enough that you can float around for hours and cool enough that if you dive down deep you can escape the sweltering heat that blazes relentlessly, making everyone shiny with a permanent sheen of sweat.

From the minute we stepped out of the airport until the minute we boarded the plane to leave again, is was literally boiling hot. It rained once when we were driving back to the airport, otherwise everyday was an average of 32 degrees and so humid it felt like you were walking around in an oven.

It was glorious! You basically just move from one body of water to the next – ocean, hotel swimming pool, cold shower, ocean again – while your skin gets visibly browner with each day.



So yeah, it’s a jungle paradise, the weather is SICK, the beaches are stunning and it’s ridiculous how much there is to see and do. The only one slight drawback though is how many millions and millions of tourists and just people in general are packed onto Phuket.

Because of this, at any given time, the place is sheer chaos. Everything from the anarchic roads to the seemingly haphazard way the whole of Phuket is built exudes this vibe of infectious craziness and energy that sparks in the air and makes you feel ALIVE, BROTHER!

It’s madness. Just take a 20 minute stroll down a road in Kata and you’ll be offered 9 tuk-tuk rides, 12 Thai massages, 6 suits (so random), 7 banana pancakes and 4 coconuts.



You’ll see easily 100 scooters zipping along the roads and 200 sunburned tourists ambling aimlessly looking ugly and bored shitless (there are exceptions to every rule, but generally I hated the shit out of the other tourists. Overweight, old and bored-looking, I wanted to slap them upside the head and be like, “Smile you goddamn miserable pricks! You’re in paradise!”).

I don’t really know where to start writing about our experience in Phuket, so I think I’ll just let the pictures do the talking instead.





















Besides the 900+ pics we took, I also filmed about two hours of random, crazy shit that I’m hoping to cut up into a Tiger Life video (yeah, remember those?) which will give you guys a much better sense of what we got up to.

If you haven’t been to Thailand already, for God’s sake get your shit together and go there. Once your flights and accomodation are taken care of, it’s dirt cheap once you land there. Save up R5k and it will easily last you a week in Phuket.

Hope you enjoyed the pics. Now back to work ya lazy bum!